My Life / His Way. Gloria Florette Vogel. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gloria Florette Vogel
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781624076992
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arrived, we were told he was having a cat scan and was in a coma. I asked Cheryl to call her father as he should be informed on what was happening. He did come, stayed for maybe ten minutes and left without even speaking to me. Cheryl had seen the gurney Frankie was brought in on and told me not to go as it was not a pretty sight. It was covered with blood.

      When the doctor came to speak to me, he told me Frankie had very serious head injuries and if he maked it through the coma he would be a vegetable, that is, if he lived. Hearing those words I thought the inside of my body was going to explode. I hurt so bad and just wanted to scream and run. My mind went wild with fright. The enemy was doing his best to take over my soul, spirit and mind. Well this mother was not taking a doctor’s word or let the enemy take over as I already have the word of the Lord that tells me in Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. I was praying from 1:30am until 7:00am. Finally, I asked the Lord, “Please give me a confirmation that Frankie would be alright.” Within a half hour a nurse came up to me and said that he was starting to come out of the coma. I said I wanted to go in and see him. She told me I couldn’t. No one ever tells a mother she cannot see her son or daughter, whichever applies. I believe I did not say this in a very gentle manner when I told her, “I want to go and see my son.” I needed to see with my own eyes that he was breathing. I guess she knew I meant business as her remark was, “A priest will have to come with you.” My answer to that was, “I don’t care who comes with me, I want to see my son!” When I went into the room Frankie was lying on the bed. He looked like an angel so calm and quiet. His eyelids were fluttering. When I approached him I said out of nowhere, “Frankie, when you get better I am going to smack you.” He looked up at me and smiled and I knew that was God’s way of telling me he understood what I said and he was going to be alright. Frankie was in the hospital for a month. Those injuries included a blood clot on the brain stem, a smashed jaw and his teeth were pushed down into his lower jaw. It left him with short term memory problem, and his left eye had nerve damage; it could go up, down and towards his nose but could not move to the left. Not a bone was broken in any other area except for the jaw. At the scene, paramedics had to do a tracheotomy; as he was choking on his own blood and was having difficulty breathing.

      On the way to the hospital, his heart stopped beating two times. The medics in the ambulance resuscitated him twice to keep him alive. During his stay in the hospital, he developed a respitory infection which also came upon me. That took me very quickly to my doctor for an antibiotic; I could not afford to get sick and not be at my son’s side.

      A couple weeks later, I received a call from the policeman who found him at the scene of the accident. He asked me if my maiden name was Vogel. I said “Yes.” He then told me his name, Dick Rollinson. I went to grammer and high school with Dick. Dick told me he was on duty and found my son and was wondering how he was doing. After giving him all the info, he told me it was the worse accident he had ever seen during his career. Frankie had been thrown fifty feet from the crash sight with a lit cigarette in his hand. Also Dick said that he did not expect Frankie to make it. This is just so incredible as Frankie did not have his seat belt on. His car hit a tree, the door opened and he flew out. The car continued on a path that hit a telephone pole and then went up another tree which split the car in half. This is a rare situation as if he had his seat belt on, he would not have been thrown out of the car and his head would have been decapitated. Debris from this accident was found two hundred and fifty feet from impact. Boy was God busy that evening watching over my son.

      Two of Frankie’s closest friends Mike and Brett went to where the car was towed to get his belongings for me. They told me not to go there as it was an unbelievable sight. His buddies were always there visiting and encouraging him and me. It was really tough on them to see Frankie lying in bed not being able to walk or talk. Frankie was the one that his buddies admired; as he’s so lively and fun to be around. Watching twenty year old young men cry at his bedside was very emotional for me to observe. They could not understand my calmness as the Lord already showed me he was going to be healed. (Brett always looked up to Frankie and thank God before he passed away he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior around 2002 at my condo in Florida while visiting me).

      No one was very positive about a full recuperation for my son; even those who were born again believers had told me they did not feel he would make it. Wow, ye of little faith. Those Doubting Thomases. John 20:25 (KJV) the other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But Thomas said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

      The Lord really blessed Frankie with a job at Sikorsky Aircraft before he even graduated from Texas Aero Tech in Dallas, Texas; which is a helicopter school. They needed a person with his degree that was required by the Navy’s contract to fulfill their order to Sikorsky Aircraft for an inspector on the 53E Helicopter. He was working not even a full four months when this accident occurred. All the bills were completely paid for by the insurance he received upon his employment. What favor Frankie was blessed with.

      Singing Grace Healing Ministries was having a healing service at the high school. I took Frankie. His eye still was not healed. He had lost so much weight that the only kind of pants he could wear was sweat pants as they had an elastic waist. We both went up in line to get prayed over. She came to me first and I was *Slain in the Spirit. When I got up I saw Frankie lying down as he too was Slain in the Spirit. I went back to my seat to wait for him. A young girl who was sitting next to my son said to me when she came back to her seat, “You know that fellow who is with you?” I said, “Yes that is my son.” She then told me that she too felt his healing. What a wonderful thing to hear as for her to feel his healing, it had to have been extremely powerful. As His Word tells us in Revelation 7:12 Blessing and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.

      The next morning Frankie is yelling, “Mom, Mom”, I am saying to myself, oh what now, I do not think I could take anything else to go wrong. I said, “What is it Frankie?” He is all excited and loudly telling me, “I can see! I can see!” I said excitedly, “You can?” He said, “Yes.” I became completely beside myself as I was so happy and said to him, “Do you want to go drive my car?” “Yes, I want to drive.” I had heard somewhere along my life’s path that a person who gets into an accident should get right back into driving as soon as possible so they do not become afraid to drive again. Because we lived in the country, I let him drive the back roads and he did great. All this brings me to Isaiah 58:9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. The Lord was my pillar of strength throughout this entire time that lasted one month in the hospital and three months of him going for rehabilitation. They were not too happy at the Rehab Center that I let him drive; but I knew I did the right thing. How Great Is Our God!

      *Slain in the Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit. This miraculous power causes you to fall onto the floor. It is similar to fainting in the sense that you do not have any control over what is going on. The force is so strong there are times you literally cannot move or get up. During this holy experience the Lord does some of His finest healings and changes in people. To a Christian, it is a cherished and blessed time that we spend in HIS presence.

      Chapter 6


      In 1964 soon after my third child was born, they put me in the hospital. The pain I had on the right side of my stomach was excruciating; I could hardly walk or stand up. My doctor thought I was having a severe case of appendicitis and that it was on the verge of bursting. When tests results returned, I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. I was in the hospital less than a week as they needed to defeat the infection and get me strong enough to be able to come home to take care of my family.

      The second time this occurred was in 1991, I was going to a different doctor. Dr. Kon was afraid that it was my appendix and wanted me to go and have a colonoscopy. I tried to tell him that this had happened before and it was my colon. He was not about to take any chances or believe my word. He made arrangements for me to go to the hospital to have a colonoscopy. The results were that it was not