The Fatherless Father. Reco Inc. McDaniel. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reco Inc. McDaniel
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780988734210
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my body and feet. She would take on another job to make sure I had name-brand clothes like Duck Head, Levi, Guess Jeans, and Izod. I even remember when she bought me the Cross Color shorts that the young rap group Kris Kross used to wear. Each school year, she made sure that I had what I needed. It was almost as though she predicted greatness for me and wanted to ensure I had all the necessary things that would get me to my goal of success. I don’t think I ever owned a pair of Jordans, but I had what I needed. My mother did her best with what she had. I couldn’t ask for more than that.

      When I reflect on what I was going through during that time, I understand that there are countless children and mothers that are going through those same types of situations. Think of all the women throughout history that decided they wouldn’t let a fatherless home handicap their children and gave their offspring all they could when they could. That’s love. That is the kind of selfless, unconditional love that many women around the world decide to give, even when they know it will drain them financially, emotionally, and mentally. They do it because they know they must; they do it because it is in their hearts.

      My advice to individuals who are not going through these challenges is to reach out to others who are living in fatherless homes and see how you can help them prosper and how you can help lift them up. Whether you’re living in a two-parent household or it’s just you and your child, remember that we all need help in this journey through life. No one, I repeat, NO ONE should be too proud to receive a helping hand from someone else. This is how many successful projects and business deals are completed in the real world: Person A consults with Person B, Person B gives his opinion by mapping out the pros and cons of each choice, and then after a great deal of thought, Person A makes a decision. This also happens in your everyday life. Trying to make a large family dinner? You ask your son to help you in the kitchen. Trying to decide whether or not a man would be a positive influence in your life? You ask your sister for her opinion of his character. Not sure whether you should end a friendship with a classmate? You go to your mom for help. We should never be afraid to branch out on our own, but it also helps to have a valuable opinion from a quality person to help you along the way.

      Finally, it’s important to remember, if you are ever faced with the decision to parent on your own, whether or not by your own volition, you’re really never alone. I want to end this chapter with a story about a Cherokee Indian boy and his father. The boy’s father told his son that for him to become a man, he would have to participate in a test that all Indian boys have to go through to become a man. Each boy that transitioned into becoming a man that had passed this test could not share it with the other Indian boys. The boy was told that his father would take him far out into the woods away from the village. After they arrived in the woods, the father would blindfold the boy and have him sit on a stump. After he was blindfolded, the father would leave and go back to the village, and the boy would have to remain sitting on the stump the entire night by himself. The boy could not take the blindfold off or leave in order for him to make this transition.

      After arriving deep in the woods, the boy was blindfolded, the father left, and then night finally came. While sitting there, the boy heard all types of noises. Was that an animal that could attack him? Is that the sound of another Indian from another tribe that could kill him? These questions ran through the young boy’s mind, but he had to keep the blindfold on. Hours passed, and eventually, the boy felt the sunshine from the next day on his skin; he could see the brightness peek through the covering over his eyes. When he took the blindfold off of his eyes, he was surprised to see something: his father sitting across from him. Apparently, his father had sat out in the woods with his son the entire night, protecting him and making sure no harm came to him.

      The moral of the story is that as we travel through this journey called life, just like the Indian boy, we are never alone; God is always by our side and protecting us. So, it is extremely important to remember that just because we can’t see God, it doesn’t mean he’s not there.

      God is always with us in the brightest of days and the darkest of nights. There’s a saying that we should “walk by faith, and not by sight,” and this is something that is true and that we all should remember. Whatever challenges we face in life, we are never alone. He wants to see us achieve all of our desires and all of our goals, and he is always with us as we continue this journey.

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