Chin Up Girl!!!!!. Joseph LPN Dillard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph LPN Dillard
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456603496
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      -----Original Message-----

      From: Joseph

      To: Jenny

      Sent: Mon, 16 Mar 2:45 pm

      Subject: RE: Thinking About You - 24 Hours


      It's great to hear from you. No, I am not getting you wrong. Just because we are blessed does not mean we do not or cannot want more. God is a god of more and more and more than enough, so I am right there with you. Also, I try not to judge. Everyone is an individual and wears different shoes. What is for you is for you. Your desires and my desires are different but God is big enough to handle and fulfill them all.

      I am doing well. Lately, I had been a little discouraged about my business. I was wondering when I am going to get paid for what I do and get paid the way I want to get paid. However, that was temporary. We all have to go through a process. I still believe God knows right where I am and has big plans for me to do what I love doing and make provision for me. He is already making provision for my family; I just want more in the area of my business. I am encouraged. Personally, I am doing well. I have struggles and challenges that kick my butt from time to time but I feel pretty good about where I am regarding that area of my life. I am so grateful. Marriage is going well. We continue to love each other and overcome challenges that sometimes divide us temporarily and threaten to destroy us. Nevertheless, our love and commitment prevail. It's not easy but it works, and I am grateful for a woman who loves me very much and a woman I love enough to keep working on me and us. I am very proud of my children. I love them and appreciate them. My daughter is doing well at Lake Forest College. My oldest son just received another scholarship from the University of Missouri. We are believing that his college education will be paid for 100%. We are not that far away. Our youngest son is distracted and a bit social when it comes to school, but he is a very good and loving kid. We continue to search for the best ways to parent him. We're not giving up because he is too important to us.

      I am so believing God for you and with you. I am not sure when it is going to happen, but I believe it will. Please be prepared for a miracle and/or miracles from God. He can and will do anything. I did not realize you did not have that special someone in your life. Nevertheless, I will be praying in that area too. I know that God will give us the desires of our heart, if we trust in Him. I can see your business growing. I believe you already have what a larger clientele would appreciate. I'm not an expert but I know that I like what I see in your business. God knows and feels your heart. Whether you want to move to your family or you want them to move to you, I pray that He knows what is best and will do it in His time according to His will and your desire.

      Wow! This is longer than I expected. It is always good to hear from you. I will lay these requests before God every day and lift them up to Him as I pray for you. Take care, be encouraged, and keep the faith. Take care of yourself. Peace.


      To: Joseph

      Subject: Re: Thinking About You - 24 Hours

      Date: Mon, 16 Mar 17:14:14 -0400

      From: Jenny

      I so appreciate you. You are so encouraging! I especially love what you have to say about your wife and your marriage. You should be a preacher! To clarify, I have been dating a nice guy going on about 5 years. However, our moral values don't seem to match up. Yep, other women (his seemingly inability to say no to them). I never have to worry about him being out with others but I know he has been with them behind closed doors. My constant issue is .... if you are doing something behind my back that you can't do in front my face you are not an honest person. He has done that and it has truly destroyed my trust for him. So, for that reason I don't believe he is the man for me.

      Thanks for your heart.... I treasure our friendship.


      -----Original Message-----

      From: Joseph

      To: Jenny

      Sent: Mon, 16 Mar 4:04 pm

      Subject: RE: Thinking About You - 24 Hours

      Thank you so much and you're very welcome! We’re a couple who has been through something and continues to be committed to making our marriage work. We're just two people who know that we have to choose to love each other freely each and every day and work to put self aside so we can move forward and enjoy each other's love.

      I'm glad you know where you stand with your guy. At least you can make a decision based on what you know instead of being in the dark. That is so important. If you want my opinion, let me know. I will not offer it regarding this unless you ask.

      I really appreciate you and our friendship. As I have said before, you know you're my girl! I'm here anytime - for real. We've known each other for a long time, and I'm glad our friendship and trust has grown as the years have gone by. You're a wonderful person. Much love.


      P.S. I am a minister. I knew I was called for years but just accepted my calling about three years ago. I realized that God called me because of who I am, not who I think I should be. I thought He made a mistake but now I know that I have something to share with somebody who can identify with my life, challenges, message, etc. My life and story may not be for everybody, but I know that it is for somebody. I want to be available to be a blessing to those who cross my path. That's what it is all about to me.

      -----Original Message-----

      From: Joseph Dillard

      To: Joseph Dillard

      Sent: Sun, 29 Mar 10:26 pm

      Subject: Prayer

      How are you doing? I am writing for two reasons. First, to thank you for your prayer request. I am so grateful and honored that you shared and trusted me with your request. It was great to hear from you. Second, I want you to know that I have prayed for you and your request 12 of the last 14 days (for some reason Saturdays have been somewhat of a struggle with a lot going on; nevertheless, I pick up where I left off on Sundays.

      If you are willing, I would love for you to share with me any changes/blessings/miracles, great or small, that you have seen or experienced in your life. Whether or not you share, I know that blessings are headed your way. Take care of yourself, keep the faith, and enjoy life.

      God bless you!


      To: Joseph

      Subject: Re: Prayer

      Date: Mon, 30 Mar 15:47:08 -0400

      From: Jenny

      Of course I will let you know of any changes. Thank you sooooooo much.

      Love ya!


      -----Original Message-----

      From: Joseph

      To: Jenny

      Sent: Mon, 30 Mar 3:51 pm

      Subject: RE: Prayer

      I'm expecting great things for you. You're very welcome

      Take care and keep smiling.


      [Sometimes when we are able to share who we are, it allows others to share who they are. There is something to be said about transparency and how much you share and to whom you share. You should listen to people to determine how willing they are to share their “wounds”. If they are not willing to open up about their situation, then it probably is best not to share too much because it will not benefit their situation. The purpose of sharing is to strengthen and to encourage. It is not to divulge information that could be harmful to you or the person to whom you are sharing.

      Nevertheless, one of the most valuable “tools” you can have is a listening ear. A lot of the time people just want to talk and to be heard. We have a lot going on inside and if we can share with someone we trust and