Chin Up Girl!!!!!. Joseph LPN Dillard. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph LPN Dillard
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456603496
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      Chin Up Girl!!!!!


      Joseph Dillard

      foreword by

      Emilie McKendall

      Copyright 2011 Joseph Dillard,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0349-6

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      When relationships are mentioned many thoughts, feelings, images and emotions come to mind.

      Not to mention the multitude of questions. As a media person I can tell you I have conducted numerous interviews and held seminars about relationships. Many authors have written books on how to catch the “perfect” mate and have the “perfect” marriage. However, no one seems to have the “perfect” answer.

      As the host of my weekly talk show, "Emilie & Friends", I have moderated several conversations about topics ranging from politics to education to empowerment to relationships to religion and to business. By far, the most popular topics with my listeners were those dealing with relationships between men and women. What makes this such an exciting topic? We seek psychics and also map our astrological charts in search of our soul mate. But are we any closer to an answer or a solution? Is it all part of a mystical spiritual journey? What is the purpose and why is love the one area no matter nationality, race, religion, creed or sexual preference we all long to have?

      I met Joseph Dillard over 15 years ago when he was a bank manager in Chicago. He appreciated my loyal business, and I appreciated his personal service. When I walked into the bank that day I had my son with me. I was most impressed by the pictures Joseph had on his desk - family pictures, wife and children and it warmed my heart. In addition to a business relationship we began to talk about the importance of family. When he changed banks, I followed him yes, because of good service, but also because there was this spiritual aspect to him. He appeared genuine in helping his community in addition to being a family man. When Joseph and his family moved to Minnesota, we kept in touch. He would always tell me about his children's achievements (which are numerous) and his wife's many activities. As he spoke I could visualize the smile on his face and feel his pride. We are both spiritual beings so his words would always resonate with me as I continue on my journey. Every conversation ended with the uplifting phrase, "Keep smiling!"

      This book allows you to peek into the lives of two friends who have several conversations about life and love. There is some pain and there is also some hope. I believe you will be able to relate to this story. You may smile and you may even cry. I think you will definitely be encouraged and inspired. Nobody guarantees that life will be easy. In fact, sometimes it can seem almost unbearable. One thing I do believe is that we draw people into our lives to teach us in areas where we are weak. Though relationships may come and go, each teaches us a life lesson no matter how happy or sad. And we are in others’ lives for the same purpose. Life is a spiritual endeavor with choices and the best choice you can ever make is to realize and to know that tomorrow gives you another chance and God’s mercy and manna is sufficient in every moment. Enjoy this book and share it with friends. You'll be glad you did. Have a rainbow day.

      Emilie McKendall


      What do love, loss, heartache and friendship have to do with prayer? Keep reading and you will discover how all of these things tie together in one woman’s intriguing story. You won’t want to put this book down until you’re finished reading the entire story.

      A few years ago my pastor decided to have a 24 hour prayer chain that would begin 28 days before Easter and end at midnight on the Saturday night before Easter. Instead of asking members of my congregation for their prayer requests, I decided to send an email to friends and family around the country to ask if they had any needs that they would like me to pray for during the 28 days of the 24 hour prayer chain. I was excited and overwhelmed by the results.

      Although I asked out of concern, I honestly did not think that I would be taken up on my offer. However, every person emailed a request back to me which I prayed for during that time and continue to pray for today. The requests ranged from prayer for relationships, foreclosure situations, children, comfort, finances, increased faith, illness, guidance and increased business/employment. One prayer request led to regular correspondence, a deepening friendship and a life changing transformation.

      We do not always know what we are asking for when we make a request, rather we do not know what we are going to get. However, one thing is for sure – prayer changes things! Read this account of personal emails to witness how a prayer request changed a woman’s life. It was not as simple as “naming it and claiming it.” Sometimes we have to go through something to get what we want.

      This book is based on real life events. Some names and other identifying information have been changed to protect the identities and privacy of those involved.

      “weeping may endure for a night,

      but joy cometh in the morning.”

      Psalms 30:5b (KJV)

      1. Request for Prayer

      -----Original Message-----

      From: Joseph Dillard

      To: Joseph Dillard

      Sent: Sun, 15 Mar 11:20 pm

      Subject: Thinking About You - 24 Hours

      How are you doing? I hope that all is well. I am writing to you because beginning Sunday Night/Monday Morning March 16th at midnight my church is beginning a 24 hour prayer chain that will last until Saturday Night April 11th at midnight (the day before Easter). That means that someone will be praying every hour for a total of 672 hours from now until the day before Easter.

      I am writing to you because you came to my mind. Although I pray for you often, I am wondering if you have a specific need for which you would like prayer. You do not have to tell me exactly what the specific need is unless you want to. Just respond any time during the next 28 days and ask me to pray for your need. I will agree with you in prayer every day during this time.

      I am expecting blessings and miracles for you and your family.

      God bless you!


      [We all have friends and loved ones whom we think about. We all have requests and needs that are bigger than ourselves. When you are concerned or worried and do not know what to do, try prayer. Prayer can go where we cannot go. And if practiced correctly, prayer can give us a peace that everything is going to be alright.]

      2. Prayer Request

      To: Joseph

      Subject: Re: Thinking About You - 24 Hours

      Date: Mon, 16 Mar 12:39:52 -0400

      From: Jenny

      Hey Joseph............

      I have so many requests!!!! Wanting my business to grow .... would love to have a special someone in my life who cherishes/loves me as I them and of course my family. I would love to have them all together in the same city with me so that I may be a part of their lives. Out of all ....... the latter is the most important to me. However, please do not misunderstand I have a wonderful life with no complaints ... I do believe God has His hand on me. How are you doing?
