I Love You, Goodbye. Prentiss Sr. Grant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Prentiss Sr. Grant
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602789
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crushed at one point. Harrison grabbed the side of the table to steady himself. Mr. Davidson placed his hand on Harrison’s. “I know it is difficult to view but if it’s any comfort it usually is an indication she died instantly without suffering.” It was no comfort. Harrison’s knuckles were white and the table shook as his hands trembled. A single tear rolled down Harrison’s face. With every ounce of strength he could find Harrison released the table and turned, thanking Mr. Davidson as he walked back out the doors.

      As Harrison headed toward the front door of the funeral home, Mr. Davidson caught up with him and tried to explain that he would need to speak with Harrison once Mary’s body was returned from the county. Harrison never acknowledged his presence nor slowed his pace. At the front door of the funeral home, Mr. Davidson realized his efforts were futile and stated he would contact Harrison at the proper time. Harrison never stopped, continuing his path towards his car. Once in the car, Harrison could not hold back his emotions any longer. He sat in the parking lot with tears streaming down his face. His hands began trembling again so uncontrollably he had to hold on to the steering wheel just to steady them. Sitting there, he thought to himself he was not going to make it through this. But then how could anyone prepare for the unknown events which had assaulted Harrison? He needed security at this time and knew where he needed to go to find it.

      Elizabeth Blaine stood nervously by her office door waiting for Harrison’s arrival. Whenever someone would come down the hall she would momentarily hide behind the door as they walked past only to return as soon as it was safe. She was nearly caught when a co-worker came in to see if Elizabeth wanted to join her for lunch. Elizabeth refused, saying she had work which needed to be completed. Elizabeth wasn’t concerned about work today. The truth was she couldn’t leave until Harrison arrived and she knew he was all right. Even with all Harrison was going through she knew he would come into the office. Work was his power source. Harrison got his strength from the deals made and companies he built and destroyed. Money was the blood that ran through Harrison’s veins. Harrison was the modern day gladiator who was only at home in the coliseum.

      Elizabeth, or Liz as he referred to her, had been Harrison’s secretary for the past two years. As a girl in her early twenties, Elizabeth was not viewed as a threat when she entered the company. Her dress was a little risqué but not problematic. Skirts shorter than the norm and low cut blouses might have been frowned upon except they fit Elizabeth’s figure. Her legs were not exceedingly long and she was not voluptuous so she was not viewed as trying to use her body to gain an advantage. She began as a temp when Harrison’s regular secretary took maternity leave. Realizing the opportunity given her, Elizabeth worked hard and Harrison immediately recognized her potential. When his regular secretary returned Harrison created a second position for Elizabeth. No one in the company gave a second thought to Harrison’s decision, as he was a workaholic and needed more than one person to keep up with him. Liz filled her new position perfectly. Without a family she was able to work the hours Harrison liked to keep. Her willingness to go the extra mile made her a valuable asset to Harrison. Her presence did not even bother Harrison’s first secretary upon her return. Going back to work and finding that regular hours were all that was required again was a blessing following the birth of a child.

      Harrison and Liz’s relationship grew slowly, playfully at first. She would smile at him as she came into his office. Harrison would usually be elbow deep in work, but he always looked up and down Liz’s curvatious little frame as she entered. She was, after all, twenty-two and to a man of forty she represented all his desires. Liz liked the attention and quickly became infatuated with Harrison. His powerful demeanor and confidence in high-pressure situations mesmerized her. After months of this cat and mouse relationship, each knew it would eventually progress to the next level though neither said anything. Liz made the first move one night when she and Harrison were working late. Entering his office dressed in her usual attire, Harrison remarked how her skirt went so well with her blond hair and skin color. Suddenly and without warning Liz lifted her skirt to reveal black lace panties. She held her skirt long enough for Harrison to see her flat abdomen and shapely hips. Harrison was clearly stunned by this bold action. Liz smiled as she released her skirt, turned and walked out of the office. She giggled softly to herself with the knowledge that she had finally stunned the ever “in control” Mr. Harrison Michaels.

      Harrison and Liz had no problem keeping their affair a secret. Harrison was not a socialite within the company. While he was pleasant to everyone in the company, his was a world of business and everyone in his employ knew so. Also, Harrison traveled a lot and on many trips would take Liz with him to assist at meetings. This was not a new event, as Harrison had often taken someone from his office on certain business meetings. The person would usually be chosen based upon the project Harrison was working on. Only now Elizabeth was that person because she took over assisting Harrison on all projects. Harrison had never let his own marriage intrude into his business world. Mary made few visits to the office and those were usually on behalf of her charities. To the others, Harrison and Mary’s interactions at the office were strictly professional. No one in the office even considered Harrison to be romantically inclined. Elizabeth was different. She immediately saw Harrison’s gentler side. On their trips she noticed Harrison smiling at couples walking down the street hand in hand or the look on his face when he stared out the car window at a beautiful sunset. At the office and in meetings she was extremely professional. But Liz was quick to know when and where to transform from secretary to lover. Today she was neither. She was Harrison’s friend. All she desired was to be there for him in his time of need. Unfortunately she didn’t know how to fulfill this desire given Harrison’s lack of need for her or anyone else when it came to himself personally. Still Elizabeth’s resolve was the same, to be here for Harrison for as long as he allowed.

      When Harrison entered the lobby of his building, the talking immediately stopped and all eyes were fixed upon him. Several of the people standing around ducked and walked quietly away. Even the security guard who always said good morning was at a loss for words. All he could do was look down at his station and pretend to be busy. Harrison didn’t notice the stares as he quickly crossed the reception area and entered an elevator. His mind was not on the present; it was suspended in the past. His only thoughts were of Mary at the funeral home and his only need was to get to the sanctity of his office. There he would be safe. The other passengers on the elevator did not know whether to stay or leave when Harrison entered, but before a decision could be made Harrison had pushed the button for the thirty-sixth floor and the doors began to close. As the doors slowly closed one could envision on their faces the looks of the remaining passengers when the Titanic went down.

      When the elevator stopped on his floor Harrison stepped out. The elevator was still full of people, as the remaining passengers had not departed when the elevator had reached their floors. It was as if they were frozen in place. In the reception area Harrison found his office staff huddled at the receptionist desk in conversation. “I heard there is an investigation and the D.A. has ordered an autopsy.” The words hung in the air like a thick fog. “Back to work!” Elizabeth’s words were sharp and effective. She was coming down the hall at a rapid pace and didn’t hesitate to come to Harrison’s aid. As the employees scattered Elizabeth walked up to Harrison. Remaining professional she kept a distance between herself and Harrison. “I have taken care of everything. You will not be disturbed today.” Then she took his arm and guided him to his office.

      Once inside Harrison’s office Elizabeth remained cautious to keep her distance. Now was not the time to state even her feelings to Harrison. Harrison sat behind his desk and stared blankly out the window. “You know the police think there’s been foul play?” Harrison said, never looking directly at her. “I’ve heard rumors but didn’t want to ask,” she replied as she slid into a chair across from him. “I had to okay an autopsy just in case she was drugged or something. Can you believe that? That someone would have drugged her prior to running her off the road.” Harrison turned to directly face her. “I don’t believe it. I think Jeffrey Taylor is finding out whether she was drinking. But why would he give a damn whether she was drinking?” Elizabeth just sat quietly looking at Harrison. She knew from many discussions with him when he wanted an answer and when he was using her as a sounding board. “If that son-of-a-bitch does anything to smear Mary’s name I’ll make sure he regrets the day he was born.” Elizabeth waited a moment