I Love You, Goodbye. Prentiss Sr. Grant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Prentiss Sr. Grant
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602789
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entry into the gym was unnoticed by Mary, although several other girls adjusted their tops accordingly. His timing was impeccable as he reached the second stationary bike in the row seconds before her. Her look quickly let him know he had trespassed upon her property. Harrison quietly and politely relinquished the machine and took the next one. It was a calculation Harrison made about Mary’s personality and showed his ability to understand the nature of people. He knew from his reconnaissance Mary was passionate about her workout. He also studied the regulars in the gym prior to his maneuver and discovered they basically claimed certain machines as their own and guarded their property fiercely. Harrison smiled slightly that his keen sense of people was on target with Mary. As they both began pedaling he neither spoke nor looked at her. If Mary even thought this was an intentional meeting she would run like a scared rabbit.

      It was difficult for him to maintain the pace Mary set on her bike but he did so without outwardly screaming in pain. Harrison had not felt his legs burn so badly in his life. It wasn’t that he was out of shape. Quite the contrary, Harrison was one of those few young men who didn’t have to exercise to look good. While never looking directly at her, Harrison kept a close eye on the settings of her machine. Mary, on the other hand, found herself completely distracted by this handsome man next to her. That he was oblivious to the fact she was alive just added to the attraction. When they had finished Harrison got off the bike and smiled at Mary before he moved to a machine on the other side of the room. Mary watched as he began his next exercise and only realized she was still on the exercise bike when she heard a not so subtle “ahem” from a man standing next to her. Startled she quickly returned to her routine.

      When Mary found Harrison sitting at her favorite table in the library the next day her smile told him his mission was nearing completion. “Is anyone sitting here?” she asked while looking down at the top of the table. “No, please have a seat. By the way, my name is Harrison Michaels.” “Mary, Mary Richards.” “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Richards.” The two of them sat quietly pretending to study for over an hour until Harrison began packing up his books. His patience was incredible but he was always in control, especially when he was going after something he wanted. And he had already decided he wanted Mary. When he was just about to leave he quietly leaned toward her and whispered, “would you like to join me for coffee at O’Hares?” “I, uh, yes.” Mary’s reply was barely audible.

      O’Hares was a quaint little coffee house across the street from the college. Most of the business and finance majors hung out there. They would drink coffee until around seven pretending they were kings of industry. Their conversations centered on the latest news in the Wall Street Journal. Harrison did not particularly like spending his time at O’Hares and found most of the so-called “future leaders” to be no more than spoiled rich brats who knew little about finance and less about being social. However he understood the benefits being in the so-called “elite crowd” would bring in the future. Besides, if there was something Harrison liked, it was coffee. He enjoyed the smell of the fresh brewed coffee as it permeated throughout the small establishment. When the conversations from his contemporaries waned, Harrison found strength in a rich cup of his favorite coffee. Also, for this important first date, Harrison knew Mary would feel as safe in a public place.

      Harrison kept the conversation casual during the two-block walk to O’Hares. He remarked about the beauty of the trees and how it amazed him people could go through life so busy they overlooked the wonder all around them. Mary smiled as Harrison spoke and found it difficult to take her eyes off him. Harrison avoided any direct contact except for a light touch on Mary’s back as he held the door for her to enter O’Hares. Two tables were available for the new couple, one close to the corner in the back and another near the door next to a window. Without asking her, Harrison escorted Mary to the window seat.

      “The campus does look beautiful this time of year,” Mary spoke as she gazed out the window. “From here it looks as if it is another world.” “It’s funny how things look different when you see them from a distance.” Harrison sat quietly as Mary continued marveling about how she perceived the buildings as standing strong yet peaceful, that even though each building stood alone it was the flow of the entire campus that gave the institution its welcoming feeling. It was obvious Mary enjoyed being at college. This fact seemed odd to Harrison given her shy nature and reluctance to involve herself in hardly any activities. He marked it down to a feeling of being independent even if her independence didn’t amount to much of a life.

      As the waitress brought their coffee, Mary had no choice but to turn her attention from the window to the table. Harrison smiled at her softly and asked about the courses she was taking although he already had them committed to memory. Mary told him of her quest for a degree in business and her dream of using that degree to help others. She wanted to run a charitable organization whose primary role was to help children. This news only cemented in his mind the correctness of his choice in Mary. It wouldn’t be until later Harrison would learn the reason behind Mary’s concern for the plight of children.

      When the conversation turned to him, Harrison explained his vision of the financial world. He knew people viewed large corporations and banks as cold and heartless industries out for nothing but the almighty dollar but that was not the case. A properly run business could generate enough profits to benefit people in the world. Many were major contributors to charities and normally funded a particular charity of their own. It was, after all, the CEOs of the companies that directed their spending. Anyway, he had always had a fascination with finance and industry so it was only right that he majored in finance.

      O’Hares was almost empty when Harrison and Mary left. Their conversation continued on the walk to Mary’s dorm. It was clear the two were hitting it off and the more they revealed about themselves the more the other was drawn closer. At one point Harrison found himself so comfortable that he nearly revealed more about himself than he wanted Mary to know at this time. Quickly he caught himself and gained control of the situation again. When Harrison walked Mary to the front door of her dorm, they stood there momentarily before he asked if they could go out again. When she agreed he gently kissed her cheek and walked to the bottom of the steps. Harrison stood and waited until Mary entered the door then he turned and strolled away.

      Their courtship lasted through college. Harrison worked out at the gym on a somewhat regular basis and O’Hares became a special place for the couple. Mary benefited from Harrison’s influence and came out of her shell somewhat. She grew to the point of being comfortable in public settings, especially when she was pursuing a cause. Harrison had pushed her to begin her charity work and she succeeded in raising enough money from the alumni to hire a full time teacher for the campus day-care. Mary beamed with pride when the staff hung a plaque with her name on the wall inside the facility.

      Harrison remained on his path to success but found time to enjoy some minor deviations with Mary along the way. He discovered a benefit in the interview process to having a girlfriend and Mary was quickly accepted when introduced to prospective employers. Employers like stability in new employees and the best indication of stability is a relationship. After a few select interviews, Harrison was hired at McKay & Johnson. While it required a move and a major decision about their future, it was just the opportunity Harrison wanted. McKay & Johnson was one of the largest banking institutions in the United States. It was more than a bank. Industry was controlled by the clients of McKay & Johnson and the volume of assets it held rivaled many small countries.

      Shortly after Harrison was hired he and Mary were married in a small but elegant affair. Harrison asked one of his classmates to be his best man. It was not a difficult selection, as Harrison had no true friends. Everyone in his inner circle was an acquaintance and prospective business associate. No doubt his selection was more business than sentimental. On the other side of the aisle was Mary’s overweight roommate. Standing beside Mary in a teal blue bridesmaid’s gown, her plumpness was apparent. Mary herself was stunning. Her wedding dress was not traditional in that it had no train but it was elegant. Only a few classmates, teachers and Mary’s parents attended the ceremony. Martha and Tucker Richards sat on the front row beaming as if it was the wedding of the century.

      There was no time for a honeymoon as Harrison was eager to report to work. He and Mary spent the night in the local Ramada