Mayday! Mayday!. Lowell Psy.D. Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lowell Psy.D. Green
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601591
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hidden agenda,” QMI Agency, April 24, 2010. Salim Mansur is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Western University, Sun Media columnist and member of the Center for Islamic Pluralism centered in Washington, DC.)

      Clinton Junior Gayle, ordered deported to Jamaica twice previously, is allowed to stay in Canada long enough to shoot and kill Toronto Police Constable Todd Bayliss and seriously wound Constable Mike Leone.

      (Radio Station CFRB Toronto, June 17, 1994)

      A franchise of Jamaica’s infamous “Shower Posse” has entrenched itself in Toronto, dealing drugs and fuelling internecine gang warfare, according to police who arrested 78 people and seized almost 20 guns in Ontario yesterday.

      More than 1,000 police officers from several forces rounded up members of a crime network that allegedly extends from Windsor to Sault Ste. Marie, and even back to Caribbean islands.

      A spate of shootings involving feuding gangsters in northwest Toronto drew police interest last August, prompting the nine-month investigation dubbed Project Corral. Several weeks ago, three people— including one with a “cop killer” handgun—were arrested in the Dominican Republic preparing to ship more than 70 kilograms of cocaine to Toronto, police say.

      Police say they seized more than $30,000 cash, $10,000 in casino cheques, drugs of all kinds and even diamonds and body armour during the raids.

      (Colin Freeze, “Police connect Jamaican Shower Posse to Toronto gangs,” The Globe and Mail, May 5, 2010)

      The “total fertility rate” [TFRs] in the Arab-Muslim world is the highest in the world and is only exceeded by that of sub-Saharan Africa. The TFRs of a few select countries from the Arab-Muslim world are as follows: Afghanistan, 7.48; Mali, 6.70; Somalia, 6.43; Yemen, 6.02; Palestine territories, 5.63; Iraq, 4.86; Sudan, 4.82; Pakistan, 3.99; Saudi Arabia, 3.81; Jordan, 3.53; Syria, 3.48; Egypt, 3.17 and Bangladesh, 3.22 (United Nations, 2007). This high fertility rate in the Arab-Muslim world has produced a demographic bulge of young people under the age of 25. A high proportion of young men in this age group are unemployed, under-employed, and unemployable due to a lack of education and training for the modern economy.

      This reservoir of young males has been estimated to number 25 million by 2010 (Spengler, 2005) and is the source of warriors for the Islamist cause. Many of these young men will migrate to Western countries and there some will join the already existing warriors of Islamist jihad (war) against the citizens and institutions of countries in Europe and North America….

      Jihadist wars in Western countries involve not only terrorism but importantly also attacks on existing cultural institutions. For example, Islamists have demanded the creation of a parallel legal system based on Sharia law and changes in existing laws and traditions that interfere with Islamic practices such as unequal relationships between men and women, gender exclusion through dress codes, Islamic tradition of divorce and child custody, non-Western inheritance rules, Sharia financing, polygamy and limits on free speech in discussing Islam. These demands are pushed by Islamist organizations in the West such as the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), the Council of American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the United States and its counterpart or subsidiary in Canada (CAIR-Can), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), the Muslim Student Associations (MSA) and a host of others….

      (Salim Mansur, The Effects of Mass Immigration on Canadian Living Standards and Society, published by the Fraser Institute, August 2009.)

      Allegations of an anti-Semitic outburst at York University drew condemnation yesterday from the Jewish community amid concerns of mounting hostility on the school’s campus.

      The university’s Hillel student group contends its members were intimidated following a news conference on Wednesday.

      Hillel and other organizations held the event to call for the ouster of the York Federation of Students’ executive, who backed the school’s teaching assistants during the recent 12-week strike.

      Representatives of the student federation, along with members of Students Against the Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), a pro-Palestinian group, disrupted the news conference with chants of “Zionism is racism” and “Shame on Hillel,” according to Daniel Ferman, Hillel’s president.

      The press conference was shut down, but the same group of students later pursued Mr. Ferman and other participants in the press conference to Hillel’s Lounge in York’s student centre. Approximately 100 people swarmed outside the lounge, taunting the students inside and threatening to break the glass, Mr. Ferman said. “We basically kept our students inside—it was mostly Jewish students but there were nonJewish students too,” he said. “We were basically held hostage in our own space.”

      Mr. Ferman says he was also referred to as a “dirty Jew” and “f—ing Jew” by members of the throng.

      The students inside the lounge called for help and were eventually escorted off campus by university security and police.

      (James Cowan, “York Jewish students claim intimidation,” National Post, February 12, 2009)

      A secessionist Tamil government-in-exile, with the largest block made up of Canadian Tamils will not improve the life of their brethren in Sri Lanka and will only succeed in impeding that country’s ability to rebuild after its recent bloody history. Rather than relive old battles, Canada’s Tamil diaspora should support peace and reconciliation in their homeland. Otherwise, Toronto, home to half of Canada’s estimated 200,000 Sri Lankans risks becoming a base for disaffected members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the group that fought for a quarter century for an independent homeland.

      (Editorial, “Head off the phantom Tigers’ Canadian base,” The Globe and Mail, May 18, 2010)

      A Canadian who was being investigated for allegedly joining a Somali militant group died in a “fierce battle” according to a eulogy posted on an extremist website.

      Mohammed Elmi Ibrahim, 22, was one of a half-dozen radicalized young Somali-Canadians who allegedly left Toronto last year to join the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab.

      Members of Canada’s large Somali community say they are worried that some youths are being radicalized by al Shabab propaganda on the Internet.

      (Stewart Bell, “Extremists praise Somali Canadian in online eulogy,” National Post, May 4, 2010)

      Canada has become the world’s number one hotel!

      (Bestselling author Yann Martel)

      The Changing Face of Canada: As minority population booms, a visible majority emerges.

      (The Globe and Mail, March 10,