Mayday! Mayday!. Lowell Psy.D. Green. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lowell Psy.D. Green
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601591
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a fresh chance to clear his name in the 2001 killing of 28-year-old Javan Luke Dowling.

      (Canwest News Service, October 24, 2008)

      Everything was at stake—her future marriage, her place in her conservative community, her life. The 23-year-old Muslim woman from the Middle East desperately wanted to appear to be a virgin. She went to Dr. “Sam” with an unusual request. She wanted a hymenoplasty— surgical restoration of the hymen, often done for cosmetic reasons to mimic virginity. “It’s a surgery for fooling a person, a lie that the woman is still a virgin, even though she had had sex,” said Dr. Faizal Sahukhan, a Burnaby, BC-based sex therapist. He has counselled several South Asian women [in Canada] against seeking the procedure. The procedure is so controversial that most doctors contacted refused to speak about it. Dr. Sam, a doctor in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, only spoke on the condition that his identity be protected for his safety. “There are some people who would not look at this surgery rationally,” said Sam who is concerned about retaliation from potentially duped husbands. “The fact is that most of my patients are Muslim…and I’m Jewish and a male.”

      Sam said he performs the surgery on average twice a month for about $3,500 per procedure, usually on women of Middle Eastern background. One of his clients was preparing for an “arranged marriage” in Oman when she approached him, he said.

      “She told me that there is a community doctor who checks to see if the hymen is intact before the marriage,” Sam said… He called the correlation between a woman’s virginity and her family’s honour a “tremendously heavy burden…”

      (Tamara Baluja, “Women in Canada seeking controversial ‘virginity’ surgery,” Canwest News Service, July 5, 2010)

      Harjit Singh is ordered deported in 1992 after facing a multitude of charges, including a million-dollar credit card fraud. For 13 years he manages to persuade various appeal boards that he would be tortured if returned to India. It isn’t until he claims Liberal Immigration Minister Judy Sgro promised to help him in return for his pizza parlour supplying free pizzas, garlic bread and volunteers for her election campaign that he is finally booted out. In its April 16, 2005, edition, The Globe and Mail reports in an article written by Marina Jimenez, entitled “Broken Gates: Canada’s welcome mat frayed and unravelling” that, far from being tortured, Harjit Singh is just completing construction of a $300,000 home in an upscale district of Jalandhar. It’s estimated his almost one dozen appeals cost Canadian taxpayers several million dollars.

      James Bissett, former head of the Canadian Immigration Service, in a late-2009 interview with me says there are “…tens of thousands of outstanding warrants for the arrest of rejected refugee claimants with little effort being made to enforce the warrants.”

      David Harris, former Chief of Strategic Planning for Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in a January 2010 call to my radio show in Ottawa claims, “Our immigration and refugee program is a ‘death wish.’ We cannot possibly properly screen a quarter million immigrants and an additional 30,000 refugees every year.” Political correctness carried to the absurd prevents police from issuing descriptions and pictures of even the names of the fugitives. It is the ruling of the courts that it would be an invasion of privacy.

      Hasaka Rathnamalala of the Sri Lankan United National Association of Canada tells the Harper Government that Toronto Tamils are being forced to contribute to the Tamil Tiger cause.

      “There is homegrown terrorism here against people. The collection of money is still going on,” said Hasaka Rathnamalala of the Sri Lankan United National Association of Canada, which called a news conference to counter claims of Tamil genocide made last week during a massive demonstration in Toronto.

      Rathnamalala said intimidation tactics have included smashed car windshields, looted homes, computerized identity theft and threats to shut down businesses.

      (Lesley Ciarula Taylor, “Group slams Tigers’ Toronto ‘terrorism,’” Toronto Star, February 4, 2009)

      Although known to be working closely with suspected terrorists, Ahmed Ressam fraudulently obtains a Canadian passport, travels to Afghanistan for explosives training with al Qaeda, returns to Canada, assembles explosives in Montreal and is on his way with them to blow up the Los Angeles airport when a US customs officer catches him. A Seattle judge sentences him to 22 years in prison.

      The Terrorist Within, Chapter 4: Sneaking In

      (Hal Bernton, Mike Carter, David Heath and James Neff, The Seattle Times, June 23 – July 7, 2002)

      Whether we like it or not, Americans are well aware we have major problems in dealing with terrorists in Canada.

      (Martin Collacott, former High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and Maldives and former Ambassador to Cambodia and to Syria and Lebanon and Director for Latin America and Director General for Security Services, personal interview, March 2010.)

      Terrorists and international crime groups are increasingly using Canada as an operational base and transit country en route to the United States. A generous welfare system, lax immigration laws, infrequent prosecutions, light sentencing and long borders and coastlines offer many points of entry that facilitate movements to and from various countries, particularly to the United States.

      (A US Congress report issued shortly after 9/11.)

      What the United States sees today when it looks at its northern flank is a neighbor that disregards document fraud, maintains lax visa practices and has the most generous asylum policy in the world. Few asylum seekers are rejected, violators of immigration laws are not vigorously pursued, no one is tracked once inside the country, terrorist groups have the freedom to raise money, criminal enterprises are establishing a secure territorial base and endless litigation negates the law and favors criminals.

      (The Center for Immigration Studies, Washington, 2008)

      …the true hidden feature of the organized Islamist effort in Quebec— as in the rest of North America—is to gain acceptance of its agenda. This Islamist effort is highly organized and globally financed. It is multi-pronged and with an outreach directed to penetrate every level of society from the highest reaches of government to local civic organizations. It is also exceedingly successful in manipulating support for its agenda by reaching out to the “progressives” in the West ever ready to play the role of “useful idiots,” as Lenin, the Bolshevic leader, so aptly described them.

      In the West, the Islamist agenda is to gain acceptance of Sharia for Muslims to live according to its requirements, and to have western governments adopt some of its directives as with the scheme for Sharia-based