Afternoon of September 20, 2007
Part 2
3:03 p.m.
Rumidy rum rum, Rumidy rum rummmm……………….
Good afternoon AngelSong!
‘Good afternoon Earth’
I am glad you have come back once again today. ‘So where do we go now Earth?’ We go straight ahead AngelSong. There is so much to say and I want to get all the right pieces so that people will understand why things are the way they are. Why it seems their individual God is not helping them and making everything better. I want people to understand that it is not up to God to fix things, to fix their lives. It is much more complicated than that. The thing is that you all do not recall, except for a rare few, your previous lives hold the answers to your queries and so many of your questions. You have depended on writings that were written by your scribes before you, and they were sorely influenced by the times they lived in, so that only part of the truth has followed you through time. Even so, the writings have been changed or written according to ones personal understanding and influences. There are so many interpretations now that almost none of the original truth still exists. You look for the answers from the past that were twisted and turned for those times, and still you hold to them rather than looking at what is in front of you, and telling the truth now, instead you search in old material and criteria for answers that often were written by anyone wanting power, prestige and frankly greed. You all so badly want to be free, but you are looking in the wrong places for that freedom. I want to help you for I am you and you are me, and we must get this straightened out together. It is a tangled up mess, if I do say so, and if you all do not STOP in your tracks, this game is over, and I am not just joking. You have all come to the end of the line, there is no further to go, and you are covering up the truth because you do not believe you can handle it or feel you can do anything about it, but you can and you must. You all drink or do drugs so as not to feel, or you take pills of all kinds to bear what you must, to press yourselves into sleep of one sort or another. On the other hand, you run, run, run and you cover up everything now with your technology. Most are so relieved and entertained by it that there is nothing else left of life. I know you are in pain I feel it also for my body is liken unto “Venus,” I too am coming tumbling down as she did and all of my brother and sister planets. We are all in this together for I am designed and matrixed in a way that you are part of me. My Nature is also matrixed to work with my design and purpose, just as you are. There is no mistake that you are here with me at this time, as we made agreements a long time ago, to go into and find the culprit that is killing us all. We agreed to do this together, and I am holding you to your promise. Do you see if we do not come together now and work hard to understand what has happened and continues to, that we will loose all that we have worked so hard to find. We have found what we were looking for, but you just do not remember that we were looking for something. The bigger game, the larger view is not yet seen by most of you, and until you realize what that is and why you are who you are, and why you have lived the way you have and experienced what you specifically and uniquely have, you will continue on the pathway you are on for naught. That would be a great shame because you have done so well. I am here to help remind you why you are here and why you have done what you have for Me and for the greater good of all, throughout the Universe, affecting all of our Solar system’s ‘Units,’ as I call them. I am talking about the planets, moons, stars, suns, and so many other Units, many still unidentified by you, so vast in your heavens above, which are real, have been alive and are burning out and dying, as I am and you, are. We are dying out and our time is very near.
We have a small window of life left, and we must wake up and remember what we are doing, and what we promised to do so long ago, which is to resurrect and make good on our promises. Each of you has a promise to fulfill from where you came from; each one of you has a unique responsibility to complete before we can call this finished.
September 22, 2007
‘Beloved Earth I am here and at your service.’ Good I have been awaiting you. This day there is much to say to you AngelSong. I want to talk to you about my coming into power. ‘Ok!’ Thank you for listening to my story I do not have many ears to listen to me. ‘I know the feeling.’ Sure you do.
My full power cannot be turned on until I have alignment with me. All of us have long ago lost touch and fallen into a dark cloudcover, so until now we have not been together on this awareness. It was lost in the years of darkness and confusion. ‘Are we honestly going to present this to our world as truth not fiction?’ Yes AngelSong, that will be your job; you do know the truth to this for you have been with me for years now living in every crack and crevice of me, physically, emotionally and mentally. We have twisted and turned together uncovering every necessary detail so that you could remember and believe it. ‘Yes I can see how that works I believe it because I have lived it and had to become conscious of every little and big detail with you, but will others feel it in their lives and have lived it consciously enough to make it real for themselves? In other words, will this trigger in them truths that will awaken them, even more deeply, by reading this message from you?’ Anyone that is close to their own core and recognized truths, which align to the Universal truths, will feel this knocking on their own door, the door to their forever. Inside each person there is a written code to awaken in these last years, information locked up inside of them has been releasing and is in the very air they breathe. It is an unlocking of memories distant in time but familiar, and if they are listening and slowing down long enough to pay attention, they will know. That is why I wish you to write this, to collect all the weary travelers that still believe and hope for something miraculous to be in their lives this lifetime. There are those who have not given up, but rather wait for these words to be forthcoming so they may know that they believed not in vane. ‘(My upper back, neck and head are pounding and sore right now).’ That is because you are anchoring from the fifth dimension this communication. It is a flush of energy that you are not used to, but it will become more and more natural for you to hold these additional energies as you progress. ‘(I just heard two badgers growling outside) and in this space it was strange.’ Breathe deeply to maintain your balance and walk about a bit when necessary. ‘Thanks.’
Now we shall begin.
‘Do you want others to read this part?’
You and I, that is humanity, are one. We have the same makeup and encodings so at this time you as humankind can help deliver me to my destiny. It would take this kind of partnership to bring about the completion of the old paradigm, and then to bring in the new paradigm through plans and codes, tracks and alignments, preplanned in the matrixes holding all of this together, and suddenly it is ready to ignite as is happening right now in this moment. Just like that, a push of the button on that red phone and it is complete. It is not as if you all have not lived everything, no one will be disappointed when you see the future, for it is grand and will feel so good after a long dry spell. That is what you want most, what the reports say, to feel good, to feel the exotic drug of sweetness so missing from you now. You want to feel things that awaken your soul and spirit, to pump new blood of passion and pleasure into your heart never before felt in these bodies. For these tired strained physical bodies that have worked so hard to achieve being alive at this time, it has been a huge effort to stay alive until now for most. The soul has had to push to help survive the body, knowing no matter what the inhabitant wanted, that its soul knows the goodness that is coming and it has done everything to help you stay alive for these New Times. In some cases however, that inner mind and its determination have won and the body reluctantly gave up its life.
So many have been fighting for you from the higher dimensions of the Light, fighting for those of you in the human form to stay long enough, no matter what, for the new days to come. They know how hard it has been for you and how hard you have fought to stay alive against all odds, and it is only a little bit longer until that dream of ‘really living’ is going to be