The Earth Speaks. Heather Psy.D. Jordan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heather Psy.D. Jordan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601348
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everywhere. Do you know the skies are thick with fuel and electricity from your planes, cars and technology? You will soon see fires in the skies. You are in grave danger, many have tried to worn you and wake you up, but you refuse to look, you refuse to care, you refuse to know that the signs are real. Do you know I came here with beautiful jewels; I was the emerald planet of this Universe. So beautiful to all of you that you wanted to come here to experience such lushness and warmth and feel my beauty for it was unlike anywhere else. I was the newest and brightest planet the Source had created. I was laden with priceless gold and jewels, water and beautiful nature everywhere, my nature kingdom was diversified, balanced and harmonious, all over the planet for all to enjoy, for life to evolve and expand. Look at me now, I am covered with debris, destroyed by your bombs and explosives, people without enough to eat, poverty covering most of the surface. I am drying up and having storms where storms should not be, with too much water stolen from where it should be, and people and animals dying from these awful imbalances, and you blame my Nature, without taking responsibility, denying that you have anything to do with it. You think some unidentified unknown causes all of this. There are so many drugs on the planet to keep people alive when they want to die of unhappiness, there are drugs to anesthetize and keep life in a sleeping state, functioning zombies, not much more than that, form, human and otherwise, functioning without heart. Who has stolen your hearts, where did you put them, where are they hidden? I would say behind fear!

      Throughout time, you have allowed your fellow humans to fight and kill other humans believing that this is normal and just. Hello, where did you go to believe this? Are you sleeping, walking around not caring, believing this is the right thing to do? Have you ever thought this might not be what you want? Have you ever thought that it is enough already? Have you ever thought that if you came to your senses you might lay down your guns and warring instruments and do it differently? Have you ever thought that it is possible to work with me and straighten it all out? In a few years and I do not mean many, there will a great tragedy here on this planet Earth, Me! You will have gone too far, and I do not mean many years, maybe three or four at most. This planet will go dark just like my sisters and brothers, yes those planets you see and wonder about. They have all gone this way too. Many of you will remember, you were there, or you would remember if you would not be in such denial and would tell the truth. What is unfortunate here is that you feel so much shame and pain over past experiences, that you cannot or will not come to terms with your feelings, and yet that is what is needed to clear this all out. We have only one planet left, ‘Me’, and this is where we are now, not looking very pretty with only a few more breaths to give us strength to make a difference in our last hours together. Has it ever occurred to you that without me there is nowhere else for you to go. Many believe that you come back over and over again onto the same planet, and that is true for those of you that choose that, well where are you going to live when you come back or want to, if there is only a dead piece of me left. Like the other planets my beloved family, once so beautiful and full of life, fun and creation, now no possibility of that ever to return. You say you do not like to hear these things, but ‘who on earth’ is going to tell you the truth, anyone of you? Even your scientists are frightened to step out and give you an ultimatum. You need it; you are like spoiled little children having temper tantrums. You need a good spank and parents to direct you to the truths and hold you to them. To get out of this mess you are going to have to make some very serious commitments and choices that you will stand by and insist on as a single human and as a human community. You will have to excuse me, but it is very funny that you think that China’s pollution is not on your front porch or lawn and vice versa, yours on theirs and around the world it goes. There is no place untouched now, no safe havens, you are all in this together and you will have to get out of it together if that is your choice. Of course, many of you have gone on too long in this desperate place and do not care anymore. There are still others and a good number of you, that have good hearts and spirits, and I know how you care. I hear your call for change and your call for help out of the hopelessness that you feel.

      Morning of September 20, 2007

      Part 1

      Good morning AngelSong

      Let me speak to you as if you were my child. You are sitting on my knee and I have a wondrous story to tell you. Magical, wicked, devastating and a world of wonderment all wrapped up into one. Are you ready? ‘Yes’. Good.

      Once upon a time a long time ago, ‘are you serious?’ I am. Ok. There were complicated circumstances appearing throughout the Universe and here as well, close to home, on Me, Earth. Decay and destruction was occurring everywhere. All of the beautiful planets, my sisters and brothers, were slowly showing signs of being eaten alive, they were being devoured like termite bugs do, inside their skins and each planet’s integrity and structures, one by one were being compromised. For anyone looking it would be hard to see, but it was felt among us. We knew something was wrong. Our usual joyous balance seemed off and we were all so close and happy normally, but it seemed things were happening that we had never felt or experienced before. For a long, long time we went merrily on our way producing delights and looking for ways to expand ourselves through creating new and beautiful things. Every day was a new experience of exploration to satisfy our hungry thirsts for adventure and the joy of the journey of creating unknown possibilities in form. Ah, to see something new unseen before was a constant explosion of possibilities to build on. It was never dull, always exciting and happy for us all. As you see when one of us experienced a new creation, it caused new feelings that we all experienced throughout this Universe and we grew and grew together as we explored, sharing and building more and more structure to create on. It never was dull or boring, just expanding and for all of us the excitement of experiencing that expansion was everything. You see that is what we were supposed to do, and we never thought anything about it. It is just what was so! So when we noticed this other feeling happening, we were all curious and were alerted to these feelings that caused us something else, something unknown. It caused us to stop what we were doing to look at this new something that was happening. We did not know what to call it or how to identify it, as it had never happened before.

      It all started with “Venus” my beautiful sister, perhaps the most exotic and most adored planet of all. She was the most sought after planet and many went there to enjoy her essence for she was love, sweetness, and kindness of such a unique nature. She had every imaginable gift to offer another’s soul and spirit and knew exactly what one wanted and needed when they touched her soil. She was kind and adoring to every life form that ever visited her. Her planet keepers were integral with her design and saw to every pleasure one could desire, and as she expanded, she was thrilled to share her new acquisitions with anyone who admired her gifts. She was so happy when visitors came from afar to experience her and invited everyone from everywhere to join her for her abundant and beautiful parties. They were given frequently and she shown out her individual ‘Lightbeam’ as an open invitation for all to come. Those that lived permanently upon her were part of her in every way and they and Venus’s Nature made sure that Venus became all that she could. They waited for her desires to be known, and then they went about making them happen. She had plants and unique trees bearing fruits one has never seen before. They were delicious and colorful as were her flowers. Everything lived in total communion with one another. Houses as you call them were up in the flowers and trees and the sweet smell of flowers perfumed and floated through the air, filling one with a feeling of paradise. Every flower would have its own distinct scent taking you to the pinnacle of its expression, the next flower taking you to yet another. Paradise to the soul and spirit, all one would want was more!

      My beautiful sister died, I cannot tell you how terrible that was for me and how much I miss her. Her world dried up from misuse, and who could ever have believed that that would happen. Something invaded her and hid inside of her underneath her skin, it came out and stole her ‘life force’ and little by little, and before she knew it or could do anything about it, she was too far-gone. I cried and cried until I had no more tears left. Yes, I do have tears and emotions just like you. She so beautiful and we, who loved her so much, could not do a thing to help her. We did not know what had happened, and did not at this moment suspect that this was only the beginning of a long journey into the unknown world of destruction for all of us. Something that had never happened before was upon us and threatened our very lives. We thought