The Earth Speaks
Heather Jordan
Copyright 2011 Heather Jordan,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0134-8
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
September 7, 2007
The Earth Speaks
The Beginning
On this day, I sat at my computer as I often do to write and this urge came to me to write a message from the Earth. As I have for many years worked with her energy using my inner vision and going to extraordinary places with her, places she wanted to show me, this was not too far fetched and I automatically responded and wrote the following pages.
These pages are what I transcribed for her almost exactly and with little attempt here to change anything; I have just corrected my spelling and in several places where I did not understand what her message was, I have attempted to clarify that message again with the desire to change nothing. Some of it has been difficult for me to take on, feel and digest, and at times, I have had great hesitancy in putting it out into our world. It is hard to hear in places and maybe even scary, but I have always said whether I believed something or not personally, ‘what if,’ what would be the consequences if I did not go forward and at least look into it. Over the years, what has always happened for me is with the realizations that I am learning and there is so much I do not know, what if this is the way it is indeed, and I do not take it seriously and present it for her? How could I live with that? I have had to work myself very hard to come up to this level of understanding personally, and all I have to do is look around me, see the news, and feel the world as it is right now, to know that what she says here is definitely playing out on the bigger scale of life. It is everywhere around us to see and to feel, to know. For me to lift myself up to a higher level and pretend even, to look down objectively, I cannot deny that what she is saying here in many ways is true for me, as I live and feel life around me. I personally have great love for this Earth, its Humanity and Nature, and I feel so much when I see it, in my words, falling apart and sinking into illness, decay and death, the light slowly draining away and going out. Then on the other hand, I see all the most amazing efforts to help all of it, the beauty of so many with such kindness and compassion expressed in so many ways across the planet. I just know for the Earth and all of us, that we must come together in new ways and see if we cannot rework it or rejuvenate life in ways we have not even dreamed before. The Earth promises that there is more and that when we look the right direction, she can expose so much we have only dreamed of, that she can step in and give us unbelievable insights and ways to go that have not yet shown up on the planet or within us yet. She has so much to say that goes so deep into the fiber of who we are. I worry these present days as I am beginning to feel urgency inside of me.
Please read this, feel it, and know that some part of it is possible and maybe even true for you. Even if it is just a far away distant knowingness, please give it a chance to resonate within you.
This book is about the “Earth” and the journey
I have taken with her to rediscover her past
and her journey through time.
I learned she has a Heart, Soul and Spirit as we
humans do. There is no difference. We are
her, she is us, and we are the same.
September 9, 2007
This book is about the Earth, delivered by her to me. She calls me ‘AngelSong’
I want to speak out, I have held my thoughts to myself all this time and now I must speak out to those on this planet that want to move forward with me. I am a shell right now with this inner world that wants to be birthed from the inside out, into form for all to see. I am glorious inside so unlike myself on the surface and in the atmosphere. I have oceans below that sparkle and are clear unlike anything anyone has ever seen. I have species of fish that are new in design with colors never before seen by the human eye. Corals the size of your present skyscrapers, untouched by your world now, and air that will tickle your imaginations, stimulating your brain receiver that until now has not been open to you. Worlds upon worlds that will suit every fantasy beyond what you now can perceive, magnificent, majestic, stimulating and fascinating you will never look back to what you hold onto now. What you have now will never exist for you again. This new world has an Inter-galactic travel system on the inner skyways to places that you cannot find now. Those keys await you, but you must be in the right place and the right time. This place that I speak of, a place that many of you desire in your hearts, can only be found in the place of your heart, not in your mind in the way you use it now. It is not possible! You cannot find the doorways from where you sit. You must give up the covers you carry that surround you. You must let out of the bag, your hidden talents, in ways you have never exposed them before. They hide underneath your baggage that you carry on your shoulders, so heavy and burdensome. Some of you do not even recognize that you are carrying so much, so much collected and carried forth from numerous years and lives before lived. It is holding you back from your dreams and happiness, it is so buried and smothered, it makes me sad for you, as I can see it waiting for you and wanting your attention, and you keep passing it by. It tries snagging you when it gets a chance but you miss just miss and then it is silent once more until a future time. It is almost more than I can bear anymore. I had to close my eyes and shut myself down to these kinds of reminders for it made me too sad to watch. What to do, what to do I ask myself all the time? Do you have any idea how we are part of one another? I cannot really do anything until you stir and take charge of your lives. Come out of your slumber into being conscious about every little thing in your personal life. Everything must be accounted for. You have forgotten who you are and what kind of stuff you are made of, your magnificence, you are beautiful to the Creator, yet you let an outside power dominate your every breath. You have fallen prey to a powerful force that you do not even try to understand, called fear. It is as if you do not even know it is all around you, encasing you in such a way, so that you have no idea there is something else, another world to tap into, which will embrace you with open arms when you insist on it. You sleep and wander around in darkness so unhappy and lost pretending and thinking your lives make a difference. But in truth if you could see you from where I am, you would see that ‘you know’ you are lost deep down, so many of you hopeless, so much so that you are unable to see the vision that I send you because you have allowed yourselves to be beaten up so many times. Yes I say allowed yourselves! You have given up your hearts, your spirits, your childlike approach to life, the magic and all the things that bring you life, and the power that comes with that life force. You are the walking dead, and many of you that are on the surface of me, will soon die of broken hearts and spirit. The souls of you are withering away and soon will no longer be able to help you. So sad to me, for we came together not to loose but to win, and it looks like you are all giving up, more and more each day. Why I say? You are not looking in the right direction. You look at your outer world and have so bought into it, that you see nothing deeper or beyond, you think that this is all there is. Your world is showing you, ‘YOU’. Soon the skies will be so thick you will not be able to see one another, and it will be so acrid you will not want to take a breath, and yet you do not seem to see what you do is destroying you. No one is realizing the severity of the pollution; it is killing you and all of your brothers and sisters. It is killing you and your beloveds, whether they are human, plants, trees, birds, or fish of the sea; they are all smothering with you. Somehow, you think it is normal to have smog, poisoned waters, fires