America - One Nation Under Tyrants?. Joe Psy.D. Callihan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joe Psy.D. Callihan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601126
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the case, please answer a few questions if you would? #1) How does the prurient watching the display of a naked human body add value to your life? The truth is it only weakens your control over the lust of your flesh. It drives your flesh to indulge in immoral behavior. #2) How does watching couples on the screen fictionally married or not, having sex, make you appreciate this very special gift from God? The truth is it degrades and makes “common” something which God intended to be shared in a beautiful and intimate way between a husband and wife.

      Watching sex performed as a casual sport, causes many a husband or wife to view sex as an O.K. past time. If you are married and feel lonely, having a “need” to be “loved” (what a phony use of the word), why let the vows you made before God get in the way of your “satisfaction”?

      Sex is a wonderful way for a husband and wife to speak Love to one another, when practiced as God intends. Intimacy and faithfulness are so much more than just words. How few understand what intimacy really means. It means I desire to speak Love to my wife (husband) in a very special and exclusive way. Being faithful means “Honey, there is no other woman (man), who has captured my heart as you have. In thanksgiving to God for bringing you into my life, I will be intimately faithful, in speaking the wordless language of Love only to you, for all the days of my life.”

      I know what you’re thinking, Joe you are too much of a “Romantic.” I’ll gladly confess I am indeed a “Romantic.” (With a capital “R”)! I believe in the end, we “Romantics” will get a lot more joy out of our love life, than those who simply use and are used for “kicks.” It’s like they say about breathing, look at the alternative if you decide to stop. You see you can stop being a “Romantic,” but at what cost? Believing “Love” is something very special God intends you to share with your wife (husband), who is someone equally special He intends to bring into your life. Understanding how to Truly Love to the fullest, makes sharing sex the joyful fulfillment God intended. Such belief is a treasure of great value! We should cherish and nourish such belief into bearing fruit one day, as we find that gift from God – our wife or husband. But try to find True Love in the kinds of movies Hollywood makes today. You can’t even find “romance”! satan wants everyone believing “Romance is dead!” In the “love” stories on the screen today, the guy says, “I like your body, I think I love you, come on, let’s go to bed!” The women are supposed to go, “He’s so sexy, for such an empty headed bozo! Just look at his beautiful long hair, it’s longer than mine, and how about those “sexy” earrings he wears in his ear, nose, tongue, lip and eye brows?”

      Excuse me! I ask, what happened to Love and Romance??? What happens if you decide to stop breathing long enough? You are dead! The same thing happens to those who refuse to allow their emotions to believe in Love and Romance. They become dead to the concepts of intimate fidelity. They become the one using others just for “kicks.” I know this is so, because for a long time, I had given up on both Love and Romance. I had been emotionally betrayed, and as many do, I let satan deceive me. I decided I’ll never be hurt again, I won’t believe in either Love or Romance. In other words, I emotionally held my breath. As the result, I became emotionally dead. I spent many lonely years being a user. I used others, and was used by others who were just as hurt, confused, and emotionally empty as I was.

      Sex was not a joyful thing, a brief, momentary physical pleasure, accompanied by the emotional pain of knowing there was no Love present before, during, or after. Sex without Love, Fidelity, and the Commitment of Marriage, is so emotionally empty. Rather than the exciting “sport” (satan had promised), sex became to me, a waste of my valuable time. With lonely tears of desperation, I would cry out in the night to God. “Why can’t I just Love and be Loved the way You intended?” But satan turned that plea into another deception, as no woman came along to answer my cry, he said, “See, you’ve sinned too much for God to Bless your life with someone special to Love!”But Praise God! One day I realized just how badly I had let God down in allowing satan to guide my flesh. I changed my plea. Instead of concentrating on “my” hurt, I gave attention to God’s pain, in having to see His son missing the joy He had planned for his life. I asked Jesus to forgive me, and received His forgiveness! One day, in a very special way, God raised this dead Romantic back to life. To any who understand, may have lived, or are now living in the hellish nightmare of misusing sex; please believe me there is still hope for your life. What Jesus did in my life, He can and will do in yours. You too can be raised from the emotionally empty dead! As you read the last chapter of this book, I will tell you how. If you feel the need to go there now, I won’t tell. Besides, don’t worry, it’s not against the “law”! The rest of these words won’t hop off the pages and into your heart until they are read.

      Now, can you handle a question about the value of watching on screen violence? Sure such things occur in “real life” everyday, and you can’t hide from it. So what? Does that mean you have to welcome it into your life, and/or your home? As a Christian, I am to desire becoming a man who chooses to walk in the Spirit. This means I am to desire to walk in Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Longsuffering (patience), and Joy. However, acts of violence tend to make our flesh desire to give in to anger and revenge.

      I can remember having seen each of the late Charles Bronson’s “Death Wish” movies. I remember how my flesh responded as he would kill the “punks” who had raped and murdered his wife, and raped his daughter in such a violent way, she had to be institutionalized. As one by one Charlie took them out, my flesh would be cheering him on. I can still remember thinking, “He’s being too kind. If I were him, I would give each one of these “punks” a painfully long and lingering agony of death.”

      Can you see where these movies were helping me become Super Christian? I can’t! Was I choosing to walk in the “flesh” or in the “Spirit”? That’s a no brainer! Watching such violence encourages the flesh to attack our soul and spirit. satan uses such movies to promote our desire to become a slave to following his ways as a means of dealing with life’s challenging “realities.”

      As far as foul mouth demonic language is concerned, if you have read any other of my books, you already know how I feel about this subject. The use of such language is definitely not the sign of an “adult.” A true adult knows how to communicate in an intelligent manner. Allowing a spiritual moron demon to direct the words flowing from your mouth is not a sign of intelligence. Neither is using God’s name in vain.

      If it angers you to have this fact presented to you, and perhaps you may even desire to curse me out. If this is the case, then you need to get a grip on reality my friend, the same as I had to. I too once used to allow moronic demons to lead my choice of selecting the words coming from my mouth. You need to ask yourself, just as I had to do, who is in control of your tongue? You also need to decide whom you wish to be your Lord and Master - God, your flesh, or dumb little satan? But consider this - your decision has great influence on where you are building your eternal home, and the materials with which you are building it.

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