America - One Nation Under Tyrants?. Joe Psy.D. Callihan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joe Psy.D. Callihan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456601126
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      The idea for the title of “America - One Nation Under Tyrants?” comes from a quotation attributed to the early American colonist William Penn. “Any people unwilling to be governed by God are destined to be governed by tyrants.” Is this the destiny America is presently facing? Looking at the downward course America has been traveling on for over half a century, one would feel the hopeless answer would surely be yes.

      I have watched as decade by decade America has moved further away from the Creator Who birthed this country in liberty. When I was a little boy, America was a beacon of light to the rest of the world. The fire of liberty was burning strong in the hearts of a people who knew their liberty was a precious gift from the One True God.

      In World Wars I and II Americans were called upon to not only defend our own liberty, but to restore it for people in far off lands. American soldiers performed valiantly, marching ever toward victory through their boundless faith in God. Again in the 1950's, Americans were called upon to protect and defend the people of South Korea from tyranny. As part of a multinational force, American soldiers served with a degree of distinction and honor which stood out among the nations of the world.

      In the early 1950's, a grateful nation decided to give honor where it was due. Under the leadership of President Eisenhower, Congress passed what would seem a simple, natural, and historically correct statement: Under God was added to our pledge of allegiance. Appropriately, those two words followed the phrase, “one nation.” Nowhere in our nation’s history did this now completed phrase appear foreign to America’s foundation. What truths did Thomas Jefferson say were self evident? In America’s foundation, were there not to be certain “rights” which are to be cherished and protected? A truly great nation arose from the Godly principles America’s foundation was built upon.

      For the first 175 years of our existence, it has been common and reasonable for Americans to give honor to the One True God - the “Creator” Who has endowed Americans with unalienable freedoms. Freedoms we have been willing to fight and die to maintain. This could never happen where the people did not love their country with a patriot’s heart.

      Today we are being told it is wrong and evil to desire to give honor to the One True God in Whom we supposedly put our trust. We are also being told America is responsible for every short coming of other nations. How stupid is that! What an insult to those brave patriots who risked everything to bring forth a strong nation forged in liberty and freedom. They willingly gave their lives, pledged their homes, allegiance, and money. They were willing to do this because of their unfailing faith that under guidance of the One True God, America’s foundation would be built. They knew His name was not “buddha,” “allah,” “Oscar,” “Fred,” or “whoopee-do”. Our founding fathers knew Him as the God of Love, Truth, Life and Light; ingredients without which, no nation can aspire to attain blessings, wisdom, and true greatness.

      For the first 175 years America was truly blessed by God. Its noble people honored God with songs of the American spirit. Songs such as Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord; My Country Tis of Thee, America the Beautiful, and God Bless America. Songs which inspire love of both the One True God and country, songs which brought honor and patriotism to the heart’s of brave and courageous soldiers fighting to keep America free. Aren’t you glad we do not have to sing, “My Country is of buddha”? Or, “allah shed his darkness on thee”? In some nations of the world they are singing, “allah curse America!” Of course as long as we know how to sing “God Bless America” with conviction in our heart, allah will never succeed in cursing America.

      America’s patriotic leaders helped our country grow in greatness among the nations of the world. America was the goal of peoples in almost every other land. To be able to move to America and become a noble American citizen, this was the dream of so many of our ancestors. Our Statue of Liberty was presented by a French people who loved and admired America and what it stood for. Even this great gift has a Christ like saying on it. For it does not say, “Give us your rich, your strong, your over fed.” What it does say, speaks well for a people wishing to attain greatness, in both the sight of God and man. “Give me your poor, your tired, and your hungry.” (I suppose now, the aclu will want to see that “Christian” – “Christ like” remark removed). Well, I’ve got bad news for them. They’ll have to fight me, and millions of other proud American Christians to do it!

      We all know that America is the melting pot of the world. America has become a nation where people of all colors, religious beliefs, and nationalities should never fear belief in allah, buddha, Howard, Ralph, or Fred, will be imposed on them by an oppressive government. This has been the cornerstone of America’s freedom. It is an essential key to the foundation of a democratic society.

      This basic freedom is not the problem. The true problem lies within the heart of the Lazy Christian and Jew in America. We have the freedom by our words and actions of Love shown to those believing in “buddha,” “allha,” “charlie,” “devil,” or “evil;” to introduce them to the Only True God of Love, Light, Abundant Life, Hope, Peace, and Joy. But how very few ever exercise this freedom! How few Christians are taught from the pulpit how to be a powerful witness of Who Jesus is!

      Please note, I did not say or imply we had the freedom to force others to know, love, and serve, the One True God. We have only the freedom and responsibility to introduce others to Him, through our actions and words of Love – not self-righteous judgment. This is particularly true of Christians; commissioned by Jesus to be a witness of His kind of Love to the entire world. Demonstrating the Love of God to others is also true of the Jew who understands the meaning of the greeting, “Shalom!” Both Christians and Jews are to be interested in obeying the Ten Commandments (eleven for the Christian), and especially the first two.

      I refer you now to chapter two which asks the question, “What Happened?”

      Chapter Two


      Over the past fifty years I have sadly watched as the America I was born into has eroded in moral decay. America has been descending from being a tower of light, into the depth of darkness. There was a brief flicker of light, when for eight years Ronald Reagan, the “great communicator,” briefly led America on the path of hope and light. I’ll cover that more later.

      I have watched the moral decline of the once great nation I love. In the late 1950's “censorship” became the great issue. The losing result was pornographic materials were ruled suitable for only the sophisticated (sick) “adult” (Spiritually ignorant) mind. Those protesting and not appreciating such “art” because of its immoral content did so merely because they were “unsophisticated children.” The porno industry had a “ratings system” supposedly imposed upon it, to placate those opposed to filth being made readily available to their children.

      But did this “ratings system” really stop minors from viewing pornographic movies? We all know the answer is (home of satan) no! The so called “ratings system” was just a cleverly designed deception of satan to destroy the minds and souls of young and old alike. Thanks to letters such as “R” (Restricted), “A” (Adults Only), “X” (contains immoral filth), “XX” (contains even more filth), and “XXX” (for very sick minds only); such “Ratings” became a cleaver marketing tool. Now kids could brag about the depth of depravity they had accomplished. “So you went to an “X” rated movie? That’s nothing! I went to see a triple “X” movie.” These letters became the material of “bragging rights” among the deceived minds of America’s youth. Unfortunately, today they still are.

      How about the “would be” “adult”? I am appalled when I see an explanation of why some movies are rated unsuitable for minors, yet suitable for would be “adults:” Contains Nudity, Sex, Violence, and adult (?) Language! All of these wonderful adjectives proudly announce only the “adult” mind is prepared to deal with immorality in an “objective” manner. I don’t know about you, but to me, being labeled an “adult” means you have gained a degree of “maturity” which