God Is Going to Marry You. S.Stephen Ph.D Mogagabe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: S.Stephen Ph.D Mogagabe
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780981407791
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upon you, you shall RECEIVE POWER (Acts 1:8). You will be filled with the Holy Spirit to the full without debauchery (Ephesians 5:18). You will be your husband’s witness, Jesus Christ the only GOD!

      The Holy Spirit is JESUS CHRIST’s helper (John 15:26). You don’t have to worry about a helper, your husband’s helper will be YOURS too because you are his chaste virgin, bride and unquestionably HIS WIFE forever. He will take what belongs to your husband JESUS CHRIST and declare it to you (John 16:14). When you have the HOLY SPIRIT; nothing will remain a mystery but GOD’s secrets will be known and given to you freely because the same HOLY SPIRIT “searches ALL things, yes, the DEEP THINGS OF GOD your husband” (1 Corinthians 2:10, 12, John 16:14). The Holy Spirit will tell you what has been freely given to you from your husband without delay, interruption and hindrance. He will teach you (1 John 2:27). The Holy Spirit will also seal you as thee promised wife [bride] to GOD (Ephesians 4:13-14).

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      He is the HUSBAND who literally came for you and me, AND FOR ALL who will be born (1 John 5:4, 1 Peter 1:23, John 3:5-7) long after we are gone from this world. He is the husband to whom YOU are espoused [engaged] (Ephesians 1:13-14) as chaste virgin and forgiven holy one.

      HE is readily faithful and just to forgive [pardon] you of all your crimes [evil, sin] and wrongdoings (1 John 1:8-10). He forgives everyday; everyone who repents [confesses] and speak to him about their wrongdoing [sin and secret hidden shameful deeds]. He listens carefully to those who request pardon and grants it willingly without payment whatsoever. He loves you dearly with love no man or woman has ever loved you with to this very day.

      HIS LOVE is genuine; it’s called the unchanging forgiving-love. HE loves you from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet. HE is thoroughly interested in you forever more. HE is mindful of you every single day and second (Hebrews 2:6). GOD loves you more daily than men of this world do their ‘temporary’ wives.

      GOD is thee only true lover of your soul, life, heart, spirit and mind. GOD’s love is eternal to you and for you. He is love himself (1 John 4:16). He is full of love everywhere in himself. He desires to shower you with his unending-love now, until you feel loved and know love. The truth is; you will never be alone or feel neglected anymore. “This is LOVE: not that we loved GOD, but that GOD LOVED US” (1 John 4:10). He has joyful love and great peace for you. He loves for you to experience first-hand the peace you have never seen or heard about. This kind of peace is called the peace that surpasses [transcends] all human understanding (Philippians 4:7).

      He is not stingy and greedy, he is beyond and above generous! He never says “NO” to his darling believing wife. All your eternal husband’s promises to you are “YES” and “AMEN” (2 Corinthians 1:20), which is to say once God says it, it is DONE. You can trust HIM! He is unreservedly gracious to you (Isaiah 30:18).

      This eternal GOD will remain your husband and loving FRIEND (John 15:13), thee truest friend who laid down his life for you. God is not the betraying sort of friend, or the backstabber, the gossip, but “a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). A friend who has your best interests at HEART! This is GOD who wants to see you completely saved. He is the only One friend who has truly given EVERYTHING to see you ransomed from death and damnation which comes upon those who doubt Jesus Christ-your husband and Creator God.

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      POEM: WHO IS YOUR HUSBAND? I am in the light, in GOD, IN CHRIST, IN THE LIVING GOD, inside THE ETERNAL GOD, in the glory, in grace, enveloped by mercy, in the blood, in the new testament, in the life of the SPIRIT, in the Holy Ghost, in the ETERNAL, the life predestined for ME, not in a Pharisaical church of hypocrites, or Sadducees club, not in the occultic church which worships man of sin (2 Thes 2:3-4); above Jesus my husband, I am not in a man-made church- or man founded church-I’m in the third, first and second heavens of the highest heaven, I’m before the throne with boldness; to receive grace and help in times like these, I am in MY everlasting FATHER, in the husbandman, I am in the WINE, in the WORD, in the SPIRITUAL, where few DARE TO GO. I am not a bishop-"with a desire"-BUT I am called, chosen an appointed, a DIETY born from my HEAVENLY MOTHER-the mother of us all, a royalty, I am more than satan, I have satan under my feet, I am a royalty and a priest to rule on earth, I am born in POWER-the Spirit of Holiness, I am in the ALMIGHTY GOD, the one who was, who is and is to come, I am more than what you think about me, I am not FLESHLY like mortals who die in their sins and forgetfulness of God, I am IMMORTAL in Christ alone-where are you now? For Christ brought IMMORTALITY and LIFE through the GOSPEL! From what level are you speaking? DONT MIX ME with a commoner –I am GOD'S beauty-IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD. I have overcomed satan, AND YOU CAN BE REST ASSURED-I will OVERCOME YOU TOO-and all demons [devils] and liars IN THE WORLD. I am thee WIFE of CHRIST-I am special- I am not an ordinary wife-MY HUSBAND DIED AND ROSE AGAIN, he is GOD-I am thee only WIFE of GOD-my Christ Jesus-is thee ONLY husband I WILL KNOW-who is your husband? I'M DIETY’s beautiful wife- I am ENGAGED TO DIETY GOD and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Our marriage celebration is COMING SOON in heaven. Will you be there to see me in glory? I’M happy to BE Christ's. No MAN will ever own me. Not even the devil will HAVE OR TOUCH ME.

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