God Is Going to Marry You. S.Stephen Ph.D Mogagabe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: S.Stephen Ph.D Mogagabe
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780981407791
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      Bank Name: Standard Bank of South Africa

      Country: South Africa

      - Introduction -

      I am not the kind that beats about the bush before getting to the point- for which I am intensely working to communicate across the ends of world. I love to cut through nonsense instantly and quickly- and get to the heart of things. I hate it when someone wastes my valuable time with pack of lies and useless stories- being blunt, direct and straight forward is imperative to save someone’s oblique looking life in any hospital intensive care unit.

      I wrote this brief to take you out of stupidity prison in order to meticulously teach you and provide you with eternal guidance. This book contains a well thought out Spirit-led topic, a solid truth dug below the surface of eternal truth to give you a unique and effective answer about God and you- his eternal wife. I wrote this valuable subject with the aim to salvage a dying generation out of chains of deceit spoken by desultory incompetent, inept and tailed preachers who inwardly are religious masquerades- ravening wolves and agents of satan. Exceptionally, devilishly creepy and determined- many people are led astray by such false prophets, apostles, bishops and novices- every single day. I am not walking into an easy or enviable situation-however I have to confront satanic lies by declaring an eternal truth without shame, if I am going to restore someone gently as the Spirit of the word records (Gal 6:1). Being released from prison like the apostles who were arrested and jailed for jealousy (Acts 5:17-18); I still have the responsibility to “tell the people the full message of this new life” (Acts 5:20).

      If you are judicious like me, you will uncompromisingly recognize and [perceive] that God is not ‘wife-less’. I am not an atheist- I will never be one. I willfully recognize without doubt the often un-believed truth of God and his wife. “You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse” (Ezekiel 2:7, 3:7-11).

      God’s wife at this present hour is called thee “sealed chaste virgin” (2 Corinthians 11:2). His peculiar wife is called the bride. You have been invited to the wedding of GOD your future eternal husband (Matthew 22:9). That is why I titled this book: “GOD is going to MARRY YOU”. Actually the initial title was: “God is Your Husband and/or Your Husband is God”. Indeed, he is not going to go without marrying you.

      If you have a wife; surely God must have himself a wife readying herself to be married forever! If you have a husband; unquestionably God has to be and wills to be a husband to someone darling beautiful-far better than what you have, seen or are! So all you need doing is to OPEN UP your eyes and see the natural to understand the SPIRITUAL. If you can’t see the SPIRITUAL choose to learn from the natural to grasp who God is as a husbandman (John 15:1), and the ONLY soon to be married everlasting GOD.

      When you are married by God your name will change! Your new name will be called Hephzibah; which is to say: “the one in whom God delights”.

      “You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God. No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land [soul, spirit, heart, body] will be married” (Isaiah 62:3-5, Mark 2:18-20, John 3:28-30, 2 Cor 11:2, Rev 19:6-8, 21:2, 9-11).

      God your potentate husband was quiet as a lamb not opening his mouth when he gave his life to ransom, liberate and rescue you. His sole reason was so that he can have you as his eternal sinless-forgiven and saved un-perishing wife (John 1:29, Genesis 22:8, Isaiah 53:7, 1 Peter 2:21-25, John 3:16). He did not want you to perish- but so you can have an everlasting life. In his mind he had one plan, so you can be his pure and holy wife in life everlasting where time records are set aside. This signifies how much GOD your loving and once-slained but risen husband cares for you. For such a love we read: “God loved you and gave himself up for you” (Ephesians 5:2, Galatians 2:20).He wanted you endlessly ransomed for himself as a lamb using his precious blood without blemish or spot (1 Peter 1:18-19).

      Your caring and loving husband God was dishonored, bruised, wounded, chastised, betrayed and murdered by blind Jews so he can save you for himself (Isaiah 53:3-7,9, Acts 5:28-30, 3:14-15, 7:52). He went through it all, as a humbled lamb to save you BEAUTIFUL ONE! He is the only true ‘hero’ here; hereafter and for all eternity!

      God your husband fulfilled the prophesied words which read: “God will provide himself a lamb”. Indeed he literally provided himself; manifesting himself in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16) just for you! He did that so it could be said of you: “your sins [wrongs, crime, faults and misdeeds] and iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17). He loved you so much for himself, he enthusiastically decided this way just to have you as his perfect bride: “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed your transgressions [wrongs] from you”(Psalms 103:12). You are so special; you have been told of a prepared place by GOD your husband (Rev 12:14). That beautiful free unrestrictive place is going to be yours forever with God your ever-loving devoted husband. God is going to marry you for sure darling; reason being because he has lovingly loved and forgiven [pardoned] you for all your sins, crimes, faults and transgressions. Now you are a sin-less forgiven bride awaiting the wedding day when God will be rejoicing with a crown on his head and you [a royal diadem] on his hand.

      I was naturally born a royal child of King. The supreme King of the Bakwena Bamare-A-Phogole, in South Africa. Being a king's first born child has helped to open my eyes to see when lies, accusations and falsehood were spoken in my father’s courts. I was arrested for a lie my relative spoke about me, so I hate lies and deception for all eternity. Now, what you are going to read herein is without doubt true, brace yourself for an eternal truth impact.

      God is more than what you think through your sacrilegious spectacles and twisted believes. He is GOD who is going to get married; and more so GOD who has a big marriage banquet prepared. His divine banquet is going to take place in a ready set up- in a better HEAVENLY COUNTRY which offers real and active citizenship (Philippians 3:20, Hebrews 11:16). However the majority of thoughtless people think this will not happen, nor does such a reality exist; thus their perpetual-adamant refusal (Ezekiel 2:7, 3:7-11); to the call of return lovingly given and the only great invitation ever given to all human beings and races equally.

      I don’t have to see heaven first to know it exists or reject the call like others do. My biological royal father’s courts exist- it does not mean if you have not seen them, they are not real because I grew in them. I saw my father sit and judge matters as an earthly King. I have personally seen him [my Kingly father] utter a word and his royal servants and workers would go about telling his people what the king decreed without him having to tell the people what he said in person.

      As my father’s first born, I have always looked at people who doubt GOD’s existence; and I want to surmount with King David’s words when he ascetically said: “Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; no one of them does good!” (Psalm 14:1, Скачать книгу