Visits From Heaven. Josie Varga. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Josie Varga
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876046753
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       Nancy Clark, CT


      [email protected]

      Reprinted with permission from Hear His Voice: The True Story of a Modern

      Day Mystical Encounter with God, PublishAmerica

      In this particular dream, I was in a German concentration camp walking alongside another woman. We were herded into a building and just before the door was locked, she pushed me out and said, “Tell Jake that I'm very happy, and above all, tell him it's all right for him to find happiness again. Do you promise to do that for me?” With my eyes tenderly looking into hers, I said, “I promise.” At that same moment someone slammed the door shut and locked it, leaving her inside as I stood outside the building. The dream ended.

      Two days later my husband came home from work and announced that Jake's wife died. I didn't know her and only casually knew Jake as a co-worker of Dean's. We went to the funeral service, and while the minister was delivering the eulogy, he mentioned she was Italian and proceeded to describe the life she had led while in Italy and then later when she married Jake.

      Listening politely to the minister's words, I heard him say something that would rattle the bones inside of me. He recalled a time during her life she spent in a German concentration camp. Shocked by what I had just heard, I immediately thought of my dream and my promise to Jake's wife. How would I tell him and when? I wondered. Would he think I was crazy if I talked about my dream with him? It is not easy to step out in faith and assume everyone will believe what I tell him or her, especially when it deals with the unobservable reality. I was very reluctant to tell him the day of her funeral, so I didn't.

      Several months later, my husband and I attended his company's Christmas party. Coincidentally, seated at our table directly across from me were Jake and his female guest. Both of them, in their late sixties, held hands and talked intimately like sweet lovebirds to one another. It was apparent they were very much in love. I knew it was now or never. I had to tell Jake about my dream. Excusing myself from the table, I told Dean I was going to talk with Jake for a little while. Nervously, I knelt down beside Jake and took his hand in mine and said, “Jake, I'm going to tell you something, and you may dismiss what I'm going to say as being fanatical, lunacy or whatever, but I have to tell you.”

      I proceeded to tell him that his wife appeared to me in a dream and made me promise to tell him she is very happy and, above all, she wants him to find happiness again. When he heard that, Jake spontaneously burst into tears. I looked at Dean sitting across from us and he had a wrinkled brow that said, “What did you do to Jake to make him cry?” With his eyes, Dean motioned me to come back to my chair, but I knew I had to stay with Jake a few moments longer.

      Jake pressed his hands over mine and cried, “Oh God, this is a miracle happening! You did the right thing by telling me. I can't thank you enough.” He proceeded to tell me during the summer shortly after his wife died, he went back to his high school reunion in Iowa. At that time, he met the woman who was seated beside him at the Christmas party. Apparently, they had been high school lovers and hadn't seen one another since then. She never married because Jake had been her only true love. She and Jake married shortly afterward.

      Looking into my eyes, his eyes soaked with tears, Jake told me, “You had no idea I was dealing with a lot of guilt because I remarried so quickly after my wife's death. I felt guilty about finding happiness with another woman and it was tearing me up inside.” He went on to say that he now believed that his wife was bringing him a message from the beyond to let him know that it's okay to be happy. Jake was elated and his tear-filled eyes expressed such gratitude to me for sharing this message with him. That evening his guilt was replaced with genuine freedom to love again and to be loved. A healing had indeed taken place that evening, and I felt privileged to have witnessed and honored it. If I had not listened to God's Voice within, I would have passed up the opportunity to express my Divine gift, that of bringing Light and comfort to others.

      Dear friend, God's Voice encourages us to care for others, and when we do, greater gifts are given to us to be used for the well being of humanity. When we fine-tune our heart to listen to His Voice, we will be uplifted to truly recognize God's wondrous Love for us. There is no limit to the power of God's gifts; there is no limit to the service we may give and we cannot be happy until we give it.

      image The Chihuahua Named Tootsie


       Glenn Klausner

      New York

      During the past fifteen years, I have been conducting readings for people who have loved ones on the Other Side. My clients and I have personally experienced many validations from spirits that are inconceivable to the human mind. As a psychic medium, I know that life after death, in fact, continues from the evidential proof that in no shape or form I could possibly have had prior knowledge of.

      On January 5, 2008, I had conducted an in-person reading with my clients Steve and Beth who were anxious to talk with their loved ones. During their reading, I had connected to both sides of their families. Throughout the reading, I had this familiar feeling that I knew Beth personally as well as her mother who was communicating with me. What was about to come next left me speechless and amazed at just how the spirit world works.

      I make a tape recording of every reading for my clients. In this sixty-minute taped session, Beth's mother planned out the perfect timing to tell me her identity. The minute the tape was finished, Beth's mother told me that she knew me when I was a child growing up in Brooklyn. She went on to mention the exact street I lived on and that she knew my mother who, since 2005, has been in the spirit world.

      Beth's mother Barbara also brought in Beth's father Joe. It was right then and there that I realized who these people were. I proceeded to mention it to Beth by telling her what her mom had just told me, and I said, “Your father is Joe, and he had the Chihuahua named Tootsie.” The gasp along with look of shock on her face was priceless. I myself could not believe this person I was reading for was someone whom I knew and haven't had contact with in twenty-five years. This had to be one of the most unbelievable experiences I have had as a professional psychic medium.

      I then asked Beth's parents if they have seen my mother, and they said that my mother was the one who directed them to have Steve, their son in-law, find me on the Internet. He told me he kept getting led back to me prior to scheduling the appointment and had a feeling himself that there was a reason why, even though he logically could not explain it.

      By this point, I was very curious as to why Beth's parents did not tell me in the beginning of the reading who they were and why they waited until the tape ended at sixty minutes.

      They told me that had they mentioned it earlier on in the reading, it would have not played out with the messages that were needed to be said and heard. The reason for this was because had they mentioned it, Beth and I would have ended up talking about our days growing up in Brooklyn. Her parents picked the perfect moment to reveal their identities so that there were no distractions or interference. When I finished my other readings that day with other clients, I reflected back on what occurred with Beth, Steve, Barbara, and Joe. I can't thank them enough for this experience.

      Since my childhood days I have never doubted that my communication with the Spirit World was not real. I have always known and trusted that it, in fact, exists. This reading proved to me that life does continue on after physical death and that the bonds of love never die.

       About Glenn Klausner

      Glenn is a nationally and internationally renowned psychic medium