Visits From Heaven. Josie Varga. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Josie Varga
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876046753
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know how it was spelled: Stewart or Stuart, or if it was his first name or surname. I saw him a few times, and then I was even able to tap in to his family. He had an older daughter and a younger son—both in their teens when he crossed—and his wife whom he dearly loved. I was moved to tears, but I was also extremely curious about this man—since he was already impacting me so deeply.

      This time, since I was just too curious about this story and Alex wasn't at work yet, I went to the office that was situated upstairs. I spoke with Becky and asked her about “Stewart.” “Do you know if there was a large, gentle black man who died on the job here?” I asked pointedly. Becky told me straight away that indeed a black man had died on the job by falling into a vat of molten steel! I shuddered when she told me this. “Where did that take place?” I continued.


      “You know when you're just coming into Building 12 from Building 8…where that door is to the right where you see the spiral staircase through the window?”

      “Yes, in fact, I see entities all round there all the time,” I replied.

      “There inside that door was where the vats were and where he died.”

      Again, I shuddered! Then I asked her if there was a way to verify his name, but she had no clue. Still, this was the validation that I needed for this episode, because his presence was so strong and so fitting…for what had happened to him.

      I will add that these discarnate people really do appreciate it when someone can “see” them and acknowledge them. They aren't really “stuck” there; they just had had such a pronounced and strong connection to that factory, that they'd simply “toggle” between dimensions and spend time there…as if spending time at their favorite pub and so on. Also, I was known as the “local medium” throughout the Factory, so it wasn't unusual for me to approach someone and ask questions about someone/thing I'd seen, and likewise people would ask me for input.

      Back in my loft, I was once again on the phone with a friend MaAnna, who lived in Nashville. All of a sudden, one by one, people were coming into view, and I started describing these individuals whom I was seeing—five in all. As it turns out, I was describing five of her relatives—most of whom she'd never met, because they had passed away before she was born or when she was too young to remember. However, one of the individuals that I described was her niece whom she did know well. But what was interesting about this is that I saw her when she was five; yet she'd died in her late teens. Well, what happened is that the child had had an NDE (near-death experience) at age five, and she couldn't wait to describe “Heaven” to her parents. That's also when she was at her happiest in life. This was huge for my friend, as she'd wanted input about these relatives for ages, and she told me that I described them perfectly—according to photographs that she'd seen of them. She had even asked her mum about them and everything that I described was absolutely correct.

      Here's what she said: Many of my mother's family members had crossed over either before I was born or while I was still an infant. As Juliet and I were chatting about my family, she declared that her room was suddenly filling up with folks who were connected to me. I took note as she described each one and was able to recognize a few of them from pictures that I had seen or stories I had been told. I shared the remainder of the information with my mother, who was able to verify the rest. It's an amazing thing to have Juliet describe so many details of a person who has crossed, considering that she cannot usually see that much detail on the physical plane. Her sight is quite clear with respect to the Other Side.

      (Note: When experiencing a visitation, we will often see people when they were in their “prime” in life or at their happiest and not as how they were when we last saw them on this plane, and so forth. This is very common.)

      When it finally came time that I had to leave the Factory at Franklin, I was truly and deeply saddened. Not only did I have friends that were visible on this plane, I also had friends who'd lived and worked there before I'd ever even arrived in America. I actually cried as I bade farewell to the gathered group of workers by the entrance to Building 12 from the breezeway. Even now, my eyes fill with tears in thinking about this departure.

      I wish to make two points here: First, the fact that I'm visually impaired may contribute to me being such a natural medium, because I've always been able to see into other dimensions or realms. Since my view of this plane is so restricted, as it were, I naturally tune into other frequencies and see into these realms, because I'm not so distracted by or focused on what is on the physical plane. Second, I'm also a multiple NDEr (near-death experiencer), which means that I'm already familiar with the Other Side. It is most common for NDErs to have pronounced psychic and mediumistic abilities as part of the aftereffects of the NDE.

      When we reside on this plane, we're operating on a certain dimension or frequency. However, when we cross over, we move into a different and higher frequency—much like moving up on the radio band. So, as a medium—and anyone who experiences “visits from heaven”—we're simply seeing individuals who are very real and very much alive, but merely operating at a different frequency that we are able to tune in to. It's all quite simple and straightforward.

      In fact, my take on all this phenomena is that if more people were willing to acknowledge “visits” and the fact that we can all experience them, there'd be far less grief in the world and that people can share in meaningful dialogue with those they love and care about who have crossed over. There's nothing “woo-woo” about this; it's simply mind-to-mind communication (telepathy) that's already been scientifically proven to be valid. It would also help us feel less “cut off” from those we love, because we can actually communicate with them freely.

      After all, we do live forever…and we need to acknowledge the fact that people simply change frequencies and planes of existence, but they never die. And it is up to us to keep the lines of communications open by allowing ourselves to tune into these different frequencies and to share in communion with those we love.

       About Reverend Juliet Nightingale

      The late British mystic Reverend Juliet Nightingale was the founder of Toward the Light ( and the creator of, a near-death experience (NDE) support and interest group. She was a minister of metaphysics, a clairvoyant spiritual advisor/counselor and medium, a practitioner of Reiki and remote healing. She had had multiple NDEs before her death in February 2009.

      A gifted musician and loyal friend, she was the host of the ground-breaking radio show, Toward the Light, on The show focused on the nature of consciousness and life continuum as revealed through near-death, out-of-body, and other spiritually transformative experiences and related topics.

      image My Father's Energy Force




      My father died in August 2006. On August 1, he had told me he loved me for the first time. Three weeks later, he was gone.

      On the first anniversary of his death, I was awakened by the most powerful energy force I have ever experienced. The predominant adjective to describe this force was “invasive.” It literally woke me up, and the force was so powerful that I did not know immediately if it were going to be a good or bad thing.

      I soon realized, however, that this was the energy of my late father. The only way I can describe it, as it entered my chest, is to say that it was better than anything I have ever experienced in my lifetime—better than any pleasure, better than any relationship, better than anything exotic or beautiful in this world!

      When people