On the right hand we had the outsider who at the outset of his pursuit of presidential candidate was an arrogant, bombastic, crass, bellicose, truculent, self-centered and overtly repugnant individual. He had never held a public office and is known for being an astute, hard-core and successful businessman. He has availed himself of the system’s policies that protect wealth; and unfortunately along with the protection there is collateral loss to others. You might say a person of this character is loathe to the general populous. Upon garnering the position of official candidate for the party of the right, he became more disciplined and displayed a stature more in keeping with what is expected of a person who will lead the most powerful nation in the world. He reduced his propensity of obnoxious denigrating of others, however, still has a proclivity to embellish facts. Contrary to the candidate of the left, he has not shown any contempt toward the general populous nor have any of his shortcomings in any way placed the security of the nation in potential jeopardy.
A critical evaluation of the two candidates discloses the candidate of the left, who was ingrained in the establishment, will more than likely continue on the same path. It has become quite obvious the general populous was tired of the “same-o, same-o” and was savoring for fresh representation. The candidate on the right had no previous experience in government and more accurately depicts what our Founding Fathers did envision, citizen representatives not professional politicians. The time to defer to our Founding Fathers was apparent.
Concerned Citizens of America: Alive and Kicking!
During the election year of 20081 there was a spontaneous eruption of concerned citizens opposing ever escalating exorbitant taxation, and the concerned citizens embraced the slogan “Taxed Enough Already.” The liberal progressive Democrats, elitist establishment Republicans and an extremely left leaning biased dominant media seized upon the slogan to create an entity, “Tea Party.” The censurable group, that created the entity, had an ulterior purpose in mind as they were then enabled to label and vilify ordinary concerned citizens exercising their Constitutional Right to petition the government. The group was well aware that it would be political suicide to attack ordinary citizens, thus a mutual Devil was established. The citizens’ concerns are: excessive taxation, continued bloating of an already oversized government, a desire to have the Constitution interpreted employing deference to the original intent of the Framers and a reduction of the national debt that our posterity will inherit. The fictitious entity is neither recognized nor registered as a bona fide political party and the concerned citizens do not have any formal leaders or directors, their emergence was spontaneous in response to an ever-increasing unresponsive, oppressive and corrupt government.
The movement gained enormous recognition and consisted of members of all ethnicities, religions, political affiliations and young and old. Though the dominant media, and status quo political leaders, asserted the members of the movement were nothing more than radical rabble-rousers fomenting violence and property destruction, there was no evidence of either at their rallies. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House at the time, referred to them as a continuance of Hitler’s Naziism and the media continued unrelenting and disparaging attacks against their convictions. After a few years of constant bombarding the movement, the dominant media and elitists were satisfied they had vanquished the voice of the Concerned Citizens, but how wrong they are!
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