Thoughts Of A Patriotic Old Grouch. Bud Barnes. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bud Barnes
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781648010279
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capable of performing the necessary and required tasks of the job; as mentioned earlier, this is probably most apparent in the area of Public Safety. There have been such outrageous reductions made in the physical and intelligence standards governing qualifications for employment in this field, for the exalted elite only, that the safety and well being of the general public is in dire jeopardy; physical agility and performance tasks, as well as general intelligence tests, might just as well have been scrapped; this all being done under the guise of creating a “level playing field”. These changes in requirements and standards extended only to the A.A qualifiers, so many very competent and qualified people being denied consideration because of their race or color were discriminated against; what better way to create an animus in a society.

      When the Asian Race proved to be too dominant a force in gaining acceptance to prestigious halls of academe they were excluded from the exalted elite protected by A.A.; this exclusion is further evidence of the egregious scam perpetrated on this nation and also evidence that those supporting A.A. are doing so to further their own agendas and for selfish gain. If the reason for extending preference to the exalted elite was a benign form of reparation for earlier slavery, I wonder how we can justify lumping the Asian Race with the “evil white male”, I believe the Asian Race is a minority of color; I also wonder if any of the people enjoying the fruits of A.A. have ever felt the sting of a lash in the hand of a U.S. Slave Owner; I think not!

      The people who feel they are not on a “level playing field” and without A.A. they will not succeed know what they are: “Patheticoes”; they know that it is not necessary to put forth effort because preferential consideration is automatically extended to them. Any person who flexes his A.A. muscle to advance his position and status is only fooling himself; if you can’t advance on merit you will always be the masters’ puppet, because if you accept a handout you will forever be beholden and you don’t have the respect of your peers. You might say a person who flexes his A.A. muscle is a blood-sucking parasite that lives off the blood of another. It’s kind of an irony that those people who screamed so loudly about injustices of slavery are ready and willing to relegate themselves to the status of the “masters’ puppet”.

      The endeavor to tear down the Constitution by initiating impact disparity, thus promoting discrimination of individuals, and the overall decimation of qualifications and standards is obviously devastating to our society; however, what is not so obvious is the stigma, or badge of A.A., that so many minorities of color must endure. There are tremendous numbers of individuals (minorities of color) who absolutely refuse to avail themselves of A.A., but in spite of their achievements through qualification and merit, sans the aid of A.A, they are unfortunately categorized with the aforementioned “blood sucking parasites”. I admire people who tell the social engineers to stay out of their lives, because they are well aware of their self worth and are ready to stand on merit and qualification; they realize the acceptance of a handout results in being beholden and never being free. The abolishment of A.A., as we recognize it, will not only re-establish the true intent of our Constitution it will cleanse the obnoxious stigma and badge from the courageous people who refused to avail themselves of the “A.A. Scam”; they will ultimately enjoy their niche in society that was so arduously achieved through merit and qualification, a new badge they can wear with PRIDE and HONOR.

      The social engineers are cognizant of the recent Court decisions and know full well A.A., as they perceive it, is on the brink of extinction. The CRA Initiative, California Prop. 209, that passed with an overwhelming approval is an indicator the American People do believe the protection of individual rights is paramount. The social engineers reaction to the inevitable demise of A.A. has been to create another step-child, so out of their lower bowels has erupted “cultural diversity”, a new movement (pun intended); diversity is probably going to be more devastating and have a greater impact on this nation than has A.A. Affirmative Action has dealt with equality, opportunity, and rights; cultural diversity targets the unity of the nation with the intent to divide the people. To quote John Dickinson (1768), “—by uniting we stand, by dividing we fall—“; I often wonder why the social engineers are so bent on destroying a unity that has made this nation, the United States, a symbol of opportunity for all peoples of the world regardless of race or color; however, this is a very complex subject that should be addressed independently.

      In closing, I would like to state that my contentions regarding Affirmative Action have been substantiated in this writing; Affirmative Action, as we know it and have been subjected too, is unequivocally a deviation from truth, rectitude and a maladministered concept; a “BOONDOGGLE!”

      America, Love Her or Leave—Racist?

      I am an octogenarian, 86 years of age, and for my entire life the phrase United States Citizens have cherished is: “America Love Her or Leave”. Currently, there is a faction of the Progressives who believe the phrase to be racist. In order to be somewhat accurate it is necessary to define racist, or racism: “a belief that some races are by nature superior to others.” Employing the foregoing definition it is impossible to even convolutedly substantiate that the phrase be remotely racist. If you defer to a definition of racist desired by the Progressives and Dominant News Media: “Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The use of the term “racism” does not easily fall under a single definition.” Employing this definition it is easily recognized that racist is generic embracing a wide or universal range, and the accuser creates no more than a counterfeit label of disgrace. So, how can a person be accused of racism if the accuser cannot denote a specific act of racism? To put it bluntly, racist or racism is nothing more than an impotent label that has no more significance than a “pimple on a fat lady’s ass.”

      The case at hand is: four freshman members of the House of Representatives, I refer too as “fraudulent four”, are disparaging this Country and the Founding Fathers who crafted the greatest Country in the world. If I tell the disgruntled four to bundle up their sorry Asses and get the Hell out, have I violated any of their rights?

      The four allege they are only critical of the Country, but they have not made any significant measures to assuage their criticisms other than spewing spurious accusations. They fraudulently say they love the Country and respect the Constitution1, while referencing everything about both with absolute disdain. If you find where you are to be objectionable, whether it be city, county, state or country, you have the freedom to leave. My suggestion is: exercise your freedom and do us all a favor by leaving our Country, thus ameliorating your intolerable status. I’m sure there is transportation available enabling you to reach a country more in accord with your ludicrous politics. When you’re running down my Country you’re walking on the fightin’ side of me2, and I reserve my right of speech to tell you to get your Sorry Ass out of my Country.

      To sum it up: the excessive use of the accusatory label racist, or racism, has reduced the term to be nothing more than a meaningless pejorative, a nothing burger. Any person running down our Country has the freedom to leave.

      As usual: You Make The Call

      July 20, 2019


      July 24, 2019

      Hi Bud:

      Although I understand and agree with your love of OUR country, I am still going to, respectfully take issue with characterizing what you say against government is “critical” and thus, healthy and permissible, whereas what Representatives Omar; Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley and T1aib say is “disparaging and denigrating” and thus, worthy of “not letting the door hit” them on the “ass on” their way out. For someone who loves the First Amendment, as you do, I am still puzzled by your rather biased distinction between what you say and what they say. Why are your words critical, but theirs are worthy of expulsion from THEIR country. Believe it or not, Bud, they are citizens of this country just as you and I are. As you are aware, we have both natural born and naturalized citizenship opportunities (thank goodness for that or my kin would still be screaming at the British in Northern Ireland).

      What you and I do agree on is the four Congresswomens’ lack of maturity. I believe their immature passions are doing more harm than good. That