My Five-Year Recovery Planner. The Editors of Central Recovery Press. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: The Editors of Central Recovery Press
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781936290468
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In others, you need to simply accept them and move on to the best of your ability. Applying the “Serenity Prayer” as a tool to clarify the things you cannot change—and therefore need to find a way to accept—versus the things you can change, is a solution-oriented approach to achieving balance and strengthening your recovery. (Use extra pages if necessary; don’t be limited to writing in the blank spaces provided.)

       Applying the “Serenity Prayer”

      “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

      The courage to change the things I can, and

      The wisdom to know the difference.”

      Related to your current life, identify something you cannot change and need to accept.






      Describe how you will begin to go about accepting it.






      Related to your current life, identify something you can change.






      Describe how you will begin to go about changing it.






      Describe how you can tell the difference between what you can and cannot change.






      In each of the following sections of this book, you will have an opportunity to use the Serenity Prayer as a resource for planning your future.

      People often underestimate or deny the importance of their physical state to the quality of their lives, but the reality is that it is impossible to separate your physical condition from your overall state of balance. The four points of balance are inextricably connected. In other words, your body, mind, emotions, and spirit are constantly affecting each other. Each of us is here on earth in a physical body, and how we take care of our bodies directly affects how we think and feel about everything.

      What are the recognizable signs of physical balance? Are they expressed in a “perfect” face, physique, hair color, or smile? Is a person in physical balance a marathon runner or tri-athlete? Maybe, but not necessarily. Although each person on earth has much in common with every other person, each of our bodies has different needs and abilities.

      We know that we need fresh air, clean water, wholesome food, adequate sleep, and a certain amount of exercise in order to maintain our physical well-being. Some of us are happier with an athletic life that includes regular, vigorous exercise. Others are happier in a lifestyle that may be less active, but still allows for the performance of daily activities. Still others have physical lives that are defined by chronic pain or other physical challenges. Yet, no matter what physical type we are—active, sedentary, or challenged—there is an optimal physical state for each of us.

      Whatever your optimal state is, working toward physical balance requires doing things each day to take care of and strengthen your body. Some common characteristics of physical balance include

      • Eating nutritious foods

      • Avoiding toxins

      • Practicing relaxation

      • Exercising regularly

      • Getting enough sleep

      • Practicing meditation

      Listen to your body; it is always giving you clues about what it needs to be healthy. Paying attention to these subtle signals is a powerful way to improve your physical balance.

      When we neglect ourselves physically, we don’t have the energy and vitality to excel in the other areas. How can you be your best if you’re taxing your body with poor nutrition, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, excessive toxins, and unmanaged stress? Without physical balance, it will be difficult to live a life you love.

      One of the most common reasons people give for not attending to their physical needs is a lack of time. Overcoming this obstacle simply requires applying some problem-solving skills to make it a part of each day. By bringing awareness to your daily habits and routines, you are taking the first step toward meaningful change. And remember that a positive change, even a small one, in one point of balance tends to produce positive changes in all the others.

      Start laying the foundation for your optimal physical state, beginning with acceptance of wherever you are right now, and acknowledgment of what you can and cannot change.

      My Physical Plan: Warming Up You can begin to strengthen your foundation by examining where you are now and how you feel about it, then looking at some goals you would like to achieve. You can think of this as the “warm-up phase” of your physical balance journey.

      Begin where you are. Check off each item based on how you feel about it today. Use the blank boxes to add any physical concerns you have that are not listed.

      My Five-Year Plan Goals Your goals can be simple or lofty, as long as they are your goals and no one else’s.

      Five years from now I’d like (fill in the blank next to the physical item listed.)

      My Overall Health to Be