Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up. Jennifer Storm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jennifer Storm
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781936290796
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      Praise for Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up

      “Hats off to Jennifer Storm for creating an educational tool that is both insightful and inspiring. She takes difficult subject matter and makes it relatable and meaningful to readers, nurturing and applauding their progress all throughout.”

      Kim Goldman New York Times Bestselling Author and Victims’ Advocate

      “Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up is an excellent book for anyone who has been victimized. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and rape, I see so much potential in this book to help others who have experienced trauma and are looking for ways to heal. Survivors who read this book will find themselves saying, ‘That is exactly how I felt.’

      “Picking Up the Pieces without Picking Up won’t give you the answers to forgetting the experiences in your life, but will guide you toward a healthier way of living as you learn how to live for today.”

      Erin Merryn Author of Stolen Innocence and Living for Today

      “Being a victim of crime can be devastating, overwhelming, and physically and emotionally draining. Addiction adds another layer to an already difficult process. Jennifer Storm understands and has thrived and survived both sides of the coin. She has found a simplistic, straightforward way to share invaluable insight into the many facets of a victim’s journey through uncharted waters. Throughout Picking Up the Pieces, she is gentle and honest as she provides guidance on the emotional roller coaster a victim is forced to ride, validating the good and not-so-good feelings, how to navigate the criminal justice system, and so much more. Thousands will benefit from Jen’s work.”

      Lynn Shiner Homicide survivor Director, Office of Victims’ Services, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

      “Picking Up the Pieces is a wonderful guide to understanding your emotions at each level of your recovery. Jennifer’s genuine insight will help many who need it.”

      Mildred D Muhammad Author of Scared Silent: When the One You Love…Becomes the One You Fear Founder/Executive Director of After the Trauma, Inc.

      “A guidebook that I would highly recommend to any victim as he or she struggles to find a ‘new normal.’ Jennifer Storm has compassionately composed exercises that empower one to transition from darkness into light. Each chapter is written from Jennifer’s firsthand experiences with the anger, guilt, and shame of her own personal struggle to survive. The author’s devotion to her work is evident by her passion to assist others to follow her path from pain to recovery.”

      Debra Puglisi Sharp Author of Shattered: Reclaiming a Life Torn Apart by Violence








       Picking Up the Pieces WITHOUT Picking Up



       by Jennifer Storm


      Central Recovery Press (CRP) is committed to publishing exceptional materials addressing addiction treatment, recovery, and behavioral health care topics, including original and quality books, audio/visual communications, and web-based new media. Through a diverse selection of titles, we seek to contribute a broad range of unique resources for professionals, recovering individuals and their families, and the general public.

      For more information, visit www.centralrecoverypress.com. Central Recovery Press, Las Vegas, NV 89129 ©2011 by Jennifer Storm ISBN-13: 978-1-936290-64-2 (paper) ISBN-10: 1-936290-64-2 ISBN-13: 978-1-936290-79-6 (e-book) ISBN010: 1-936290-79-0 (e-book)

      All rights reserved. Published 2011. Printed in the United States of America.

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

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      Publisher: Central Recovery Press

       3321 N. Buffalo Drive

       Las Vegas, NV 89129

      EDITOR’S NOTE: Our books represent the experiences and opinions of their authors only. Every effort has been made to ensure that events, institutions, and statistics presented in our books as facts are accurate and up-to-date.

       Cover design and interior by Sara Streifel, Think Creative Design

       This book is dedicated to Margaret Colby, my sister, my best friend, my soul mate, and my sponsor of twelve years. Your constant and daily love is something I miss more than words on this paper can ever convey. There is an empty space in my heart that your voice and laughter used to fill. Without your influence in my life, this book would have never come to be—nor would I be who I am today. Thank you for everything, until we meet again.

       Table of Contents

       Chapter Three: Not in My Family!

       Chapter Four: If I Can Just Trust and Believe . . .

       Chapter Five: Feelings Aren’t Facts

       Chapter Six: Shame, Anger, and Depression—Recovery’s Greatest Obstacles

       Chapter Seven: Substance Abuse and Victimization

       Chapter Eight: Victims Have Rights?

       Chapter Nine: Where Do I Turn? Navigating the Criminal Justice System

       Chapter Ten: To