Growing Strong Girls. Lindsay Sealey. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lindsay Sealey
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781928055303
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       To all of you who nurture, support, and champion girls to be strong and confident from the inside out—intentionally growing strong girls and cultivating connection is the most important and profound privilege we share.




       A Note to Readers

       Part 1 A Girl’s Journey Inward

       1Who I Am

       2Being True to You

       Connection Tool: Ten Simple Conversation Starters

       3Perfectly Imperfect

       4Self-Care and the Whole Girl

       Connection Tool: Self-Care—Ten Ways to Feel Good about You

       5Girl in the Mirror

       6Mind Full to Mindful

       7Life Balance

       8Facing Anxiety


       10Exploring Spirituality

       Part 2 A Girl’s Journey Outward

       11We Are Stronger Together

       12Words Matter

       13Express Yourself

       Connection Tool: Feeling Words

       14Navigating Change

       15Girls Can Be Mean

       16Set Your Boundaries

       Connection Tool: Qualities Worth Cultivating

       17Confident, Not Conceited

       18Social Media and Keeping It Real

       19Screen Time and the Tangled Web

       Part 3 A Girl’s Journey Onward

       20Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

       21Loving Learning

       22Learning for Life

       23Scattered and Smart

       Connection Tool: Tips for Reducing Test Anxiety

       24What’s Ahead? Planning and Preparing for the Future

       25Who’s in Charge? Choices and Decision Making

       26Motivation: Let’s Get Moving

       Connection Tool: Ten Ways to Connect Starting Now

       27Going for Growth

       28Surviving to Thriving




       1.The Self-Worth Manifesto and Ways to Help Her Feel Strong

       2.Positive Power Statements

       3.Common Connection Concerns

       4.Top Tips for Homework and Studying

       5.Empowerment Songs

       6.Positive Role Models

       7.Body Wisdom




      IF YOU ARE a parent or another “big person” invested in raising and championing a girl, you are holding the most wonderful gift in your hands in the form of this book. Having worked with children and families for many years, there is one thing I know for sure: connection is at the heart of what makes the world go ’round.

      The science of child development has irrefutably revealed that the most central need all children everywhere have for healthy development is relational connection. When a child is held in the space of nurturing connection by their special adults in all aspects of their life—home, school, sport, community—something incredible happens in the core of their emotional brain. Neural track gets laid down that promotes regulation, reduces stress, increases resiliency, and fosters optimal outcomes academically, socially, and eventually, professionally.

      Sadly, today’s girl is growing up at a time when much of what would once have “just happened” naturally to support her healthy