Love, God. Deborah J. Simmons-Roslak. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Deborah J. Simmons-Roslak
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781498242202
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have imaged it should arrive.

      Unfortunately, like children, we are not privy to all of the ramifications of an answer that we have worked out for ourselves however, God does know and knows exactly what we need. Cynical?

      The next time you need assistance ask God to help with whatever you need helped, but allow God to then do what Love does best. Try not to get in the way.

      “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

      Mark 7:7

      Take a Moment to Listen:

      Child of heaven, all clarity is freely given when you find yourself confused, or fearful. No holy child would be left in such a quandary in pain and alone. No ultimate love could extend such cruel neglect. Do not imagine answers in fear or discontent rather, seek the peace within you, where Heaven and Spirit await your willingness. Breathe in that holy space and know that you are loved.

      Guided Meditation

      We recognize the state of anxiety and of being ‘at wit’s end’, but we often do not recognize Love’s healing hand. There may be some days when feeling anxious or confused is more acceptable to us than accepting the gifts of our inheritance.

      God wants to heal your heart. Whatever pain, anxiety or sadness you feel can be healed with His peace.

      Find a comfortable place to relax. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Breathe in and out deeply a few times. Focus on those breaths. See yourself by an infinite ocean. The waves rise and fold meeting the sand in rhythmic harmony. Watch the precise majesty of those waves. The salted air is pungent with spray stretching crazily toward the clouds. You are alone on this stretch of beach, but not completely. God is here with you.

      Allow your heart to speak. Know that He is listening with total and complete healing peace. Allow yourself to hear His answer. Rest in that answer. Rest inside that healing peace.

      Your Thoughts/Experience:

      “Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude. Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments when life seems easy.”

      Henri Nouwen

      ‘Thank you’ or a derivative of such is available in any form for use by human interaction. Simple enough. Someone extends himself or herself and our response is ‘thank you’. Should someone extend himself or herself a bit more we add ‘so much’ to the end of thank you. Should the extension of kindness show itself in a grander gesture we add emotion and positive body language to our ‘thank you—so much.’ The displayed emotions, positive body language and ‘thank you—so much really’ is registered by giver and receiver in gladness. Both have given and received. Such as it is with thank you.

      We are appropriately thankful upon appropriate occasion. We are at the level of appreciation. We appreciate having been appreciated, while others appreciate having been remembered. We have both given and received. We are thankful—for the moment.

      While the act of exchanging thank you may resemble the state of gratitude, the pair is actually on opposite ends of a continuum. The act of saying thank you at the very beginning while the state of gratitude, deepening exponentially, as the continuum extends itself within the human experience.

      Gratitude on the other end of the spectrum is where we hold our appreciation for a remembrance given, an opportunity to remember and find gratefulness when there is no remembrance at all. We are outside of our need to be remembered because we’ve stepped outside of our little wills and small selves. In deep gratitude, the rain clouds, or sun, small insects and screaming children can be experienced for their Reality. They are simply the pure Love of the Creator, and then, we can experience our reality also. We are simply the Beloved of Love Itself. Thank you doesn’t seem quite enough.

      “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to that which also you are called in one body; and be you thankful.”

      Colossians 3:15

      Take a Moment to Listen:

      In the fullness of All there is you were conceived. In the richness that is your inheritance you are swaddled. Reach to touch all that is yours from before even time itself began. You are the heart and joy of the Creator and the Love of existence entirely.

      Guided Meditation

      What would you like to tell the people in your life who love you? What would you like to say to those in your life who have guided you, prompted you or lifted you up when it was needed? Co-workers, random meetings with people whom you may never meet again might have lifted your spirit, or encouraged you when needed. Does that deserve a heartfelt thank you, or a sanctified prayer of gratitude?

      Imagine living in a place where gratefulness comes easily. It floats on the very air that you breathe. In a quiet space, think about how you understand gratitude. Have there been moments in time when you have taken friends, family or co-workers for granted? Of course it didn’t feel that way in the moment, but did the depth of gratitude fill you as you thanked them for their kindness? Have there been times when you might have forgotten or taken for granted the depths of God’s incredible and unconditional love for you?

      Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in the gratitude that God holds for your very existence. Allow it fill your lungs, stomach and all of your being. Gratitude breeds sheer joy.

      Breathe in the joy that God holds for your existence. Gratitude and joy fills all who are open to the Ultimate Love from which we were all created. As you breathe in that gratitude and joy, so are you able to share the same with every one around you.

      Your Thoughts/Experience:

      “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.”

      Karl Rahner

      Among the must do’s, the can do’s, and feverish scheduling for future do’s the soft call of the hungry heart restless to find the pathway homeward asks of us to hear its’ need. A heart-call can make itself known in any recognizable form, but how is it possible to fill the need for the mystery that is God’s every present light and love? How can we fill the need of our heart with an unfathomable mystery? It’s fortunate for us that we don’t need to know. We do need to be willing to step aside and allow it to happen.

      That our hearts would call out for the light and love of God is no mystery in and of itself. Having been created in and with that same Light and that same Love the heart calls for that which is completion and fulfillment. It calls for that which provides clarity, perspective and strength in sweet vulnerability. Where to begin?

      Become aware of your personal heart-call. Among all of your must, can and future do’s, sit quietly listening to what your heart needs from you. Take a walk through your neighborhood. The smallest flower is grand by design. Each vein of every petal is there with intent and purpose. Allow your heart to speak to you and when you do, allow the answer to follow.

      Just as the small flower is grand by design with each piece there for purpose and intent, so is it with human beings. We are the Love of God by design. Our intent and purpose is only to extend the Love that is so freely wrapped around our lives.

      Breathe in the light through which we are seen and reflect it outward toward everyone and everything you touch. Your heart will be filled with the unfathomable mystery of resting in peace and cradled in Love.

      There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

      1 John 4:18–19

      Take a Moment to Listen:

      Sweet child of heaven, you are as you were created. Just as the moment when Love first breathed spirit into your heart, your heart longs to remember and to feel once again the fullness of completion. More and deeper will you sense who you are to Who created your very being as you let go of apprehension and allow the richness of your inheritance to fill your soul.
