‘Our fearlessness towards him consists in this, that if we ask anything in accordance with his will he hears us’.
John 5:14–15
Take a Moment to Listen:
There is always a choice to be made between a small, frightened will and the Will of Heaven itself. Each choice either brings more confusion and pain, or gratitude and gentle embrace. In any given moment become aware of that which you are choosing, then choose the Will of Heaven with certainty.
Guided Meditation
Trusting God to guide us is often difficult. Sometimes we don’t even ask for His help. We just believe we have to figure it all out by ourselves. It doesn’t occur to us that we don’t have to figure everything out alone.
Find your favorite spot and sit down. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Once again, ask God to be with you. He is already here, but you may not be aware. What is it that you are struggling with the most right now? What do you need help understanding? Think about it for a few minutes. Tell God what it is that is bothering you. Tell Him what you need guidance with. You can take your time. There is no rush. He is infinitely patient.
He wants you to know that you are not alone. Can you listen for Him to whisper that He is always with you? Sit with Him for a while. Perhaps something new in this space will occur to you. If not right now, there will be endless possibilities for Him to guide you. Perhaps you will read something, or hear something, or get a feeling or sense of being led.
Don’t feel you have to know right now. Leave space for God to help you throughout the day and week. Trust that He loves you and wants to help you. Stay in this place of love and acceptance for as long as you need to. God goes with you—always.
Your Thoughts/Experience:
“The church will have to initiate everyone—priests, religious and laity—into this ‘art of accompaniment’, which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other.”
Pope Francis
As you look upon another, whom do you see? If you look carefully you will recognize something of yourself. You will recognize the same emotions of fear, pain and distress. You will also recognize hope and joy. So forgiveness then becomes a little easier—for others are not so unlike you.
If you can look with compassion you can recall that as God loves you in your pain and fear, does He not love them in their pain also? You will remember that your brother and sister were created in the same loving kindness.
If Love is compassionate and understanding with you—can you not open the door to your heart, just a little for others? God looks upon all of His children in perfect and sacred love.
“But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees they got together sand to put him to the test, one of them put a further question, “Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?” Jesus said to him you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second commandment resembles it: You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:34–38
Take a Moment to Listen:
Love is all encompassing my child and leaves out no one. Love creates in love equally and for all eternally. You have looked on another and have forgotten who you both are. You often fear you walk alone, yet you are blind to the exquisite love that is your birthright as it was also given to those that walk with you.
As you love and forgive another, you will gently watch their dark shadows fall away. Here you will recognize their beauty—for it is also yours. You were both created in perfect love and eternal joy. As you see it in another my child, you will rejoice in knowing you walk with those I have lovingly embraced just as I lovingly embrace you.
Guided Meditation
When we are in emotional pain or distress it’s very difficult to remember how much God loves us. It’s impossible to know when we are judging others through our own pain or distress.
Though we may forget, God’s love always surrounds us. We might not be able to recognize it however, when we wrap ourselves in negativity and pain we cannot hear the call of Ultimate Love.
Find your favorite quiet spot and sit down in a relaxed position. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Now in this quiet, calm space, invite God to be with you. Allow yourself to experience His gentle love. Listen as God speaks softly to you. Hear Him tell you how much He loves you and how precious you are to Him. His love never left you.
Allow yourself to stay in His love for as long as you need to. He is always with you, even when you are not aware or open to that love. Now perhaps you can carry that love with you and gently extend it to all those you meet everyday.
Your Thoughts/Experience:
“Criticism of others is thus an oblique form of self condemnation. We think we make the picture hang straight on your wall by telling our neighbors that his picture is crooked.”
Fulton Sheen
How difficult it is to kneel in mud and wrestle with all of your own perceived transgressions. How difficult it is to examine your own faults, weaknesses and shortcomings. However, doing so does have positive aspects.
We learn to see our own humanness and therefore, we can begin to notice it in our neighbor. We can learn that looking at ourselves with honesty there is nothing we need to fear. As we hold the Hand of Love Itself, we can learn to look with gentleness and even laughter. Love can and will teach us to be kind to ourselves, as we become more brave. God will love us as much in our humanness as He does every other moment of our existence.
“Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye and never notice the great log in your own? How can you say to your brother “Brother, let me take out that splinter I your eye” when you cannot see the great log in your own? Hypocrite! Take the log out of your eye first and then you will see clearly enough to take out the splinter in your brother’s eyes.”
Luke 6:41–41
Take a Moment to Listen:
Do not fear true introspection my child. For as you look within, you can invite me to look with you. We can look together in gentleness at your perceived shortcomings. If you can accept the kindness with which I see you, you will, in turn, develop patience in accepting perceived faults in your neighbor as well.
I look at all I see in kindness and hope. Love cannot condemn. The more you look at yourself through my eyes, the more peace you will find. Do not fear what lies underneath behavior, for I go with you and I will gently remind you of how deeply you are loved.
As we travel together through your perceptions, I can help you begin to understand the cause of your actions. We can sweep away the cobwebs of fear and leave behind a frightened need you will no longer have.
It is in the kindness of understanding my child, that you will find freedom. Do not fear introspection. It is here that I hold your hand and go with you on this inward journey. It is here that you will find true freedom and blessed peace.
Guided Meditation
Looking honestly at your self is not always an easy task. Looking at others openly and honestly can be difficult as well. This becomes compounded when we believe that God is keeping score with every thought and action we have or do.
Go to your favorite comfortable spot and relax. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Ask God, who loves you without reservation, to guide you on this inner journey. Think for a moment about someone you are having trouble with. Allow yourself to see that person and think about what bothers you about them. Gently ask God to help you see without judgment or criticism. Allow Him to assist you to see through Love’s sight. Give yourself permission to accept His healing love.