Poems for the Funeral Celebrant. Richard A. Phipps. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Richard A. Phipps
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781532647680
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      Poems for the Funeral Celebrant

      Turning Tears of Grief Into Tears of Joy

      Richard a. Phipps

      Foreword by Fred O. Berry, III


      Poems for the Funeral Celebrant

      Turning Tears of Grief Into Tears of Joy

      Copyright © 2018 Richard A. Phipps. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

      Resource Publications

      An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

      199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

      Eugene, OR 97401


      paperback isbn: 978-1-5326-4766-6

      hardcover isbn: 978-1-5326-4767-3

      ebook isbn: 978-1-5326-4768-0

      Manufactured in the U.S.A.

      Dedicated to my wife, Kay, who is

      always available for advice, encouragement

      and participation in the preparations

      of all my celebrant services.

      It is a ministry we share!


      As a young teenager, it was no surprise that I began working in the family business. Following the footsteps of my great grandfather, my grandfather and my father, funeral service was a calling and the deep desire to help people was in my DNA. Now in my 36th year, I am humbled by the fact that thousands of Knoxville families have entrusted us to help them celebrate the life of their loved ones and bring comfort to them during some of the most difficult days of their lives. I have seen significant changes in our industry through the years, but the one constant is the significance of the grief process and how taking time to celebrate one’s life with family and friends is a critical and meaningful part of that process.

      In all my years in this profession, I have met few individuals that have as much love and passion to help families celebrate the life of their loved one as Richard Phipps. Rick is my brother in Christ and I consider it an honor and privilege to have Rick on our staff, and to support his ministry to families as a Celebrant.

      Supporting Rick on a countless number of Celebrant Services as the Funeral Director, I am always amazed by his ability to bring a special kind of comfort to our families and, through thought provoking questions, allow family members the opportunity to reminisce and share memories about their loved one. With these memories he then crafts a unique and meaningful service that always brings laughter, thought, and tears. Rick’s ability to write poems that bring out the special qualities of the loved one being celebrated is a God-given gift that, as a certified Celebrant myself, I would love to possess. I appreciate Rick’s willingness to both share his poems and grant permission to use and edit them. As you read Rick’s poems and suggestions, I know you will be blessed. My hope is that like Rick, you will have the opportunity to bring comfort to others. I also encourage you to take up Rick’s offer to reach out to him for guidance and assistance.

      Fred O. Berry, III


      Berry Funeral Home

      Knoxville, Tennessee

      Dear Celebrant,

      This collection of poetry I have written is for you! I have been a certified Celebrant for more than three years. I know the struggles behind finding that attention-getting start, as we begin structuring our message to family and friends of a lost loved one. Not only should it be a beginning that captures their thoughts and concentration, but it should also be one that lets them know right up front what the focus of your message will be! I use poetry!

      My goal has always been to never conduct funeral services as a dirge, but as a true celebration of life, designed to feature all the contributions, positive examples, joy and love of the deceased! A message that clearly says, “This is who your loved one was, and why his/her positive legacy is one to remember and emulate in your own lives!”

      In other words, I am committed, as a Celebrant, to TURNING TEARS OF GRIEF INTO TEARS OF JOY!

      Celebrant services can be religious in nature, completely secular, or a blend of both. Whatever the spiritual focus of the service may be, that is between you and the family; however, the family’s preference is always the direction you should go and honor, no matter what your personal beliefs may be!

      I know many pastors, including those who work within the funeral industry, who adamantly disagree with celebrant funeral services that are void of any spiritual aspect at all. Their contention is “If the service cannot be centered on God and Jesus Christ, I want no part of it!” Pastors, you are preaching to the choir! When becoming a Celebrant, I too had to face such a dilemma!

      I have been in the ministry for over forty years! Throughout my spiritual journey and study of the life of Christ, I am convinced of one demonstrated truth! Time and time again it is evident Jesus’ life concentrated NOT on the religious, but on those who were suffering from rejection, loneliness, confusion, grief, hunger, disease, or mental issues! He knew these vital issues had to be addressed first, before He could ever capture their hearts and minds to receive and comprehend the loving hope secured in His Gospel.

      In Chapter 19 of the Book of Luke, the religious were scorning Jesus for going to dinner with the hated tax collector, Zacchaeus. A pitiful man who was only searching for acceptance and forgiveness. The response by Jesus (v 10) to those complainers was classic: “. . . the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” In Matthew, Chapter 20:28, Jesus essentially said the same thing, when He again addressed the religious crowd: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”

      These two statements, along with all the relationship-building good things Jesus did for others, convince me that if Jesus were here today, and was confronted with the decision of choosing between a religious funeral service and a secular celebrant service, He would be the first in line for the latter! You see, a family may refuse to have any spiritual focus or mention of religion in their loved one’s service, but there is one thing they cannot stop – you planting The Seed of Christ’s love deep within their hearts! The Holy Spirit will take it from there! We do not lead people to Christ. He does, and many times through the Seeds of love we plant! As a minister, there is no greater service to a grieving family than that! In all my years, I have not found any ministry greater, or more fulfilling, than the honor and privilege of being a Celebrant!

      The following pages contain a collection of poems I have written to open almost all of my celebrant services, but you can read a poem during any point of the service you feel appropriate. You will find poems that are for religious services, strictly secular services, and a combination of the two. You will find poems designed to highlight various characteristics, loves in life, vocations, ages, and precious memories of the deceased.

      You have my permission to use any of these poems, or portions thereof, to help enhance the impact design of your own service. Every celebrant service is unique! So feel free to change words (including any names used) that will make the poem fit your needs! Allow the poems to even guide you in writing your own celebrant poem!

      You can also contact me, personally, if you need help in writing your own poem, or to simply ask me to write a poem for you! Just email me at [email protected], and I will be happy to offer my services in ensuring the tears of the family you are serving turn from grief to joy!

      Meeting with the Family

      Your initial meeting with the family of the deceased