4. Bring back, O Lord, our captives,
like streams in the south.
5. Those who sow in tears,
shall reap rejoicing.
6. They trudged along weeping,
sowing their seed,
but they shall come skipping for joy,
carrying their sheaves.
Psalm 126
1. Unless the Lord build the house,
the builders have labored in vain.
Unless the Lord keep watch
over the city,
in vain has the guard kept watch.
2. It is vain for you to rise early.
Rise up after you are rested,
you who eat the bread of grief,
when sleep is granted to his beloved.
3. Behold the inheritance of the Lord,
children, the reward of the fruit
of the womb.
4. As arrows in the hand
of a mighty warrior,
so are the children of those
who were expelled.
5. Blessed whoever shall satisfy
his desire with them!
They shall not be put to shame,
when they speak to their enemies
in the gateways.
Psalm 127
1. Blessed are all who revere the Lord,
who walk in his ways.
2. You shall eat the fruit of your labors,
blessed are you, and it shall be well
with you.
3. Your wife shall be as a fruitful vine
attached to the sides of your house.
Your children shall be
as young olive plants,
encircling your table.
4. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed,
who reveres the Lord.
5. May the Lord bless you out of Zion,
and may you see the prosperity
of Jerusalem,
all the days of your life.
6. And may you see
your children’s children.
Peace upon Israel.
Psalm 129
1. Out of the depths,
have I cried to you, O Lord.
2. O Lord, hearken to my voice,
let your ears be attentive
to the sound of my supplication.
3. If you, O Lord,
should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who shall be left standing?
4. For there is propitiation with you.
5. For the sake of your name I have waited O Lord;
my soul has waited for your word.
6. My soul has placed its hope
in the Lord,
from the morning watch until night.
7. Let Israel hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord there is mercy,
and bountiful redemption.
8. And he himself will redeem Israel
from all its iniquities.
Psalm 130
1. O Lord, my heart is not haughty,
neither are my eyes lofty.
Neither have I trafficked
in great matters,
or in things too marvelous for me.
2. If I had not been humble,
but exalted my soul
like a weaned child
from its mother’s breast,
how you would have repaid my soul!
3. Let Israel hope in the Lord,
henceforth and forever more.
Psalm 131
1. O Lord, remember David,
and all his meekness,
2. how he swore to the Lord,
made a vow to the God of Jacob:
3. “I will not enter my own house,
nor lay down to rest on my bed,
4. nor give sleep to my eyes,
and slumber to my eyelids,
nor rest to my temples,
5. until I find a place for the Lord,
a dwelling for the God of Jacob.”
6. Behold we heard of it in Ephrata,
we found it in the fields of the woods.
7. Let us enter into his tabernacles;
let us worship at the place
where his feet stood.
8. Arise, O Lord, and come
into your rest,
you and the ark of your holiness.
9. Your priests shall clothe themselves with righteousness,
and your holy ones shall exult with joy.
10. For the sake of your servant David,
turn not your face away from your anointed.
11. The Lord has sworn
in truth to David,
and will not annul it:
“From the fruit of your loins,
I will set one on your throne;
12. If your children keep my covenant,
and these my testimonies which I shall teach them,
their children also shall sit
upon your throne.
13. For the Lord has elected Zion,
has chosen her as a dwelling for himself.
14. This is my resting place forever,
here will I dwell, for I have chosen her.
15. I will abundantly bless her provision;
I will satisfy her poor with bread.
16. I shall clothe her priests
with salvation,
and her saints shall exceedingly