Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Daniel F. Stramara
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621893653
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      that they should be utterly

      destroyed forever.

      8. But you are the Most High forever,

      O Lord.

      9. For behold your enemies shall perish,

      and all the workers of iniquity

      shall be scattered.

      10. But my horn shall be exalted as that of a unicorn,

      and my old age rejuvenated

      with fresh oil.

      11. My eye has espied around

      in the midst of my enemies,

      and among the wicked who

      rise against me,

      my ear shall hear.

      12. The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree,

      and be multiplied like a cedar

      in Lebanon.

      13. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord,

      shall flourish in the courts of our God.

      14. Then they shall be multiplied in a ripe old age,

      and they shall be prosperous that they may proclaim:

      15. that the Lord, my God, is upright,

      and that there is no unrighteous in God.

      Psalm 100

      1. I will sing to you, O Lord,

      of mercy and judgment,

      2. I will sing a psalm and conduct myself wisely

      in a blameless way.

      When will you come to me?

      I walked in the integrity of my heart,

      in the midst of my house.

      3. I have not set before my eyes any unlawful thing,

      those who commit transgressions

      I have detested.

      4. A perverse heart has not

      cleaved to me.

      When the wicked withdrew from me,

      I no longer acknowledged him.

      5. The one who privately slanders

      his neighbor,

      such a person I have expelled.

      6. With one of haughty eye and insatiable heart,

      I would not share a meal.

      7. My eyes shall look upon the faithful of the earth,

      that they may dwell with me.

      Whoever walked in a blameless way,

      the same ministered to me.

      8. The arrogant did not dwell

      in the midst of my house,

      Whoever spoke unjustly was not rewarded in my eyes.

      9. Early on I destroyed all the sinners

      of the land,

      to root out from the city of the Lord

      all evildoers.

      Psalm 101

      1. O Lord, hearken to my prayer,

      and let my cry reach you.

      2. Do not turn your face away from me.

      On the day when I am afflicted,

      incline your ear to me.

      On the day when I shall call upon you,

      speedily give heed to me.

      3. For my days have dissipated

      like smoke,

      and my bones are parched like kindling.

      4. I am cut down like blades of grass,

      and my heart is withered,

      because I have forgotten to eat my food.

      5. Because of the sound of my groaning,

      my bones have stuck to my flesh.

      6. I have become like a pelican

      in the wilderness,

      like a night-owl in an abandoned house.

      7. I have spent sleepless nights,

      I have become like a solitary bird on a roof.

      8. All day long my enemies have reproached me,

      and those who formerly praised me have sworn against me.

      9. For I have eaten ashes

      as if it were bread,

      and my drink has been mingled

      with weeping,

      10. because of your anger

      and your wrath,

      for you have lifted me up only

      to dash me down.

      11. My days have declined like a shadow,

      and I am withered up like dry grass.

      12. But you, O Lord, endure forever,

      and your memorial lasts for all generations. . . .

      25. In the beginning, you, O Lord,

      laid the foundations of the earth;

      and the heavens are your handiwork.

      26. They shall perish,

      but you shall perdure.

      They shall grow old like a garment,

      and as a cloak you shall fold them up,

      and they shall be changed.

      27. But you remain the same,

      and your years do not falter.

      28. Let the children of your servants pitch their tents,

      and let their seed prosper forever.

      Psalm 102

      1. Bless the Lord, O my soul;

      and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

      2. Bless the Lord, O my soul;

      and forget not all his praises;

      3. who forgives all your transgressions,

      and heals all your infirmities;

      4. who redeems your life from corruption,

      and crowns you with mercy and compassion;

      5. who satisfies your desire

      with good things

      so that your youthfulness may be renewed like that of an eagle.

      6. The Lord executes mercy

      and judgment

      for all who are wronged.

      7. He made known his ways to Moses,

      his will to the children of Israel.

      8. The Lord is compassionate

      and merciful,
