The Courageous Gospel. Robert Allan Hill. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Allan Hill
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781621897002
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for the most part, to preparation for healthy marriage? Across the gender divides, can we still be responsible not only to but also for one another, without yet patronizing or prevaricating? Why are young men so largely absent from our churches?

      I have no word of the Lord on this, but what insight I have I share.

      You are a grandfather or grandmother. With rosy cheeks and a smile, before dinner, you may recall a harvest moon, an evening of affection, with gentle hints at what chivalry can mean, did mean, will mean.

      You are a mom or dad. Books with information can be bought and shared. But priceless and purchasing power is what comes next. Your sense of gratitude for life. Your honest joy, happiness, and pleasure in intimacy. Your witness to the vulnerabilities of such closeness. Your conviction that God made humans as sexual beings and means to help us as sexual beings to become as humane as possible. Then stop. Look. Listen. Listen. Listen.

      You are an aunt, uncle, teacher, neighbor, youth counselor. Bless you. Do you realize that you are, in trust, safe space and trusted freedom for younger person who may need to rely on you?

      You are such a youth. Remember these five things: You are made in the image and likeness of God. You are precious. You know the difference between loving someone and using someone. You need not be afraid to stand apart from the crowd. You have right to sense how you are feeling, what you are thinking. Does this seem right to me? Does this feel right for me? If you make a mistake, well, remember forgiveness, consider what you have learned, shake the dust from your feet and move ahead. And you can also, if the moment is right, quote Anne Lamotte: “No is a complete sentence.”

      You are a church on East Avenue. Say this: “Jesus is among us, speaking and healing. His grace tells us that the Word became flesh, that we are made in God’s image, that physical pleasure and sexual intimacy are God’s good gifts, that we can live with integrity, that we can become self-aware, that we can learn from but not be defined by our mistakes, that the covenant of marriage provides the best and surest and healthiest and safest location for sex amid the great dislocations of our time.”

      Life is good. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. This is the ringing affirmation of the Fourth Gospel. Physical life, in all its panoply of intimacy and estrangement, is good.

      Freedom Following Disappointment

      Now that we have come to chapter 4, we need to name and regret a biblical disappointment. If we are going to read John at all, and hear the gospel of John together, then we need to be honest about a scriptural disappointment. As with all of our lives, the Bible itself, the very Word of God, does nonetheless harbor disappointments. Hear the good news: there is even freedom following religious disappointment.

      Sometimes our great strengths occasion our most glaring weaknesses. If John is the Bible’s great strength, it would then be possible that here too we might find great weakness. And we do.

      Oh, I give no ground with regard to the truth of Scripture. The Bible is freedom’s book, the pulpit is freedom’s voice, the church is freedom’s defense. It is also occasionally true that the Bible is a holy disappointment. Nowhere in Scripture is the height of Christian freedom more powerfully depicted than in John, and yet, at the same time, nowhere is the Bible more of a disappointment.

      This gospel is anti-Semitic, at least to our ears after 1940. It was composed in the white heat of one small group leaving a synagogue in order freely to worship what the synagogue could only understand as a second God. It was the charge of ditheism, though denied and controverted, which moved John’s little church out into a free and frightening future. So the Gospel of John speaks roughly of its Semitic mother religion, of its own tradition. The living water is meant to surpass the dead water of Jacob, of Jacob’s well. Notice the way the writer refers with oral scare quotes to “the Jews,” like Robert E. Lee calling Yankees “those people.” Notice the dismissive explication, here and elsewhere, of Jewish rites. Notice that even though salvation is from the Jews, his own people “received him not.” Notice Jesus saying, “All who came before me are thieves and robbers.” We have an obligation to notice. And to regret, to express contrition and compunction. These words from this gospel have done immeasurable harm, from Augustine to Luther to the Third Reich to today, and that is a spiritual disappointment. As Christianity puts its best foot forward, it is really the other one that needs attention. We have two biographies ourselves. That of persecuted, and that of persecutor. Of all religious bodies, we have the most work to do with regard to anti-Semitism.

      How are we to find freedom following such spiritual disappointment? By facing facts, by learning from our experience of success and failure, by moving ahead: The fact is that Christianity has been pervasively guilty of latent and patent anti-Semitism and the Gospel of John has been one of its sources. We have and can learn from this failure, by carefully monitoring our use of religious language. And we can move ahead. John is guiding us toward a global vision, an ecumenical spirituality, a universal Truth, a global village green, space for grace and time for freedom. And our Jewish brothers and sisters can teach us to continue, with Jacob, to wrestle with God.

      In 1978 Jan and I had dinner with Elie Wiesel in the home of Robert Mcafee Brown. Wiesel survived the death camps and spent 10 silent years in Paris before writing Night. Its pathos, its witness, its question, its challenge need to stay before this generation as well:

      These things are spoken that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.

      This week you can choose to grow in faith, and so find a fuller part of your second identity. This week you can choose to grow in love, and so open a fuller part of the world’s imagination.

      Faith is personal commitment to an unverifiable truth. It involves a leap.

      Faith is an objective uncertainty grasped with subjective certainty. It involves a leap.

      Faith is the way to salvation, a real identity and a rich imagination. But it does involve a leap.

      Now is the time to jump.

      All of us are better when we are loved.

      Notes from Raymond Brown’s Lectures on John

      Union Theological Seminary

      Spring 1978

      March 30, 1978: The Samaritan Woman

      We turn now to the longer narratives. Here John is at his best. Against the many theories of multiple sources, we also must mention the remarkable, flowing nature of the longer narratives. Until now, John has dealt with disciples, Jewish believers, and Nicodemus. Now the disciples are spectators.

      Samaritan interlude: there is a possible historical basis for this material. The story may be a parable for the story of the conversion of Samaria. There is nothing in the other gospels about Samaria. Therefore, this story is probably an integral part of the self-understanding of the Johannine community.

      Question: Was this Samaritan influx the straw that broke the camel’s back of relations with Judaism? Ditheism? Further, in chapter 8, Jesus is called a Samaritan. So, this may be autobiographical. 4:4 by the way is not meant to be geographical. Sychar: Mount Gerizim was the central place for northern worship. Jacob’s well was given to Joseph, the Samaritan hero. (In Steven’s Acts speech they are buried in Gerizim.) This recalls the meeting of Isaac and Rebecca. The question, then, is a very natural one. Where is the true God worshipped?

      How far should one press this symbolism? The sixth hour would have been about noon. (RB doesn’t think much of this). The conflict between Jews and Samaritans is also recorded in Sirach (a great