Wishwork. Alexa Fischer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Alexa Fischer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781642500240
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rel="nofollow" href="#u359392a9-62a0-596a-a7ec-8ca26e60728e">Day 5: Focus on Others

       Day 6: Being, Not Doing

       Day 7: Green Means Go

       Day 8: Imperfectly Perfect

       Day 9: The Voice You Can Trust

       Day 10: Mentally Rehearse

       Day 11: Focus on the Wins!

       Day 12: Say It

       Day 13: You’re Doing Great

       Day 14: Remember Why You Started

       Day 15: Breathe

       Day 16: Flip the Switch

       Day 17: Get the Scoop

       Day 18: Go for It

       Day 19: Fast Forward

       Day 20: Go with the Flow

       Day 21: Trust

       Watch It Come True

       Be “There” Already

       Celebrate Every Win

       Common Questions

       Final Thoughts

       My Big Wish

       With Deep Gratitude

       Keep Wishing!

       About the Author


      Have you ever met someone who can walk into any room and, as soon as they arrive, the energy in the room is just…different? They walk in and Kapow! Things feel brighter, sparklier, almost like someone flipped a light switch.

      Alexa Fischer is one of those people.

      When Alexa decided to attend one of my writing retreats in Hawaii, I was thrilled. We’d met once before and I knew she’d be a wonderful addition to the group.

      She told me, “A lot has changed since the last time we saw each other. I’ve started a new company called Wishbeads.” Then she asked, “Is it OK if I bring some Wishbeads products along to the retreat?”

      Without really knowing what a “Wishbead” was, I said, “Of course!” because I figured anything from Alexa’s mind and heart would be delightful.

      On the final night of the retreat, after five beautiful days of writing, hiking, yoga, and inspiring conversations, Alexa did a Wishbeads presentation. We sat around a big table snacking on chocolate after dinner, and Alexa invited everyone to close their eyes. She asked us to imagine a bright light beaming from our hearts, beaming out, out, out, and creating a big canvas—almost like a projector or a movie screen. She asked us to sit quietly, watching, allowing images to unfold on that screen.

      “On that screen, you will see your greatest wish,” she said.

      (If you’re a cynical New Yorker, at this point you might be thinking, Uh, this is some hippie-dippie nonsense…and if you’re from Los Angeles you might be thinking, Oh yes, I do this all the time at my Thursday night visionary chakra cleansing seminar! So fun! As for me, I tend to fall somewhere in the middle. I like mystical, spiritual explorations and I like practical action steps and Excel spreadsheets, too.)

      So there I was, eyes closed, with my imaginary movie screen, waiting for my “greatest wish” to appear. At first I saw nothing. I felt a little worried. Then my mind started bopping around to wishes that I thought I ought to have—like having a bestselling book, or being on national TV, or having two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in my savings account. But as I allowed myself to relax and breathe, something unexpected happened.

      I saw my wish on the screen—and it wasn’t what I expected to see.

      It was a sweet, simple moment. Winter time. Snow falling outside. I was snuggled in bed. A fireplace crackled nearby. Candles flickered. I felt so incredibly peaceful. On the wall there was a calendar—one of those big calendars that’s about a foot and a half wide. On the calendar was…nothing. No appointments. No obligations. No pressures. A completely blank slate. I felt this incredible feeling of freedom and spontaneity—like I could pack a bag, hop on a plane, and go visit my family (they live in another state) and there was nothing to stop me from going. I had all the time and space in the world.

      I felt my eyes welling up with tears and I knew, Right now, this is my greatest wish. I wish for more quiet time, more free time, more time to relax and make memories with the people I love.

      A few moments later, Alexa invited us to write down our greatest wish on a piece of paper and then roll it up into a little cylinder. Then, she showed us how to glue and snip those cylinders of paper into a collection of beads—beads that could be worn as a bracelet. “Now you can wear your wish right on your wrist,” she explained.

      That day in Hawaii, Alexa invited me to see my wish clearly, write it down, and wear it. But of course, as we all know, it’s not enough to just write something down and look at it and think about it. We need to act on it, too. That’s exactly what Alexa illustrates so beautifully inside this book—how to take concrete, actionable steps every day, propelling yourself closer and closer to your ultimate wish.

      Alexa is truly a masterful Wisher. She has wished for so many things—like a chance to meet with Oprah’s magazine team, a fluffy white rescue dog and a red Shasta RV trailer. Whatever she wishes for, she always finds a way to make it come true—getting exactly what she envisioned, or something very close! She has survived many hardships—dealing with rejection (so many auditions!) and frustrations as an actress, and dealing with frightening health challenges in her family—and yet her outlook on life is relentlessly optimistic.

      I can’t imagine a better person to write a book like this one—a book about how to make your own wishes come true. No fairy godmother or magic genie required. Just your own mind, heart, capable hands, and a willingness to put in some effort.

      Whatever you’re wishing for, I’m excited for your journey with Alexa to begin…

      Alexandra Franzen

      April 16, 2018—Portland, Oregon

      Let’s Get Started

      Hello, Wisher!
