Life Styling. Mikhila Mcdaid. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mikhila Mcdaid
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633538955
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with your clothes on.

      Some of you will be bored by the whole thing, it’s not on show, so who cares, right? Some of you will be brightly coloured, matching set kinds of girls…but it’s very possible that you’re both missing the key items that can totally transform the wardrobe you already have.

      The first time I remember being aware of bras and wanting one I think I was about thirteen. I desperately wanted boobs, but my body refused to deliver. For any teens reading this, I didn’t really get them until I had a baby. I’m not suggesting that it’s worth the sleepless nights, but it was a welcome bonus. So, there I was, pre-pregnancy, frustrated with my lack of chest, when my friend introduced me to (imagine angels singing) padded bras. They were fascinating to me, and I had to have one…only I was thirteen, so the only way I was getting anything was through my Mum. I’m thirty-two now, and I still think I’d find it weird to ask my mum to pick me up a pack of thongs, so back then I was preparing to be mortified.

      As a bit of background, my mum doesn’t wear makeup (she thinks it’s madness that I would get up early before work to put it on), she doesn’t colour her hair (although she also had no greys ’til she was fifty), and rarely wears nail polish. Basically, she only wears it if I insist and do the painting myself. Whatever the opposite of superficial is, that’s my mum, and beside her I look like a textbook narcissist.

      So, with this super chill, nobody cares what you look like attitude, imagine her confusion when I tried to dance around the subject of why I needed new underwear. I’m fairly certain I described it as ‘seamless.’ VPL (visible panty line) was a thing people were talking about then, and so seamless bras were also a hot topic. In my mind, seamless meant moulded, moulded meant padded, padded meant boobs. In my mum’s mind, however, seamless meant seamless. The day she brought home this ‘seamless’ bra is forever burned into my brain: (1) it was from Marks & Spencer, super uncool for me at that time; (2) it was a glossy, shimmery ‘nude’ colour; and (3) (I’m going to have to find a photo example because these words won’t do it justice) it was a crossover with straps about an inch wide and absolutely zero padding.

      I just cannot explain to you the horror, I really can’t. Years later I had boobs that filled this monstrosity (not until I was about eight months pregnant, though) and it effectively made me look like a very unfashionable version of Madonna in the pointy gold bra. I don’t remember exactly how I eventually did get my first padded bra, but once I did, I didn’t take it off for about four years.

      All of that is to say that oftentimes, underwear maketh the woman—the right bra, a good pair of high-waisted pants, and those tights that suck you in and lift your bum, confidence in a packet! Shapewear is not just for the larger ladies among us, it smooths any lumps and bumps, it hides any bulges that regular underwear might create, and in some figure-hugging outfits, it’s essential, no matter your size. Even if it’s just a slip or a vest to go under sheerer items, foundation garments are just that, the foundation for anything you layer on top!

      As I’ve said already, anything that you can purchase that makes you feel good when you look in the mirror is money well spent. Go and try on some shapewear and tell me you don’t feel better in that dress!


      I love a pair of shoes as much as the next girl, but Cinderella was wrong, the right pair of jeans can change your life! (Also, those shoes can’t have fit her all that well if she lost one of them, could they?) Once upon a time the search for the ultimate pair of jeans was like hunting for the holy grail. There weren’t that many options, and if you found a pair that worked for you, you bought two. Now there are so many fabrics and styles at so many price points, everyone can find their ideal pair! I remember hating jeans as a kid, I lived in leggings and sweat pants. Then the stretchy skinny kind became popular and the rest is history. Although, there was also that ‘goth’ phase with the baggy cords and the early 2000s phase when we were all about showing off our hip bones…let’s just be pleased that trends no longer dictate whether you’ll be able to find a style that suits you on the high street.

      The only way you will find your pair is to try on lots, so take a day, try on shapes you wouldn’t normally pick out, and test a few different sizes! The number on the label means absolutely nothing, it’s just a guide to help you figure out which ones might fit. I fluctuate massively from store to store, so don’t go in with your ‘I’m a twelve and that’s that’ head on, go in looking for the ones that look best, whatever the number!

      While we’re on that subject—really the only time a number matters is when a store is inflating or deflating their sizing enough to push you out of their clothes completely. When their ‘medium’ is everyone else’s ‘extra small’, we have a problem, because they’re alienating a huge number of consumers, but if you’re usually an Extra Small and the Medium is available and fits, who cares? I know for many it’s easier said than done, but try not to put so much value on the size, it’s all total BS! Look at it the way you look at a shoe size… If you had to go up in one store, you probably wouldn’t care as much as if the jeans you picked up were too tight. Am I right?

      Lastly, jeans are some of the most fitted items that we wear (or at least as I write this they are—flares may well be on their way back!) so if you are really struggling to find ‘the ones’, don’t be disheartened. It’s impossible to cater for every unique shape, that’s what tailors are for! Some department stores have tailoring services, but if not, there will be one somewhere near you. It might be cheaper than you think to have those almost perfect jeans transformed into the figure-hugging pair of dreams.

      Style by Shape

      •APPLE – Regular waist skinny leg

      •PEAR – High waist with a boot cut/slight flare

      •INVERTED TRIANGLE – Boyfriend/Girlfriend styles

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