We Don't Know Either. City Trivia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: City Trivia
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633538436
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official Olympic mascot? Dachshund (dox-hund)

      Round Three





      Fill-in-the-Blank Round

      Fill-in the bordering country that begins with the same letter.

      Geography is a tough trivia topic. Not only are there too many countries in the world, but they keep changing all the time. Depending on when you are reading this book, most of these countries may not even exist anymore.

       If it is way in the future and this book is in a museum of Pop Culture of the early 2000s, please do not use historical records of my Facebook account to come to any conclusions about me.

      I am really not THAT into cats.








      Central African Republic

      Burkina Faso





      Fill-in-the-Blank Round


      Fill-in the bordering country that begins with the same letter.

      Who is in charge of naming countries? I really feel like most of them come about because people got sick of referring to, “That place over there with the people who are different from us.” I would call my country “Schlunderplin.”

      Why would you call it that?

      Why indeed, dear reader, why indeed.

      Iran Iraq

      Bolivia Brazil

      Zambia Zimbabwe

      Latvia Lithuania

      Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan

      Armenia Azerbaijan

      Ethiopia Eritrea

      Central African Republic Chad

      Burkina Faso Benin

      Mozambique Malawi


      Q3 Back in 1992, the draft was twelve rounds long. In 1993 they lowered it to eight. Can you imagine being the guy who would have been picked with the first pick of the ninth round in 1993? You just got screwed out of a career playing in the NFL. All that work for nothing because some billionaire owner somewhere didn’t feel like sitting around a posh New York hotel for another few hours.

      Which type of animal is commonly called a “chimp”?

      Which phrase was used to refer to the rivalry between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. to reach the Moon?

      As of 2018, how many rounds are in the NFL (National Football League) draft?

      According to the first line of the novel Gone with the Wind, who was “not beautiful”?

      After a fifty-four-year absence, which sledding event returned to the Winter Olympics in 2002?

      Which Broadway musical is about the last seven days in the life of Jesus?

      In the novel The Hobbit, what was the name of Bilbo Baggins’ house?

      As of 2018, how many wide receivers have won the Heisman Trophy?

      From which mountain range does the St. Bernard dog derive its name?

      Which actress is formally addressed as Lady Haden-Guest?

      Bonus Question In 1988, which item of clothing appeared for the first time on the cover of Vogue?

      Round Four


      Q10 Christopher Guest is a Baron??? That definitely isn’t right. He will forever be a Count

      …and have six fingers

      …and have killed my father

      …he should prepare to die.

      Which type of animal is commonly called a “chimp”? Chimpanzee

      Which phrase was used to