We Don't Know Either. City Trivia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: City Trivia
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633538436
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share their newly learned facts with you while you examine them, so you will get smarter without ever having to read anything. After all your study, who wants to read any more?


      You are an amazing person. The downside of hosting trivia for a living is that we don’t make the big bucks. But you… You are incredible. You bought this book just to make us happy and put a few bucks in our pocket. It works great to balance a lopsided coffee table. If you buy ten of them, you can use them as a step stool. A couple of pages in


      this book are probably blank and you could use them to take notes on something. It doesn’t matter. You’re awesome. Thanks.

      Regardless of how you use this book, you will have a fun time with it. We had fun writing it. No matter how you use it, enjoy!


      How to Play

      The Three Rules

      No electronic devices! We want to know what you know, not what the internet tells you is true.

      No shouting-out of answers. If you see someone doing this who isn’t playing, invite them to form a team of their own if they are so smart.

      Your host doesn’t make the questions, but does make the rules. If you have an issue with a question, email [email protected], and the appropriate person will be flogged.

      Team Size

      We have a very strict team size limit. Your team is allowed to have up to 35 players.

      Yup, you read that right…only 35 players. Try not to go over.

      Game Play

      City Trivia game play consists of 5 rounds of questions with 4 bonus rounds in between. Questions are progressive and increase in difficulty and value during each round from 1 to 10 points. At the end of each round is a bonus question that uses a wager system. After hearing the question, circle the number of points you want to wager. At the end of a round, you will take that round’s answer sheets to the host for scoring. You can then pick up a worksheet round to gain additional points while the host is scoring the round. Rinse and repeat.

      Bonus Rounds

      Puzzle Round: Usually some sort of riddle or game that has to be worked out.

      Picture Round: Requires you to identify ten pictures based on a theme.

      Fill-in-the-Blank Round: Exactly what it sounds like.

      Music Round: Identify the title and artist for ten different songs and then, as a bonus, the theme of all ten songs.



      Question rounds: Question 1 is worth one point, Question 2 is worth two points… Get it? This means that each question round has a maximum score of 55 points.

      Worksheet rounds: A perfect score on any of the worksheet rounds is usually twenty points. This means that if there are ten pictures or ten fill-in-the-blanks, then each one is worth two points.

      Incorrect answers: If you have no idea of the answer to the question, then take a guess. Incorrect guesses cannot hurt you in the first ten questions of a round.

      Bonus question: If you get the bonus question correct, then we add the points you wagered to your score. But, if you get the bonus question wrong, then the wager is subtracted from your score. (This is the only time when you can lose points.)

      Bonus points: Hosts have the discretion of opening their magic coat of bonus points and handing them out as they see fit. For example: Making your host laugh at your stupid guesses can gain you bonus points.

      Note: Since hosts can give bonus points arbitrarily, they count only for nightly scores and are not applied to tournament scores.


      How to Be a Host

      Being a host is easy.

      Talk out loud or on the microphone just like you would talk to a friend. Be congenial and upbeat. Everyone is there to have fun, including you. Make sure that you convey all of the needed information. Who you are, what you are doing, what the format of the game is, and remind people to have fun. That’s why they are there.

      Speak clearly and repeat each question. You have all of the questions and answers ahead of time. If there is a word you don’t know, and we tried to provide you with phonetic pronunciation for all of them, look it up beforehand. If you make a mistake, no big deal, just laugh along with everyone else.


      How the Game Is Played

      Format and Timing

      There are nine rounds of trivia per game. Five rounds of questions and four bonus rounds of Puzzle, Picture, Fill-in-the-Blank, and Music rounds.

      Once you begin asking the questions in round number one, make sure you repeat each question twice. Leave a few seconds in between each of the first few questions. They are designed to be easy and most teams will not need too much time to answer them. Questions 1–5 should take a total of about 2.5 minutes to ask. Leave thirty seconds to a minute in between questions 6–11. These questions are designed to be harder and teams will likely huddle together to debate possible answers. When you have finished, set a deadline (2 or 3 minutes) for teams to complete the round. When a team turns in the first round, give them a copy of the Puzzle round. Begin scoring the answer sheets as soon as you get them. It is up to you whether or not you accept an answer that is close, but remember, you have to deal with the consequences. Once all of the Round One answer sheets have been collected, set a deadline for the Puzzle round (again, 2–3 minutes). Ideally, you should finish scoring all of the Round One answer sheets around the time teams start turning in their Puzzle rounds. Score the Puzzle rounds as soon as you can. When you have finished scoring the Puzzle rounds, add up all of the total score of each team.

      Once all Round One and Puzzle rounds have been scored and entered, read off all of the answers to Round One and the Puzzle round. Make sure to re-ask the question before giving the answer. Feel free to use any of our quips to make yourself seem funny.

      After you finish reading off all of the questions and answers, review the teams’ scores in order from the lowest to the highest. Repeat for Round Two and the Picture round, etc.

      Each round of questions should take about 7–10 minutes to ask. You should have all answer sheets at the 13 minute mark. All puzzle rounds should be collected by 18 minutes.


      You should be asking Round Two, question one, about 25 minutes after you first started Round One. A full event should run approximately 2 hours.

      Every venue and every crowd is different. You, by no means, need to stick religiously to this schedule. Read the room and your players and do what makes sense.

      However, remember the great proverb of Grandpa Lawrence Kaplan: “The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure.” In other words, if they are sitting too long they will become antsy. 1


      1 Originally this is a quote from British solicitor Donal Blaney, but my Grandpa Kaplan loved to say this. (Solicitors are what the crazy Brits call lawyers.) God Save the Queen.



      Scratch Pad

      The Scratch Pad Should be handed out with the answer sheets and pens. Each team should receive one. It is a place for players to record their answers for each round and allows them to follow along when you read off the answers at the end of each round. The back is also blank if the host asks them to do long division.


      Answer Sheet

      The Answer Sheet packet should