Prayers for Hard Times. Becca Anderson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Becca Anderson
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Руководства
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633536531
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life-Liberation (Moksha)!

      May distress and suffering no longer exist;

      May it rain in time;

      May the king also be righteously inclined, and

      Impartially administer justice to the subjects;

      May disease, epidemics and famines cease;

      May people live in peace;

      May the exalted Ahimsa Dharma,

      Religion of non-violence, prevail;

      And the Gospel of mercy become the source of good to all!

      May there be mutual love in the world;

      May delusion dwell at a distance;

      May no one ever utter unpleasant speech or words

      That are harsh, with his tongue;

      May men, heroes of the time,

      Whole-heartedly work in their country’s cause;

      May all understand the Laws of Truth and

      Joyfully sorrow and suffering endure!


      Om, Peace, Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

      - Shri Jugal Kishor Mukhtyarji, 1864

      A Guide For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

      May I become at all times, both now and forever

      A protector for those without protection

      A guide for those who have lost their way

      A ship for those with oceans to cross

      A bridge for those with rivers to cross

      A sanctuary for those in danger

      A lamp for those without light

      A place of refuge for those who lack shelter

      And a servant to all in need.

      - Buddhist Prayer of Peace

      Help Me Now in My Urgent Need

      O Holy St. Jude!

      Apostle and Martyr,

      great in virtue and rich in miracles,

      near kinsman of Jesus Christ,

      faithful intercessor for all who invoke you,

      special patron in time of need;

      to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart,

      and humbly beg you,

      to whom God has given such great power,

      to come to my assistance;

      help me now in my urgent need and grant my earnest petition.

      I will never forget thy graces and favors you obtain for me

      and I will do my utmost to spread devotion to you.


      St. Jude, pray for us and all who honor thee and invoke thy aid.

      (Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary, and 3 Glory Be)

      - Novena to St. Jude

      You Will Have a Little Peace

      Do everything with a mind that lets go.

      Do not expect any praise or reward.

      If you let go a little, you will have a little peace.

      If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.

      If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom.

      Your struggles with the world

      will have come to an end.

      - Achaan Chah, Thai Buddhist Monk, 1955

      Morning Prayer

      O Infinite God of life, goodness, and generous

      love, I dedicate my heart, my life, to you.

      Help me to cherish all human life,

      and do the good you want me to do.

      Make me a loving example of your generous love,

      and a blessing to everyone I see.

      May your goodness be fully in us,

      and in all that we think and say and do.

      - St. Francis of Assisi

      Prayer for Any Time

      O God, may I find and praise your goodness

      dwelling within every human being.

      May I be a living sign of your generous love,

      and help everyone to live more intimately with you.

      May we respect the evolving nature of all creation,

      and grow to our fullness of life with you.

      Guide our search into our entire human nature,

      and into all creation, to know what you want us to do.

      - Sacred Heart Catholic Church, UK

      Evening Prayer

      O God, Mary and Joseph cooperated with you

      in the childhood training of Jesus.

      May we cooperate with you when we help our friends,

      our enemies, criminals, and everyone in need.

      Help us do what we cannot do now.

      May we cooperate with you for genuine justice

      and peace in all that we think and say and do.

      May we with Mary and Joseph follow Jesus, and share

      your generous love with all the people of the world.

      - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

      Late Night Prayer

      We praise you, O Infinite God of all life,

      all existence, and all goodness.

      We thank you for sharing your life and goodness

      so freely with us and making us one with you.

      We are sorry for harm that we have done, neglecting the

      needy and resisting your loving presence.

      Forgive us our sins. Help us mend the harm that we have

      done. Save us from evil. Lead us to eternal life.

      - Robert Leffler, Morning Star Church, West Virginia

      Prayer for the Right Path

      Doing the right thing is our best gift

      That is what brings us bliss and happiness.

      Happy and blissful is the person who does what is right,

      because it is the right thing to do.

      - Ancient Zoroastrian Chant

      Blessings for the Afflicted

      I desire neither earthly kingdom,

      nor even freedom from birth and death.

      I desire only the deliverance from grief

      of all those afflicted by misery.

      Oh Lord, lead us from the unreal to the real;

      from darkness to light;

      from death to immortality.

      May there be peace in celestial regions.

      May there be peace on earth.

      May the waters be appeasing.

      May herbs be wholesome and

      may trees and plants bring peace to all.

      May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.

      May thy wisdom spread peace all through the world.

      May all