Notoriously Dapper. Kelvin Davis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kelvin Davis
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: История
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633536227
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Don’t compare yourself to others. As I mentioned in Tip 2, we are originals, we can’t compare ourselves to other people’s bodies or lifestyles. Live your best life and do things that make you happy. I often find myself down in the dumps comparing myself to others, so then I have to stop and reevaluate why I am doing this. This person isn’t better than me because they have muscled abs or a chiseled chest. I’m just as awesome as anyone else, because I’m me, and being ourselves is the most pure thing we can be.

      5 5. Keep moving forward. The road to body confidence is different for everyone, two people are not going to share the same tale on this path. It may be long, bumpy, and full of dark areas, but someone else’s may be the exact opposite, and that’s okay. Just keep loving you, wear what makes you feel happy, have positive people in your corner, and DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS!


      Skies out, thighs out!


      Soaking up the sun in my white denim. #StyleHasNoSize


      Love yourself before you love anybody else!!

       Chapter 4

       Benefits of Being Body Confident

      “Don’t you know your imperfections is a wonderful blessing.”

      – Kendrick Lamar

      A mind is a terrible thing to waste; but many forget a body is a terrible thing to shame. Body shaming is what the media often does to make us feed into their perception of beauty. Shaming someone, especially about his or her body, is never acceptable for any reason. Body shaming comes in all different forms, from subtle hints to having someone straight up tell you your body isn’t good enough. For some that can be hard to ignore. Even the most confident person in the world has bad body days and can feel unconfident on certain days for whatever reason. You know what I’m talking about, those days where you feel like you have nothing to wear (because you just don’t feel good in anything you put on).

      It’s not just a girl problem, ladies – many guys go through this, we just don’t vocalize it. You could say the societal standard of men has in some way shamed men into thinking that these “feelings” aren’t real. They are real, very real in fact, so real that I’m writing about it right now! It’s important to become body confident not only for yourself but for others. We all have been around that “negative Nancy” type of person that just seems to hate everything about anything. A big benefit to being body confident is that you tend to be less negative to yourself and others – we can all agree that’s always a positive change.

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