evenings those first couple weeks after they were born. She did my
ironing and prayed for us. Her husband, Bill, was into model trains and
would take Craig to train shows. We were invited over for Thanksgiving
one year, first time I ever had manicotti with turkey. It’s great!
When Nathan was born a few days before Christmas, we brought him
home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. New baby, biggest holiday of
the year, and oh yeah, did I mention Craig’s folks were coming to visit
for Christmas and to see the new baby in two days on the 26
? Well, I
did mention it to Aunt Betty as I was on the phone talking to her trying
to figure out easy meals to make for when they came. She suggested
lasagna. I thought she was crazy since I hardly ever made it due to it
being so time consuming. I told her that and said I hated having to
boil the noodles. She replied that you weren’t supposed to boil the
noodles. What? How is that possible? Then she told me how she made
her lasagna. I was highly skeptical. But it turned out perfect and I have
never again boiled the noodles. Although we no longer live near this
dear couple, they will always remain close to me. I have kept the baby
quilts she made and many memories of those times. And guess who I
think of every time I have lasagna?
Here was a woman who, without ever having met me, reached out
to encourage a younger woman. This is an incredible example of
someone giving their time, and energy to help someone else. I can
only hope that someday I can be as helpful to someone else. I think we can pray for
God to bring people into our lives for us to help. Yes, she blessed me that week—but
her love has inspired and challenged me to copy her example for a lifetime (I’ve also
shared her lasagna recipe, too).
Sometimes chances to be hospitable may be completely random, totally
spontaneous surprises, and maybe you will only have one chance to talk to that
person. I was driving down the freeway one day and saw a young woman running
across five lanes to the side of the road. I saw a car on the other side, across the
median. She was carrying a small gas can. I decided it was a fairly safe scenario, so I
pulled over, rolled down my window, and asked her if she needed a ride. She got in,
looked at me, and said, “Worst … day … ever.” Tears then came. She said her wallet
had gotten stolen and she was trying to get to someone’s house to get money to buy
gas to get to work. I then asked how she would buy the gas. She opened her fist, and
in it was about fifty pennies from her car. Her fist was red from being clenched tightly
while she ran across the freeway. I took her to the gas station, bought her gas, and
drove her back to her car. She asked where I was headed and if I’d be late. I told her
about my first book,
Not Really a Princess
, and what it was about. She wrote down the
title and my name. I have prayed for her over the past couple years. We don’t always
know why people come into our lives. We need to be kind to everyone we meet. We
don’t know their story, and we don’t need to. We need to be available to help and
willing to listen.
It doesn’t matter how big or how small of a thing you do, just do it. Be an Aunt Betty.
Take Them in
and Be a Blessing
“True hospitality consists of giving the best
of yourself to your guests.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
I have already told you about our Adrian that we took in over spring break. Well, she
ended up staying with us for a few months. She made herself right at home. We loved
her like a daughter. She even played on our softball team that summer. I would never
trade that time. Providing lodging for someone is a great thing. She blessed us more
than we blessed her. Am I hesitant when those opportunities arise? Absolutely. But I
do not feel it should hinder me. And for those that believe I must just be an outgoing
person, it is not always true. Sometimes I am way out of my comfort zone. Never
forget that the person you are helping might be terrified of you, too.
Have you taken any of those personality tests? I had to take them in college and
since then on several occasions had to take them for a class I was in or maybe at a