Dark Moon Magic. Cerridwen Greenleaf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cerridwen Greenleaf
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633537934
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and associations which have been passed down through the centuries. Crystals can also be charged, but those tools that come from nature and from the Goddess, such as flowers, stones, and herbs, are not man-made but of divine design, so they already contain an intrinsic magic of their own that may be used.

      Your tools will become inculcated with the magic that lives inside of you, instilled with your energy and stored at an altar or in your sacred space. They will become a power source for you and will magnify the ceremonial strength of your ritual work. Your altar should be a place of peace and meditation where your spirit can soar. Adorned with your treasured objects and the tools of your practice, it is a place of extreme focus where you can enrich your life through ritual. You can create a wellspring of spirit so you can live an enchanted life every single day.


      You are now creating magic to work important changes in your life and to become more connected to the world around you. Wicca is, after all, an earth path, so working in harmony with the elements of which the earth is made is an important step in your personal practice. Just as there are specific influences in the stars and planets astrologically, rhythmic phases of the moon, and a range of crystalline color powers in stones, there are very particular powers in the elements you can call on in your ritual work.

      Earth, air, fire, and water are the four elements of the ancients and were developed during the time of the original long-ago Goths. The ancient philosopher Empedocles of Sicily refined the theory of earth elements between 420 and 410 BCE, and despite our many modern beliefs, we still hold with the basics of early metaphysics, where science and spirit conjoin.


      Earth is the manifestation of the solid. It is real and tangible matter. The earth gives us intransigence, constancy, and durability. All beings on this beautiful planet are made of earth, and we are part of a natural, magical system. Earth is a stable material and element. To embody its presence, you can grow a flowering plant to place on your altar, or you can place some sand in a shell on your altar to represent this element. And at the end of our lives, we once again return to the earth. You should call on the element of earth when you want to become more grounded or to manifest a new tangible aspect into your life.

      Earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn should perform earth rituals on a regular basis to stay centered. Earth signs are always thought of as the most stable, practical, and organized of all the signs, and then there is the other side of the coin that often manifests in those drawn to Dark Moon magic: the sensual, quiet type who works and prefers to entertain at home and has the enviable lair. Tried and true earth rituals include walking meditations, circling in a sacred grove, and a guided visualization of entering into Inanna’s cave. Some magical earth deities to work with are the Green Man, Venus of Willendorf, Persephone, and elves or trolls.

      Earth Element Ritual: Getting Grounded

      In Celtic lore, they were called wishing trees. Taoists refer to them as money trees. My group of Dark Moon magicians thinks of them as manifesting trees. Either way, they are trees that give to you and root in the earth, growing, giving stability, and cleaning the air. Plant one in your yard or in a pot for your home or office. If you have to rely on indoor gardening, the biggest ficus you can find will do nicely in a jade green ceramic pot. Choose from among the following magical trees (or trust your intuition in arboreal matters):

      •Willow: healing broken hearts

      •Apple: divination, spell work

      •Oak: strength, lust

      •Peach: love magic

      •Olive: peace

      •Aspen: sensitivity

      •Eucalyptus: purification

      •Cherry: romance

      If prosperity is your real concern, write your wishes on little paper scrolls and bury them in the soil near the tree. Every time you water the tree, you will be bringing your wishes closer to fruition. If you are looking for luck, happiness, or general good, verbalize your wish as you hang charms on the branches of your tree—colored ribbons, crystals, coins, and keys, anything that strikes your fancy. This should also be a custom with friends and guests. Every time you add an ornament, you must take one down. Only when your charm has been removed will your wish come true.


      Like water, air is an everchanging element. Air is the unseen form of matter and is formless, but possesses mobility and dynamism. The oxygen in the very air we breathe is essential to the continuation of all life on earth. Wind creates movement and effects change. Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are known for their brilliance and superior communication skills. They can maintain these skills with rituals invoking the element of air. Singing, chanting, and conscious breathing are all invocations of air you can perform every day in your home, at your altar, or outside in the park.


      Fire is heat and is the most visible form of energy. Fire is a powerful element, as it can transform and change the other elements. If you watch the flicker of your candle flame, the embers of your incense, or the blaze of your council fires, you will see a constant transmutation of matter. Fire has the ability to both excite and incite us, and fire is necessary to bring about change. Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are known for their strength and vibrancy. They can maintain this by employing their personal element of fire. Candle magic is a simple, powerful, and direct way you can invoke your native element of fire.

      Fire Element Ritual—The Energy of Love

      While dried, dead roses may be very Goth, collecting them and having them around for years is actually dead “chi” and is not only bad feng shui, but is also literally dead energy. To use them positively, bundle all your dried bunches of roses and other flowers together and place them in your fireplace or outside in a fire-safe container (Weber barbecues work!) Anoint the dead flowers with rose oil and frankincense or Nag Champa incense, and say aloud, “The fire of love burns in the heart and in my hearth. It burns strong and true. The fire in my heart is a love eternal for (lover’s name), for my family, for my friends, and for the world. This fire of my love is eternal.” Light the fire with a red candle and repeat the incantation once the dried roses are blazing away.


      Theorized to be the source of life, water is most certainly the nurturer of all life and is essential for all continued existence. Our human bodies are comprised mostly of water. Water nourishes crops, regulates the weather, and washes away what no longer serves. Where earth is stability, water is the utter lack of all stability. Water is impermanence—in our rivers, lakes, and oceans, it is everchanging. Water is a vital cleansing and blessing element, and thus can be used in any kind of cleansing ritual. A fountain in your home or garden or a bowl of water on your altar represents the all-important water of life. Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are highly receptive and creative by nature. They can stay in tune with their gifts with water rituals. Instead of an efficient morning shower, a ritual bath and tea meditation are a wonderful way to connect with your holy personal element.

      The human body is like the ocean itself—it is made mostly of water and some salt. Your connection to this sacred element is primal. Thus, we are drawn to the ocean, which is a blend of minerals and water similar to your own chemical mix. Have you ever noticed how blissful you feel at the beach? The negative ions produced by water are soothing to you, creating an overwhelming sense of positivity. In the presence of water, you feel revitalized. The moon’s tides are a rhythm of life as well, a regulating force of nature. Water cleanses and restores us, creates our climate, and nurtures our crops and forests. It also reconnects water folk with their native element and keeps them in tune with their true nature.

      In India, the sacred Ganges River is the very source of life and cleanses the Hindus’ souls from birth to death, at