Dark Moon Magic. Cerridwen Greenleaf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cerridwen Greenleaf
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781633537934
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and image of the Goddess.

      2.Designate a leader who will perform all the incantations as the group forms a circle. Begin with the appointee saying:

      Oh, lady of silver magic,

      We honor you here

      In this place, sacred and safe.

      This circle is in your honor.

      3.The person at the north point of the circle places her or his candle and crystal on the ground as the leader says:

      Blessed one, all earth is yours.

      May we all heal.

      May we all draw strength.

      4.The person in the east places her or his candle and crystal on the ground as the leader says:

      Oh, lady of laughter and joy,

      So is the sky yours, too.

      May the air be clear and pure

      And the clouds sweet with wind and rain.

      5.The person at the south point of the circle lays down her or his crystal and candle while the leader says:

      Oh, lady of summer,

      Each season is yours.

      May each spring bring

      Flowers and crops for all.

      6.The person in the west lays down her or his candle and crystal while the leader says:

      Goddess of the waters,

      The rivers and the ocean are yours.

      May they once more flow crystal clear.

      Lady, we have built this circle in your honor.

      7.Now the whole circle goes to the altar and kneels, with each member placing her or his candle and crystal on the altar. Each member takes a sip from the goblet of wine and says:

      I toast thee, bright lady

      In your honor,

      Blessed be.

      8.Then pick up the rattles and drums and sing and dance under the sparkling sky.

      New Moon, New You

      The new moon, or dark of the moon, is the optimum time for new beginnings, and it happens a lucky thirteen times a year. With each passage of this Dark Moon, you can ask for and sow the seeds of the life and love you want. Pagans are known for their lust for life; performing this simple spell will bring your desires to you.


      This ritual is performed on the night of the Dark Moon.


      •2 pieces of rose quartz

      •2 red candles


      1.Take the two pieces of rose quartz and place them on the floor in the center of your bedroom.

      2.Light the two red candles and say aloud:

      Beautiful crystal I hold this night

      Flame with love for my delight.

      Goddess of love I ask of you

      Guide me in the path that is true.

      Harm to none as love comes to me.

      This I ask and so it shall be!

      Invoking Angels

      A brooding, pale, and soulful Dark Moon magician can resemble a Dark Angel. The concepts of the watcher angels and “Nephilim” are favorites of Goth lore and fantasy. Dark metal bands such as Morbid Angel and Fields of Nephilim attest to the fascination with this mythology or hidden history of the relationships between angels and humans.

      Angels are messengers; in fact, that is the exact meaning of the Greek word angelos. Angels appear in many of the world’s wisdom traditions: Mormonism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Christianity. In every case, angels are messengers who carry the message of God’s will to his people. They are spiritual beings on the chain of being between God and humans. Views vary on how angelic beings conduct their “personal” lives when they are not serving God. Jews view angels as male, while the Christian tradition sees them as without gender. Certainly the angel of God in the Bible who helped Peter escape from his imprisonment and enchained bonds seemed very masculine. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, however, angels referred to as “the Watchers” were sensual beings who “lay with human women” and fathered a race of half-human, half-angel beings with supernatural powers called “Nephilim.” Enoch is described as being brought to heaven by the angel Michael and is transformed into an angel known as “Metatron.” Perhaps the great English poet John Milton was influenced by Enoch, since he wrote of angels as supremely sensual beings who enjoyed sex often and well.

      Theories about angels vary nearly as much as the theorizers. Emanuel Swedenborg believed that angels are not physical or material in any way and can only be seen when we humans open our inner or spiritual eye. St Thomas Aquinas was called the “Angelic Doctor” for his miraculous ministrations, but he too believed that angels came from our own intellect and were creations of our own thoughts. The great medieval mystic Hildegard of Bingen saw angels as great beings who shone as stars in the firmament or like red flames.

      Calling All Angels

      In your travels along the sacred path, you should have by now gathered up seashells, driftwood, crystals, and small pebbles. You can create a simple “Angel Accessing Tool” from your collection of nature’s blessings. Make a wind chime any time you want to gather up the good energy of those unseen beings who can help and protect you (and drive away the not so helpful energy). Here’s how to make a wind chime.


      •A stick (a small piece of sea-smoothed driftwood is perfect)


      •Chunks of crystal (celestite, aquamarine, muscovite, morganite, and selenite can all help you make contact with your guardian angels)


      1.Tie string around the pieces of crystal.

      2.Attach each string to your stick of wood.

      3.Hang your chime in your home or wherever you want to “make contact.”

      Once you have crafted your magical tool, you should store it in a safe place and bring it out when you really need angelic intervention. You can welcome unseen and benevolent spirits into your home and life with this conjuring charm.

      Spell for Welcoming Benevolent Spirits

      We can all use more angels in our lives. Some angels may take human form, such as a human friend who is always there in a crisis. Still others are above in the ether and can be invoked with a few words and focused intention. Use this spell when you need a guiding hand and angelic assistance.



      •Your wind chime


      1.Bless the new wind chime by smudging with sage smoke.

      2.Jingle the chimes energetically and say aloud:

      I call on my angels to guide joy to my door.

      Such gladness as I receive, so I shall give.

      By the moon and the stars

      I call on my guardians
