Underground Passages. Jesse Cohn. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jesse Cohn
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781849352024
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des briseurs de formules”: Les écrivains anarchistes en France à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle (Diss., Université Paris-VIII, 2003), 1.2.3.

      81 See Laura Greenwood, “Goldman’s Nietzschean Anarchism: A Greimasian Reading of ‘Minorities Versus Majorities,’” Theory in Action 4.4 (October 2011): 90–105.

      82 Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays, 50–51.

      83 Araceli Tinajero, El Lector: A History of the Cigar Factory Reader (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2010), 124; Abelardo Gutiérrez Díaz qtd. in Louis A. Pérez, Essays on Cuban History: Historiography and Research (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1995), 76–77. By no means were such customs confined to a Caribbean context; they also appeared, for instance, in Spain (where the out-loud readers were called “recitadores”), as well as in Argentina (Javier Navarro Navarro, A la revolución por la cultura: prácticas culturales y sociabilidad libertarias en el País Valenciano (1931–1939) [Valencia: Univ. de Valencia, 2004], 154–155; Eva Golluscio de Montoya, Teatro y folletines libertarios rioplatenses (1895–1910) [Ottawa: Girol Books, 1996], 37).

      84 Luisa Capetillo, “La Influencia de las Ideas Modernas,” in Absolute Equality, ed. and trans. Laura Walker (Houston: Arte Público Press, 2009), 26, 16, 12, 13. Interestingly, Angelina seems to find the house servants hardest to subvert: at Angelina’s cry of “Long live the revolution!” the butler, Ramón, can at first manage only a “Long live… a…ahem…” (27). Even he, though, cannot long resist her anarchist arguments.

      85 Navarro Navarro, A la revolución por la cultura, 147–148.

      86 Stefanie Knoll and Aragorn Eloff, “2010 Anarchist Survey Report” (August 2010).

      87 Paul Brousse, “Propaganda by the Deed,” trans. Paul Sharkey, Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Vol. 1, 151.

      88 Golluscio de Montoya, Teatro y folletines libertarios rioplatenses, 37.

      89 Berkman and Goldman qtd. in Don Herzog, “Romantic Anarchism and Pedestrian Liberalism,” Political Theory 35.3 (2007): 329; however, for a significant feminist critique of Herzog, see also Lori Marso, “The Perversions of Bored Liberals: Response to Herzog,” Political Theory 36.1 (2008): 123–128.

      90 Colson, Petit lexique, 152, trans. mine.

      91 Landauer, “Lew Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi,” in Der werdende Mensch, trans. Siegfried Bernhauser and Birgit Wörishofer, 199.

      92 Joanne Ellen Passet, Sex Radicals and the Quest for Women’s Equality (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2003), 121.

      93 Alain Pessin, La Rêverie anarchiste, 1848–1914 (Paris: Librairie des Méridiens, 1982), 43–49; see also Jean Maitron, “Un ‘anar’, qu’est-ce que c’est?,” Le mouvement social 83 (April–June 1973): 23–45.

      94 Knoll and Eloff, “2010 Anarchist Survey Report.”

      95 David Ortiz, “Redefining Public Education: Contestation, the Press, and Education in Regency Spain, 1885–1902,” Journal of Social History 35.1 (Fall 2011): 75; Lily Litvak, “La buena nueva,” Revista de Occidente 304 (September 2006): 8.

      96 Hugo R. Mancuso, “Horizonte epistemológico del relato social moderno,” AdVersuS: Revista de Semiótica 2.4 (December 2005).

      97 Kenyon Zimmer, “The Whole World is Our Country”: Immigration and Anarchism in the United States, 1885–1940 (Diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2010), 12.

      98 Or, as Anna Poletti writes, “left in public places: on trains, in cafés and pubs, and slipped between the pages of slick magazines in newsagents” (“Self-Publishing in the Global and Local,” Biography 28.1 [2005]:185).

      99 Sandra Jeppesen, Guerrilla Texts and Textual Self-Production (Diss., York University, 2006), 135.

      100 Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed 37 (Summer 1993); John D. H. Downing, ed., Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media (Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2011), 38, 44.

      101 Paul Goodman and Percival Goodman, Communitas: Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life (New York: Vintage Books, 1960), 153.

      102 Lily Litvak, El cuento anarquista (1880–1911): Antología (Madrid: Taurus, 1982), 17.

      103 chapeleiro anônimo, “Um sonho,” in Contos Anarquistas: Antologia da prosa libertária no Brasil (1901–1935), eds. Arnoni Prado, Antonio and Francisco Foot Hardman (São Paulo: Editorial Brasiliense, 1985), 107–110; Elsa Calzetta, “Juana Rouco Buela, una mujer anarquista,” in Nuestra Tribuna: Hojita del sentir anárquico femenino (1922–1925) (Bahia Blanca, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, 2005), 21, 25.

      104 Salaün, “Introducción,” Romancero libertario, 23–25.

      105 Mutsuko Motoyama, Shaw and Japanese Drama (Diss., University of Washington, 1975), 136, 181.

      106 These included Moses Harman, “Love Dies—Why Should Love Die?” Lucifer 864 (May 11, 1901); Helen Webster, “Why Should Love Die?” Lucifer 867 (June 1, 1901); Mabel M’Coy Irwin, “Why Does Love Die?—A Suggestion,” Lucifer 873 (July 13, 1901); Elsie Cole Wilcox, “Some Reasons Why Love Should Die,” Lucifer 876 (Aug. 3, 1901); and Voltairine de Cleyre, “The Death of Love,” Lucifer 883 (Sept. 21, 1901). See Ernesto A. Longa, Anarchist Periodicals in English Published in the United States (1833–1995) (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2010), 160.

      107 For the Vargas Vila controversy, see Federica Montseny, “Comentando a un hombre,” La Revista Blanca 2.22 (Apr. 15, 1924); Montseny, “La Obra de los mediocres,” La Revista Blanca 2.30 (Aug. 15, 1924); Montseny, “Alrededor de Vargas Vila,” La Revista Blanca 2.35 (Nov. 1, 1924); J. Serret, “Vargas Vila (I),” La Revista Blanca 2.40 (Jan. 15, 1925); Serret, “Vargas Vila (II),” La Revista Blanca 2.41 (Feb. 1, 1925); Montseny, “Sobre Vargas Vila,” La Revista Blanca 2.42 (Feb. 15, 1925); Ignacio Cornejo, “Sobre Vargas Vila y sus obras,” La Revista Blanca 2.43 (Mar. 1, 1925); Montseny, “Las mujeres y Vargas Vila,” La Revista Blanca 57 (Sept. 1, 1925); Julia Acosta and Matilde Mota, “Las Mujeres y Vargas Vila,” La Revista Blanca 2.56 (Sept. 15, 1925).