Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Millen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462913640
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character 北 depicts two people sitting back-to-back, a reference to turning one's back and fleeing to the north.

      Example Sentences

      1. まっすぐ北に行けばその町に着きますよ。

      Massugu kita ni ikeba sono machi ni tsukimasu yo.

      If you go directly north, you'll reach that town.

      2. 選挙ではじめて敗北した。

      Senkyo de hajimete haiboku shita.

      He suffered his first defeat in the election.

      3. 北半球と南半球では季節が反対です。

      Kita-hankyū to minami-hankyū de wa kisetsu ga hantai desu.

      Seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are reversed.

      4. 外は寒い北風が吹いている。

      Soto wa samui kitakaze ga fuite iru.

      There's a cold north wind blowing outside.

      5. 温暖化の影響で北極の氷が溶け始めている。

      Ondanka no eikyō de hokkyoku no kōri ga tokehajimete iru.

      The ice in the North Pole has begun to melt because of global warming.

      GR2 N5 AP

Common Compounds and Phrases
北上hokujōgoing north
敗北haibokua defeat; a setback
北極hokkyokuthe North Pole
北半球kita-hankyūthe Northern Hemisphere
北風kitakazea north wind
北向きkitamukifacing north
*北京PekinBeijing (a place)



      book; main; origin

      ホン HON もと moto

      The character 本 represents a tree with a line marked at the base, suggesting the most important part. From this came the meaning foundation, base.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 本屋で本をニ冊買った。

      Honya de hon o nisatsu katta.

      I bought two books at the bookstore.

      2. 何でも基本が大事。

      Nan demo kihon ga daiji.

      Knowing the basics is important for all things.

      3. 本社は東京にあります。

      Honsha wa Tōkyō ni arimasu.

      The head office is in Tokyo.

      4. これは本物の金だ。

      Kore wa honmono no kin da.

      This is real gold.

      5. 雑草は根本から抜いた方がいい。

      Zassō wa nemoto kara nuita hō ga ii.

      It's better to pull weeds out by the roots.

Common Compounds and Phrases
本屋honyaa bookseller; a bookstore
基本kihona foundation; a basis
本当hontōtrue; real
本物honmonoa real, genuine thing
見本mihona sample
山本YamamotoYamamoto (a name)
根本nemoto / konponthe root; the base; Nemoto (a name)




      モク MOKU * ボク BOKU め me *ま ma

      The character 目 represents a human eye, turned sideways.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 新大統領に世界中が注目している。

      Shin-daitōryō ni sekauu ga chūmoku shite iru.

      The new president is the focus of world attention.

      2. まず、目的地までの切符を買いましょう。

      Mazu, mokutekichi made no kippu o kaimashō.

      Firstly, let's buy the tickets to our destination.

      3. 目にごみが入った。

      Me ni gomi ga haitta.

      I've got a speck of dust in my eye.

      4. 右から三番目の席に座ってください。

      Migi kara sanbanme no seki ni suwatte kudasai.

      Please sit in the third seat from the right.

      5. 目印は駅前のコンビニです。

      Mejirushi wa ekimae no konbini desu.

      Look out for the convenience store in front of the station.

Common Compounds and Phrases
注目chūmokuattention; observation
目的地mokutekichione's destination
目次mokujia table of contents
三番目sanbanmethe third (one)
目薬megusurieye drops
目印mejirushia mark; a sign
目安meyasua standard; an aim



      to stand; to raise

      リツ RITSU た • つ ta(tsu) 记 • てる ta(teru)

      The character 立 depicts a person standing with outstretched arms.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 国立の大学に入りたいと思います。

      Kokuritsu no daigaku ni hairitai to omoimasu.

      I'd like to enter a national university.

      2. アメリカはイギリス力も独立した。

      Amerika wa Igirusu kara dokuritsu shita.

      America gained independence from Britain.

      3. 今日は立春だ。

      Kyō wa risshun da.

      Today is the first day of spring.

      4. 危険ですから、ここに立たないで下さい。

      Kiken desu kara, koko ni tatanai de kudasai.

      Please don't stand here. It's dangerous.

      5. 次の予定を立てましょう。

      Tsugi no yotei o tatemashō.

      Let's work out the next schedule.

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