Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Millen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462913640
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hung the washing outside the house to dry.

      5. ただ今、席を外しております。

      Tadaima, seki o hazushite orimasu.

      He isn't at his desk at the moment.

Common Compounds and Phrases
外国gaikokua foreign country; abroad
外見gaikenan outward appearance
外出gaishutsuto go out
海外kaigaiabroad; overseas
意外igaiunexpected; surprising
外科医gekaia surgeon
仲間外れnakama-hazureostracism; exclusion



      jewelry; ball

      ギョ夕 GYOKU たま tama

      The character 玉 depicts jewels and a thread that strings them together.

      GR1 N2

      Example Sentences

      1. 博物館に宝玉のコレクションがある。

      Hakubutsukan ni hōgyoku no korekushon ga aru.

      There is a gem collection at the museum.

      2. 水玉模様のワンピースを買った。

      Mizutama moyō no wanpiisu o katta.

      I bought a one-piece dress with a polka-dot pattern.

      3. 百円玉がポケットの中にあった。

      Hyakuen-dama ga poketto no naka ni atta.

      There was a ¥100 coin in my pocket.

      4. この作品は珠玉の短編だ。

      Kono sakuhin wa shugyoku no tanpen da.

      This short story is a literary gem.

      5. 古代エジプトでは、玉座を巡って暗殺が行われた。

      Kodai Ejiputo de wa gyokuza o megutte ansatsu ga okona-wareta.

      In ancient Egypt there were frequent assassinations to seize the throne.

Common Compounds and Phrases
宝玉hōgyokua precious stone; a gem
珠玉shugyokua gem; a jewel
玉座gyokuzathe throne
水玉mizutamaa drop of water; a dewdrop
玉乗りtamanoribalancing on a ball
百円玉hyakuen-damaa ¥100 coin
あめ玉amedamaa round, hard candy



      old; to wear out

      コ KO ふる • い furu(i) ふる • す furu(su)

      The character 古 derived from a pictograph of a human skull, an object that represents something old.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 古典を読んだことがない。

      Koten o yonda koto ga nai.

      I've never read the classics.

      2. 大学で考古学を専攻している。

      Daigaku de kōkogaku o senkō shite iru.

      I'm majoring in archaeology at college.

      3. 古着を誰かにあげたい。

      Furugi o dare ka ni agetai.

      I'd like to give my old clothes to someone.

      4. 昨日、神田の古本屋に行った。

      Kinō, Kanda no furuhon-ya ni itta.

      I went to a used bookstore in Kanda yesterday.

      5. 姉のお古のスーツケースを借りた。

      Ane no ofuru no sōtsukēsu o karita.

      I borrowed my sister's well-worn suitcase.

Common Compounds and Phrases
古典kotenan old book; the classics
中古chūkosecondhand (goods); the Middle Ages
古本屋furuhon-yaa secondhand bookseller
古着furugisecondhand clothing; old clothes
わ古ofuruwell-worn; much used




      サ SA ひだり hidari

      The character 左 combines ナ left hand and ェ work, and originally meant to help someone at work.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 次の角を左折してください。

      Tsugi no kado o sasetsu shite kudasai.

      Please turn left at the next corner.

      2. 選挙で左派が勝った。

      Senkyo de saha ga katta.

      The leftists won the election.

      3. 左利きですか。

      Hidari-kiki desu ka.

      Are you left-handed?

      4. 日本では、車は左側を走る。

      Nihon de wa, kuruma wa hidarigawa o hashiru.

      In Japan, cars drive on the left.

      5. このあたりは、右も左も分かりません。

      Kono atari wa, migi mo hidari mo wakarimasen.

      I don't know my left from my right around here.

Common Compounds and Phrases
左折sasetsua left-hand turn
左派sahathe left wing; the leftists
左利きhidari-kikia left-hander
左側hidari-gawathe left side; port
左手hidari-tethe left hand
左向きhidari-mukifacing left
右左migi-hidarileft and right




      シ SHI よ yo よ • つ yo(tsu) よつ • つ yot(tsu) よん yon

      The character 四 originally depicted breath coming out of a mouth. Some believe that the meaning four came from breath spreading out in four directions.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 日本の四季は美しい。
