Javanese English Dictionary. Stuart Robson, Dr.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Stuart Robson, Dr.
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462910618
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bewildered, puzzled;

      pating clinguk pl as above.

      clingup, nylingup narrow, cramped.

      clingus I bashful about being seen;

      clingusan shy by nature. See also cliyus.

      II hairs growing in the nose.

      clinthis, clinthisan ill-mannered, not well brought up.

      clinthut, nylinthut to do secretly; to act furtive; to sneak around;

      nylinthutaké to conceal s.t.;

      clinthutan secretive, furtive.

      clirit or mak clirit repr a streak of light;

      nylirit forming a thin line;

      clirat-clirit (of small things) to streak repeatedly.

      clithut var of clinthut.

      cliyus, cliyusan shy by nature (var of clingus).

      clob var of club.

      clobèk, clobèkan a dent or hollow place in a surface (var of clowèk).

      clolo, clola-clolo distraught.

      clolong, clolang-clolong to move the head slowly from side to side as though in a daze.

      clomor prone to steal (reg var of clemer).

      clomot, clomotané slang what bad luck!

      clonas reg a dealer in livestock.

      cloncong, cloncongan or cloncangcloncong going one's own way. See also tloncong.

      clonèh, nylonèh 1 varicoloured; 2 var of nylenèh;

      nylonèhi to streak s.L;

      pating clonèh multicoloured.

      clonèng var of clonèh.

      clong, clang-clong to waver between alternatives;

      clong-clongan (to walk) with a quick striding gait.

      clongob, nylongob to keep the mouth wide open;

      clongoban to keep yawning;

      clongab-clongob to have the mouth hanging open (e.g. confused);

      pating clongob pl (of mouths) wide open. Also clongop, clungup.

      clongop var of clongob.

      clonthang reg badly behaved, ill-mannered (var of clunthang).

      clop see clup.

      clor see celor.

      clorèk, nylorèki to make scribbled marks on s.t.;

      pating clorèk covered with scribble.

      clorèng, nylorèngi to make messy streaks on (var of corèng).

      clorèt var of clorèk.

      clorong ray, beam;

      cumlorong to emit beams. See also corong I.

      clorot I or mak clorot repr swooping, streaking;

      nylorot to swoop, glide, dart;

      cumlorot to dart, shoot, swoop;

      clorotan to keep swooping.

      II a certain horn-shaped cake, made from sticky rice flour, palm sugar, coconut milk, wrapped in young palm-leaves.

      clowèk see clowok.

      clowok, clowokan a dent or hollow place in a surface.

      club see clup.

      clulu repr bursting in;

      clula-clulu or pating clulu pl as above.

      cluluk to say; to give information; to point out.

      clumed var of clumik.

      clumik, pating clumik pl speaking low but distinctly;

      clumak-clumik (to speak) as above.

      clumpring 1 leaf-sheath growing out from a bamboo stalk joint; 2 a certain style of ancient earring;

      clumpringan a certain style of bracelet.

      clunas, clunasan badly behaved, ill-mannered, cheeky.

      clungup var of clongop.

      clunthang, clunthangan badly behaved, ill-mannered.

      clup or mak clup repr a plunge into s.t.; 2 repr blurting out a shocking utterance;

      ngeclupaké to plunge s.t. (into);

      keclup to get plunged into s.t.;

      clap-clup repr repeated actions as above.

      clupak earthenware oil lamp.

      during I a rare gamelan instrument consisting of small bronze cups nailed to a frame.

      II, nyluring (of face) thin, pinched-looking.

      clurit a small sickle.

      clurut I or mak clurut repr swishing.

      II a species of rat that emits a strong disagreeable odour (see curut).

      clus or mak clus repr stabbing, piercing.

      cluthak 1 (of pets) always thieving food; 2 (of man) willing to make love with any woman; 3 thievish, disobedient, greedy.

      cluwed reg to peddle one's wares from place to place.

      cluwek, nyluweki to dig into;

      cluwekan small hole, burrow. See also cuwek.

      cluweng, nyluweng to form a deep dent (in the ground);

      cluwengan a deep dent.

      cluwik, cluwikan a small hole in a hard surface; cluwak-cluwik having holes here and there.

      cluwok, cluwokan a large hole in a hard surface.

      coba ng, cobi kr 1 look!; 2 to have a go at; to do and see what happens;

      nyoba to try (out), test;

      coban a testing-ground; a guinea pig;

      coban-coban an experiment; to try s.t.;

      panyoban a trial, try-out, test run; a means of testing.

      cobak reg var of coba.

      cobek var of cowek.

      cobi kr for coba.

      coblok reg open oil lamp. See coblong I.

      coblong I 1 reg short round earthenware jar; 2 var of coblok.

      II solar or lunar eclipse.

      coblos, nyoblos to stab, prick, pierce;

      kecoblos to get pierced;

      coblosan pierced, stabbed.

      cobolo stupid, ignorant.

      cocak a thrush-like bird; - gunung, ­rawa varieties of this thrush.

      cocing reg small cup.

      cocog I 1 to agree (with); 2 to match, suit; 3 congenial;

      nyocogi to suit;

      nyocogake 1 to check with; 2 to make conform;

      cocog-cocogan to conform each other.

      II, nyocog to stick s.t. sharp (into);

      kecocog to get pierced or poked.

      cocoh a pencil-sized metal rod used for crushing or grinding betel nuts for chewing.

      cocok see cocog.

      cocol, nyocol or nyocoli 1 (of birds) to peck fruits; 2 to put bundles of rice on a pointed bamboo pole and carry them;

      cocolan pointed bamboo carrying-pole.

      cocoméyo unrespectable. See also cotoméyo.
