Water Margin. Shi Naian. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shi Naian
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462902590
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and, at the same time, sent a memorial to the new Kangxi Emperor denouncing the protest as a deliberate show of disrespect to the late Emperor. The response from the Imperial Court was savage. The Qing had been shaken by an invasion force of Ming loyalists (some twenty years after founding the Qing Dynasty) under Zheng Chenggong also known as Koxinga who had occupied Taiwan. Having driven back the invasion force and sensitive to outbreaks of disorder and disloyalty, the Kangxi Emperor ordered special envoys to deal with this case. This time, Jin Shengtan did not escape the retribution of the officials. Arrested, beaten, and tortured, Jin and 17 other leaders of the protests, along with 103 traitors connected to the Koxinga invasion were found guilty of treason. Jin’s property was confiscated and his family exiled. Writing home, Jin reflected on how he had come to this predicament unintentionally, and spoke of the only reprieve being an amnesty, though he knew that none would be forthcoming. Jin, along with the other “traitors” were decapitated by being “blown from the guns.”25 With a perfect irony which could not have possibly escaped him, Jin Shengtan the virtuous Confucian scholar, like his literary counterparts, fell foul of the excesses of corrupt officials, and was executed for doing what he knew to be right.

      The Water Margin and the “Red Bandits”

      The Water Margin featured amongst the influential works read by a young well to do Hunan peasant boy named Mao Zedong in the final years of the Qing Dynasty. Mao later revealed to Edgar Snow in Red Star Over China (1937):

      As the young Mao grew to adulthood, he fell into the radical intellectual revolution of the New Culture Movement following the establishment of the Republic in 1912 and later the May Fourth Movement of 1919. With his eclectic blend of peasant roots, traditional literature, and modern scholarship, Mao Zedong became one of the founding members of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 and went to work alongside its Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) colleagues training and organizing a peasant response to the Chinese revolution. Mao recognized like no other Chinese revolutionary, the potential of the mass of China’s peasantry as a revolutionary force. Initially as a part of the Sun Yatsen’s Kuomintang regime in southern Guangdong province, Mao directed the Kuomintang Peasant Movement Training Institute in the Kuomintang capital of Guangzhou (Canton). In August 1927, during the Kuomintang’s march north on the Northern Expedition to reunify China under its new leader Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang turned against its Communist allies. As the vast majority of Communists were being slaughtered in the urban centers of China, Mao Zedong led a Communist peasant rebellion in Hunan, known as the Autumn Harvest Uprising. Like Communist resistance throughout China, Mao’s peasant rebels were outnumbered and outgunned. Badly mauled and forced to retreat from their base in Hunan, Mao regrouped his forces with the surviving forces of Zhu De in the Jinggang Mountains of Jiangxi province, to form the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army.

      In the struggle of Mao and Zhu’s Red Army against the Kuomintang government during the Chinese Civil War, the analogy of The Water Margin with reality could not have been more apparent. It was as if The Water Margin was being yet again re-enacted, as the nascent Red Army collected various survivors of the Chinese Communist Party, dubbed “bandits” by Chiang Kai-shek, in the hills of Jiangxi. There at the Jiangxi Soviet, the Communists began regrouping the army and the Party, and re-establishing its revolutionary movement amongst the peasantry. From Jiangxi, surrounded and outnumbered, the Red Army along with several other surviving Communist forces broke out of their encirclement in 1934 and began the year long fighting retreat of the Long March. Covering the most extreme environments of southern, western, and northern China, the Long March meandered its way through rugged mountains and ravines, over snow capped high mountains at the edge of the Himalayas, over vast endless grasslands and swamps of hostile Tibetan homelands, and into the inhospitable deserts of the northwest. Fighting over much of the way, and suffering from battle casualties, desertions, and deaths through starvation and the absence of medical care, this government on the march began with some 80,000 men. When the survivors limped into Yanan in Shaanxi province in 1935, they numbered some 8,000 men. It was an incredible feat and a triumph of human endurance and like Valley Forge in 1778 or Gallipoli in 1915, it was to become the centerpiece of the foundation myth of a new nation.