Let’s dissect this bundled thought and get granular on what’s going on here:
• Keywords and Phrases:
o Thought: I want to buy a new house + visualize a horrible way to live = Frequency mismatch
o Feeling bundles:
a. ↑ Positive bundle: Excitement for a new home
b. ↓ Negative bundles: Fear and worry about loss and lack
i. Loss:
1. ↓ Losing your job
2. ↓ Losing everything
ii. Lack:
1. ↓ Not enough money to pay the mortgage
2. ↓ Being house poor
• Universe’s Search Engine:
o Searches for a match: Desire to own a home + visualizing a horrible way to live + bundles of excitement, loss 2, lack 2
o Returns a match: Find a home but lose your job so not enough money to purchase it
In contrast, a vibrational match for the desire of owning a home looks like this:
I’ve decided to buy a new house and I’m so excited about it! I’m very fortunate that I have a job so I can definitely afford it. I am a bit worried about the unknowns, but others have done it so I’m sure I can too. I know things always work out for me. I can’t wait to have our first Christmas in our new home. I can already see Joey’s and Cindy’s stockings hanging on the fireplace!
• Keywords and Phrases:
o Thought: I want to buy a new house + visualize Christmas in your new home = Frequency match
o Feeling bundles:
a) ↑ Positive bundles:
1. ↑ Excitement for a new home
2. ↑ Appreciation for job
b) Uncertainty bundle: A bit of worry but when sensed shifted to trust, so negative scratched by shift to positive
Now the Universe’s Search Engine steps up to do its job. Here’s what that looks like:
• Universe’s Search Engine:
o Searches for a match: Desire to own a home + visualizing Christmas in your new home + bundles of excitement, appreciation, and joyful experiences
o Returns match (provided no underlying mismatching frequencies): Purchase the home, keep your job, hang stockings on the mantel
Can you feel the difference in vibrational energy as you read through those two examples? In either scenario it’s important to recognize that the Universe’s Search Engine did exactly what you commanded of it, returning a match to what you’ve “searched for.”
Let’s play around with a couple more examples related to abundance, or lack thereof. Say you’re thinking about wealth in the form of how wonderful it is that you have enough money to pay your bills. The Universe’s Search Engine a) picks up those thoughts, b) searches for frequency matches to wealth, and c) returns a life experience in the form of a raise.
Take the opposite polarity and say you’re thinking about lack in the form of never having enough money to pay your bills. The Universe’s Search Engine a) picks up, b) searches for frequency matches to lack, and c) returns a life experience in the form of your rent increasing.
Again, in either scenario the Universe’s Search Engine returned matches to what you “searched for.”
Focus on What You Want, Not the Absence of It
Of course, no one intentionally “searches” for an increase in rent, but often when you think you’re focusing on what you want you’re really thinking about the absence of it. For instance, “I don’t want to be broke” is the frequency of lack and focuses on what you don’t want. That low frequency is why you don’t feel good when you focus here.
On the other hand, “I do want to be wealthy” is the frequency of wealth and focuses on what you do want. Wealth is a high frequency, which is why you feel good when you focus here.
While they may seem the same, the frequency of what you want versus what you do not want are opposite in polarity and therefore summon very different experiences. What you focus on expands, so think about what’s wanted, and not the lack aspect of it.
Sync Needed
I offer a final illustration using integrating two technologies to describe frequency matching. When you want to pair your cell phone with a car’s audio system you go into “Settings” in your phone and turn on “Bluetooth.” Your phone then sends a signal over the frequency highway (aka the Universe’s Search Engine) and there is an attempt to pair with your car’s audio system. If the frequencies match a connection is established, but if there’s no match the process is blocked and no sync occurs.
In order for an experience to occur there must be a sync between the vibrational frequency of your thoughts and the frequency of the life experiences you are seeking. There must be a match on both sides.
The Trap Door
Because the Universe’s Search Engine does its job unquestioningly the matches to your desires have already been found and are available to you. If they haven’t shown up yet they are simply waiting for you to finish pairing.
Imagine all of the desires you’ve ever had in a holding room with a trap door in the floor, and get this … the trap door is held shut with a very old and worn piece of tape that’s barely hanging on. It cannot wait to break free, which it will do as soon as you become a vibrational match to the frequency of your desire. When the vibratory match is achieved, the trap door bursts open and your desires are manifested. As fairytale-like as this may sound, it’s scientific law and can be no other way. I’ve seen it occur time and time again where manifestation goes from nowhere to now-here.
In Chapter 2 you learned how feeling bundles attach to thoughts and intensify their emissions. This section shares additional intensifiers to help expedite the return of your desires.
If a desire has been inspired within you then there’s an absolute ability of that desire to come to fruition. 4 By virtue of simply having that desire you have expanded yourself from who you were to the potentiality of who you can be. For instance, I see myself as a sought-after keynote speaker evolving how people think, resulting in dramatically improving the quality of life of audiences globally. This desire was a thought that activated and expanded my capacity for more while emanating new vibrational frequencies that the Universe’s Search Engine picked up and began seeking matches to return.
Desires are thoughts accompanied by feelings like hope and excitement. As intensifiers, those feelings bundle onto thoughts resulting in greater trajectory onto the frequency highway. This velocity works to prioritize your thoughts with a higher ranking, therefore expediting manifestation.
If you have trouble determining what your best life looks like, reflect on the things that make you happy. Ask, “What would I wish for if I had three wishes, or all the money in the world and unlimited time?” If that doesn’t work think about someone else’s life that you wish you had, narrowing in on what it is about their life that you would want. What do you admire about it? What makes their life so great? What is it that they have that you don’t? Finally, try recalling in your mind’s eye who you hoped you’d grow up to be.
Dream. Dream Bigger. Is That All You Got?
Once you know what you wish for, pump it up! Take your desires and make them grander by aiming higher. Here’s what that looks like:
• My dream: Take a weeklong