I digress momentarily to explain what to expect when you come across a “HEAR THIS” subhead. When Sterling, my youngest son, was a toddler his way of getting our attention was to demand, “Hear this!” My husband and I thought it was cute so to this day we use it when we get excited about sharing new concepts with each other.
So HEAR THIS: The frequency highway is the Universe’s Search Engine because it functions like Google a) picking up, b) searching for, and c) returning matches. Here’s what this looks like side-by-side:
a) Picks up: Keywords & phrases | a) Picks up: Emitted frequencies |
b) Searches for: Keyword matches | b) Searches for: Frequency matches |
c) Returns: Content | c) Returns: Experiences |
To illustrate how the frequency highway mirrors Google’s functionality, take the example of using a remote control to open your garage door. When clicked the remote emits a signal (aka information) and the frequency highway picks it up, and searches for a frequency match. When a signal match is located an experience occurs in the form of your garage door opening.
That same remote won’t open your neighbor’s garage or turn your television on because there’s no frequency match. There must be a frequency match between both for an experience to occur.
The concept of the frequency highway being the Universe’s Search Engine, functioning like Google by a) picking up, b) searching for vibratory frequency matches, and c) returning results in the form of experiences is the fourth and final pillar.
Universe’s Vs. Universal Search Engine
You can call the frequency highway the Universe’s Search Engine or the Universal Search Engine because both terms apply. This functionality is woven into the fabric of our cosmos, and is accessible to everyone at all times.
The scientific principles covered within these four pillars apply to all matter, inanimate or not, and carry through as the foundation for all that comes next.
Key Principles
1. Pillar 1: Basic science
a. All matter is comprised of atoms.
b. Atoms are pure energy in a constant state of vibration.
c. Vibrations produce wavelengths and frequencies.
d. Wavelengths and vibrational frequencies create electromagnetic waves.
e. High frequencies have waves with quicker intervals.
f. Low frequencies have waves with slower intervals.
2. Pillar 2: Electromagnetic waves contain information specific to the matter exuding it.
3. Pillar 3: The frequency highway is pervasive and encompasses the globe.
4. Pillar 4: The frequency highway is the Universe’s Search Engine, functioning like a browser by searching for and returning matches.
5. These principles apply to all matter, inanimate or not.
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think
in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
–Nikola Tesla
Now that you know the frequency highway is the Universe’s Search Engine we will delve into understanding more about how it works, overlaying the four pillars of science covered in the first chapter with emissions responsible for returning your life experiences.
You Are Pure Energy
If inanimate objects are constantly producing and emitting information, consider what’s being exuded from living things such as plants, animals, and mammals—including you!
You’re alive on this Earth thanks to the energy coursing throughout your body, and you enjoy life in large part through your senses that come to you as electrical impulses.
To showcase this, let’s sharpen the lens on your sense of hearing. When someone speaks their voice produces sound waves that the Universe’s Search Engine a) picks up in b) search of a frequency match. In this case, ears, where sound waves convert into electrical impulses that are processed and decoded by the brain to c) return the experience of hearing.
Dog whistles also produce sound waves, but their frequency is much higher and therefore out of range for human ears. While there’s an experience for dogs, there isn’t one for you because it’s not on a lane that can reach you—there is no vibratory frequency match.
Though pertinent, the quality of your life is not dictated or formed by the energy flowing through your body, the electrical impulses that enable your five senses, or even the physical energy exerted when you wash a car, work out, or raise a family.
Introduction: Thoughts
The energy most involved in creating your life experiences comes from your very own thoughts.
How can that be?
Each thought you have produces electrical impulses that spark neurons. Those firing neurons produce electromagnetic waves that emit vibrational frequencies outward, just like matter emitting information (figure 8). 1 The difference is, electromagnetic waves produced by firing neurons have distinctive vibrational frequencies ranging from high to low according to what you are thinking about.
Figure 8: Firing neurons emit electromagnetic waves known as “thoughts.”
Vibratory Frequency Ranges
Positive thoughts about love, appreciation, joy, and more produce and emit high frequency vibrations (figure 9).
Figure 9: Imaginary sample of positive thoughts producing wavelengths with higher frequencies.
You can tell when you’re emitting high frequency vibes because you feel lighter, more empowered, and experience greater clarity—it feels like you’re in the zone and everything’s going your way.
Negative thoughts like jealousy, revenge, or hate are the opposite polarity and emanate low frequencies with waves spread further apart. Negative frequencies make your energy denser, which is why problems feel heavy, and why it takes a lot more effort to do anything. It feels as though you’re moving through quicksand (figure 10).
Figure 10: Imaginary sample of negative thoughts producing wavelengths with lower frequencies.
One Thought at a Time
On average you have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. This equates to a new thought every 1.2 seconds. 2 If that’s hard to believe just wait a few seconds and notice that your thoughts are different from what they were a moment ago!
While tens of thousands of thoughts stream through your mind each day, the good news is it’s been scientifically proven you can only have one thought at a time. 3
Thoughts Are a Form of Currency
Having the capacity to only think one thought at a time is helpful, but the flip side is that each thought you have precludes having another one. Thoughts can be seen then as a form of currency where each one comes at a cost, because when you pay attention to one thing you spend time buying that experience and that time can never be replaced or