History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - The Original Classic Edition. Gibbon Edward. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gibbon Edward
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781486412280
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of horse, or a cohort of foot. [53] Trajan and Hadrian formed their cavalry from the same provinces, and the same class of their subjects, which recruited the ranks of the legion. The horses were bred, for

       the most part, in Spain or Cappadocia. The Roman troopers despised the complete armor with which the cavalry of the East was encumbered. Their

       more useful arms consisted in a helmet, an oblong shield, light boots,


       and a coat of mail. A javelin, and a long broad sword, were their principal weapons of offence. The use of lances and of iron maces they seem to have borrowed from the barbarians. [54]

       [Footnote 50: Veget. de Re Militari, l. ii. c. 6. His positive

       testimony, which might be supported by circumstantial evidence, ought surely to silence those critics who refuse the Imperial legion its

       proper body of cavalry. Note: See also Joseph. B. J. iii. vi. 2.--M.]

       [Footnote 51: See Livy almost throughout, particularly xlii. 61.]

       [Footnote 52: Plin. Hist. Natur. xxxiii. 2. The true sense of that very curious passage was first discovered and illustrated by M. de Beaufort, Republique Romaine, l. ii. c. 2.]

       [Footnote 53: As in the instance of Horace and Agricola. This appears to have been a defect in the Roman discipline; which Hadrian endeavored to remedy by ascertaining the legal age of a tribune. * Note: These details

       are not altogether accurate. Although, in the latter days of the

       republic, and under the first emperors, the young Roman nobles obtained the command of a squadron or a cohort with greater facility than in the former times, they never obtained it without passing through a tolerably long military service. Usually they served first in the praetorian

       cohort, which was intrusted with the guard of the general: they were received into the companionship (contubernium) of some superior officer, and were there formed for duty. Thus Julius Caesar, though sprung from a great family, served first as contubernalis under the praetor, M.

       Thermus, and later under Servilius the Isaurian. (Suet. Jul. 2, 5. Plut.


       in Par. p. 516. Ed. Froben.) The example of Horace, which Gibbon adduces to prove that young knights were made tribunes immediately on entering

       the service, proves nothing. In the first place, Horace was not a knight; he was the son of a freedman of Venusia, in Apulia, who exercised the humble office of coactor exauctionum, (collector of payments at auctions.) (Sat. i. vi. 45, or 86.) Moreover, when the poet was made tribune, Brutus, whose army was nearly entirely composed of Orientals, gave this title to all the Romans of consideration who joined him. The emperors were still less difficult in their choice; the number

       of tribunes was augmented; the title and honors were conferred on persons whom they wished to attack to the court. Augustus conferred on the sons of senators, sometimes the tribunate, sometimes the command of a squadron. Claudius gave to the knights who entered into the service,

       first the command of a cohort of auxiliaries, later that of a squadron, and at length, for the first time, the tribunate. (Suet in Claud. with

       the notes of Ernesti.) The abuses that arose caused by the edict of Hadrian, which fixed the age at which that honor could be attained. (Spart. in Had. &c.) This edict was subsequently obeyed; for the emperor Valerian, in a letter addressed to Mulvius Gallinnus, praetorian

       praefect, excuses himself for having violated it in favor of the young Probus afterwards emperor, on whom he had conferred the tribunate at an earlier age on account of his rare talents. (Vopisc. in Prob. iv.)--W.

       and G. Agricola, though already invested with the title of tribune, was

       contubernalis in Britain with Suetonius Paulinus. Tac. Agr. v.--M.]

       [Footnote 54: See Arrian's Tactics.]

       The safety and honor of the empire was principally intrusted to the legions, but the policy of Rome condescended to adopt every useful


       instrument of war. Considerable levies were regularly made among the provincials, who had not yet deserved the honorable distinction of Romans. Many dependent princes and communities, dispersed round the frontiers, were permitted, for a while, to hold their freedom and

       security by the tenure of military service. [55] Even select troops of hostile barbarians were frequently compelled or persuaded to consume their dangerous valor in remote climates, and for the benefit of

       the state. [56] All these were included under the general name of auxiliaries; and howsoever they might vary according to the difference

       of times and circumstances, their numbers were seldom much inferior to those of the legions themselves. [57] Among the auxiliaries, the bravest and most faithful bands were placed under the command of praefects and centurions, and severely trained in the arts of Roman discipline; but

       the far greater part retained those arms, to which the nature of their country, or their early habits of life, more peculiarly adapted them. By this institution, each legion, to whom a certain proportion of auxiliaries was allotted, contained within itself every species of

       lighter troops, and of missile weapons; and was capable of encountering every nation, with the advantages of its respective arms and discipline. [58] Nor was the legion destitute of what, in modern language, would be styled a train of artillery. It consisted in ten military engines of the largest, and fifty-five of a smaller size; but all of which, either

       in an oblique or horizontal manner, discharged stones and darts with irresistible violence. [59]

       [Footnote 55: Such, in particular, was the

       state of the Batavians. Tacit. Germania, c. 29.]

       [Footnote 56: Marcus Antoninus obliged the vanquished Quadi and


       Marcomanni to supply him with a large body of troops, which he immediately sent into Britain. Dion Cassius, l. lxxi. (c. 16.)]

       [Footnote 57: Tacit. Annal. iv. 5. Those who fix a regular proportion of as many foot, and twice as many horse, confound the auxiliaries of the emperors with the Italian allies of the republic.]

       [Footnote 58: Vegetius, ii. 2. Arrian, in his order of march and battle

       against the Alani.]

       [Footnote 59: The subject of the ancient machines is treated with great

       knowledge and ingenuity by the Chevalier Folard, (Polybe, tom. ii. p.

       233-290.) He prefers them in many respects to our modern cannon and mortars. We may observe, that the use of them in the field gradually became more prevalent, in proportion as personal valor and military

       skill declined with the Roman empire. When men were no longer found,

       their place was supplied by machines. See Vegetius, ii. 25. Arrian.]

       Chapter I: The Extent Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines.--Part III.

       The camp of a Roman legion presented the appearance of a fortified city. [60] As soon as the space was marked out, the pioneers carefully levelled the ground, and removed every impediment that might interrupt its perfect regularity. Its form was an exact quadrangle; and we may

       calculate, that a square of about seven hundred yards was sufficient for

       the encampment of twenty thousand Romans; though a similar number of our


       own troops would expose to the enemy a front of more than treble that extent. In the midst of the camp, the praetorium, or general's quarters, rose above the others; the cavalry, the infantry, and the auxiliaries occupied their respective stations; the streets were broad and perfectly straight, and a vacant space of two hundred feet was left on all sides between the tents and the rampart. The rampart itself was usually twelve feet high, armed with a line of strong and intricate palisades, and defended by a ditch of twelve feet in depth as well as in breadth.

       This important labor was performed by the hands of the legionaries