Aqua Fin Crossing the Crucibles. Sherman E Hister. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherman E Hister
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781952320217
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have picked a better place to land. He or the pilot couldn’t have seen this place now knowing neither could have the pilot when he left leaving in the direction the plane came from. Miller just stood still in the oasis waiting to see what would happen next. Sure enough there was movement outside the oasis in the sand the wind lifted a circular moving funnel of sand in that direction. Miller stood in amazement realizing this would be his show.

      The plane returned within a weeks time, and the pilot just had to land and stop. Miller loaded his gear as the plane lifted up in the direction of a larger airport. When the small plane landed Miller noticed the large hanger from across where he unloaded. That looked about like what he would eventually, before boarding he alluded to the ability to look at the structure, and when he was on board homeward bound he folded a piece of paper he had gotten from the large airport.

      As Miller returned to where he lived there was a knock at his door. This happened to be the first knock he had ever heard at this place where he lived. He opened the door surprised that anyone knew where he lived. It was Anastasia and he remembered she had been here before. “Are you happy to see me?” She was holding a file pretty full of paper. “What do you need that for are you going to do some work?” She smiled, “Oh well I might look over them, but I just don’t want to leave them out in my car.” Miller didn’t really need to know so she came in. “Where have you been this time?” She must have stopped by when Miller was gone. Miller didn’t know how to answer because when he sat down the files fanned out enough for Miller to glance at them when she was asking him more about what had he been doing because he sure doesn’t go to the water treatment plant everyday. While Miller began his answer to this question he realized something. “Well actually I was working.” She looked at him with disbelief. He was not focused on this how come she had the files similar to what Miller had asked Fredward about that Fredward was not able to really answer. So Miller asked, “Where are you heading?” She didn’t understand why he would ask this, “Well I’m not planning on leaving yet.” That wasn’t what Miller was asking for. “No I mean after here. Are you going back to the plant?” Anastasia was insecure about the question he asked so he speaks. “Just beginning to work on some new work, I’ve got a lot to create in a certain amount of time.”

      “Well then I’ll just go,” Miller took a chance, “You can stay and work too if you need to.” He said so she could stay. Miller then wondered if she should have these results. Something was going on Miller knew it. Then it hit, what if these were classified, should she have them. Probably not, Miller thought this as if it were being made up. What was she doing he thought. Then it hit was she even from here. “What are you going to have to do?” This question made her seem more aware and Miller wasn’t trying to do that. He simply didn’t know what to do. So he offered to make something to eat and she said she was interested, but it turned out Miller needed to go buy from the store for what she was going to eat. Well some of it he needed French bread. Miller only made it to the water treatment plant and Fredward was there. For whatever Miller told Fredward he was sure back with French bread fast. “I didn’t think you were going to return.” Miller knew otherwise she would still be there. Miller made their food and then she seemed that she had to be going. Miller knew she would be. The next day Miller had been working harder than ever before. It was time to max out a performance he thought. This would be a show to remember. He was setting a ticket percentage up that the people whom buy these tickets would be also buying a ticket to be flown to this airport. The rest of the tickets being sold he would just sell the tickets according to the person who bought the ticket would need to find their own route to the show.

      Miller was curious about the incident that involved Fredward so he made his way over when he got the chance. Fredward Sampson scientist was hard at work as usual when Miller stepped in. “You’re not going to believe this.” Is all that Fredward would say before unloading a story of information on Miller he found himself thinking about on his couch. He had misunderstood the severity of Fredward’s notes being outside the grounds of the water treatment place Miller didn’t really care because he remembered he saw. He saw enough of the results that it would allow him what he needed. Miller began working on a new group of songs for the desert show. Before he knew he was playing at the desert airport. It was a sold out show. He could tell the songs he wrote added with the voice pitch he discovered created an affect he was trying to figure out, but instead it worked just by him doing the work. Miller waits to see what this would cause. He wanted to organize another show. Miller wanted to play the biggest show he played before because he felt accomplished, and intended on sharing his music the way he wanted to. He had worked that hard in preparation to be at this point. When Miller returned home he was not prepared for someone to be using his shower. When he opened the door to the bathroom it was Anastasia standing behind the shower curtain. “What are you doing in here? How did you get in, did you break into my house?” Anastasia walked passed him with her towel covering her body. “I’m a spy if you haven’t figured it out, but I got away after you went to see Fredward.” “Got away from what?” Is all Miller wanted to know, Miller wasn’t sure what to think but there was a naked girl in his bathroom and he had been on the road for a while. Lets just say when they talked about what she said, Miller knew what to tell her. She had been a foreigner and was not going back, and assumed guilt here because she gave the notes back. It took her several months to get her hands on the notes, and she was more interested if Fredward would still let her work. Miller thought he probably would, but she would have to illicit herself to experimentation. Anastasia looked strangely at Miller but hoped he’d just kiss her. Better yet Miller asked her if she ever used any of the property at the water treatment plant. She had done it before, but not at the plant. “Would you want to now?” Miller was serious when he pulled a bag from his pocket and asked her if she had a light. They make their way over to sit, and smoke some cannabis together. When they did the talking occurred. “When did you become a spy?” “That’s not something I want to discuss right now.” “Well then are you ever going back?” Anastasia smirked, “I don’t know. I probably need to start smoking more of this.” She pointed at the bag on the table by where they were sitting. “Do you think if I submit myself to testing he’ll always make me use this stuff?” Miller shook his head, “Not really.” “Good, it’s not always for me.” They sit there for a few minutes, and Miller asks if he can play for her. She is delighted by his question, and so he begins to play one of his songs for her. He has to stop due to the look on her face. She was shocked at his ability, and asks if he had always been able to sing like that. “No, but I guess with the practice I worked at it until I could do it.” Anastasia was calm she was very strong and her demeanor seemed sure. Miller got them something to drink and sliced some fruit. She went out to her car while Miller ate some fruit, and before to long he was looking over what he had been working on. This was a new song that he finished as Anastasia came back inside. “Do you mind if I stay here until I get my own place.” Miller hadn’t realized she had left, and had already gone and talked it out with Fredward. Miller couldn’t believe she had already done this in that amount of time, but thought she would probably stay any way. Miller couldn’t believe how happy he was. He had surpassed any dream he had ever had for himself. The work was a gift he felt so lucky to have. So he worked as often as possible. When Anastasia had made enough money to start buying her own place she found a small house similar to Miller’s, and close to his and the water treatment plant. Miller’s music was beginning to need to book larger shows for the amount of people who were wanting to buy a ticket. After he played at a desert located hanger it seems his voice had the ultimate effect. It was something people were becoming in common with. Miller had played more around the world than he had been playing in his own country. So he decided he might change that. He started booking more lake shows around his country. The first summer he did that he would have to slow down. They were the most memorable summer days of his life. It seemed to work so well for him that when he would get home he would sleep through two or three of Anastasia’s shifts. When he would get home she would come over. This would only last for the rest of the summer. When Miller and his work stopped he drove to the snow to take a needed vacation. Miller became aware of how much he needed to practice. So he took the time to learn how to snowboard. It was a soaring experience not just because of the amount of ice his body needed when he was done for the day, but when he got the hang of it, it was similar to the freedom of flying. He really stayed an additional amount of days because of the girls he kept