Aqua Fin Crossing the Crucibles. Sherman E Hister. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherman E Hister
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781952320217
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to be a whole lot. What have you really been doing?” Anastasia had no idea what he was even talking about. She was clueless to what he had been doing. So he explained to her. “What I have been doing started by meeting Fredward.” Yes, Anastasia knew he and Fredward had a strange bond. “When I started working with him I started working as well outside of the water treatment plant.” Anastasia judged the bond as strange not realizing what actually happened between had to do with life and death. So she wouldn’t understand unless maybe she was told the story.

      Miller finally got to his music, “I found a way to write music and I taught myself how to sing.” Anastasia didn’t know what to think she didn’t ever notice Miller as a talented person, but didn’t realize how hard Miller works. She wouldn’t know from the plant because they weren’t ever really around each other working, and Miller wasn’t really responsible for any work that was to complex. What he did outside the water treatment plant was more important to Miller. It was truly what he knew he could do for himself.

      Anastasia didn’t know how to take this or even believe it. “What do you mean you secretly became a rock star and made a bunch of money?” Miller got frustrated with her because he wasn’t making this up. “Look I randomly realized I wanted to try something and started trying it. Then I got better at it I tried more things out that had to do with creating music, I eventually found a way to play for people. I put together a venue, and that turned into me standing here talking to you.” “When were you doing all of this?” Miller was relieved she seemed she was understanding. “Every chance I got outside of the plant I would work on this sound I had. That turned into words, and I began singing it until I felt that it was good. This just turned into something more, and I began to define it then make more of it.” “What do you mean define it?” “I began to finesse what I had gotten, and kept going with it.” Miller grabbed a sheet from the table that had the first of the song he began writing to show her.

      “Once I felt like I finished a song I’d start writing another and they kept coming to me.” Anastasia was still in disbelief, “So when you stopped coming in for work it was because you were putting on a concert?” Miller had to see if he remembered, “Well yes, but maybe not that night, I think I was just coming up to see you.” Anastasia had to sit down for a minute, “So how did you get people to your first rock concert if you had never performed any music for anyone?” “I don’t know I just did and it all just seemed right for how long I had worked on it.” This was making Anastasia think about, and she could see he was all about it. “It worked like nobody could believe it’s been incredible like something’s been powering me through it and I only went more. Would you want to join me tonight, for this evening?” The question was an offer Anastasia did not want to miss, so the thought, “Why not,” was all she needed to say without much else. She couldn’t believe he had done this for being so young. He must’ve worked really hard for a long time without any interruption. This was crucial for Miller he had enjoyed her company since the first time he had met her. Miller liked how strong she seemed. It was a night.

      Miller found out that the plane he got wouldn’t take off unless he had someone take a look at it because the pilot said it needed some work. He was given a flight manual for the plane so he could look over it. Miller got back and immediately got to work. He memorized every part of the plane he could. When the plane was fixed Miller took off. He got to use his voice the way he had learned how too. This was important for Miller to advance to a career. It censored his tie to only play where he was from. He now had a world stage to play from. The show was going to go on for Miller he had to get to work. It worked out that he could make it back at night. He really only went to see his parents because the type of cuisine it seemed in those days came from all over the world. Miller kept going he seemed to work enough that he never really was famous in a way that didn’t allow him to live his life. He saw many different women he seemed to get to know on the road. They didn’t realize he was a musician half the time they really thought he was business success of some type the one they didn’t meet working. The first chance he got back from this time he returned to the water treatment plant he had some questions for Fredward.

      One of the early mornings he had a drive, and got to the dam before the lake. On top he saw a bird in flight where it wasn’t flying. It simply had found a gust of wind current that the way it had its wings spread in wasn’t moving only stuck in the air motionless. Miller was fathomed by this and watched.

      Fredward was pleasured by Miller’s presence, and immediately got Miller’s current paycheck. Miller said thank you, and they went together to empty the bins that Fredward had been discarding in. He had been working a lot because there was a new reform in his testing Fredward had created. So he was able to do more experimentation. The stack of statistics on his desk was proof of that when they returned to his office to have a chat.

      Miller asked first if Fredward had ever been interested in birds of flight Fredward was surprised, “Well of course.” He had a book of birds that someone might own if they were bird watchers for sport. Miller was pleased with this so he asked, “Would you believe that a bird wouldn’t have to fly it could only open its wings to stay fixated in the air.” Fredward said, “Yes.” That was really all Miller had to ask the scientist they worked together for a few more hours. Miller had some work to do. When he got back he gorged himself on some of the cuisine he was so lucky to come by in a place he never played before, but where he got the idea was watching men in a marketplace playing music to a large snake that seemed to have a hood and was almost mesmerized by the sound of the music. This went on in the middle of a market place where vendors continuously sold their products and produce. As Miller decided that would be a great idea to perform his music for people to listen to while they shopped.

      Miller was interested by this bird that had mastered the air. So he went to his room to find his kite. When he usually would be working inside he had to go outside. He wanted to get a better understanding of the ability of flight. The wind was out so it wasn’t long before he had to go outside. He wanted to get a better understanding of the ability of flight. The wind was out so it wasn’t long before he had the kite up. It was incredibly difficult for Miller to be able to understand what he was understanding. He could hold the kite still in one spot while the wind kept it flying. This was just like the bird. Miller was just holding it with a string unlike the bird sustaining itself in flight. His eyes were wide and decided he should go right. So Miller did, when he put back his kite something came to him to write. He was to free like he would always be sustained in flight. There was no rope holding him in place he was stuck in flight. There would be no reason to ever come down that was life.

      The songs began to rapidly produce as his pencil pushed forward. He had a lot of notes not any actual songs. Then he started to write one without flaw. He could remember finding his voice and found a way to describe it describing it. The song was well written and Miller could not wait to reform it. He was aware that this one could have an effect.

      He went back to the water treatment plant again for Fredward and him to have a conversation. “How old were you when you realized you were a scientist?” “About eight.” “What could you tell me about the experimentation results of your study?”

      Chapter 5

      Oasis Tribute

      “What would you want to know? If it’s classified you know I will be unable to answer.” “Were you studying emotions?” “Can you be clearer with your question?” “Did you ever do any studies based on a subjects emotion, and the effect of the cannabis?” “What do you want to know?” “Did it have a good or bad effect?” “All I’m going to tell you is both?” “Why is that?” Fredward looked passed him, “That’s all.” Miller took this information with himself to the hall with the tubes. He thought about it with the water rushing sound through the tubes.

      Miller found a desert where he would perform another show. He decided to live out in this wilderness for a week to plan it out. When he woke all he knew was he paid a pilot to return in a week to pick him up. He thought he had enough food and water for a week. Until then he would just act like he had planned everything out. He probably had so he starts to walk, sure enough only after a short distance he stumbles upon an oasis. There were actually flowers growing here among the