The FIFTH FORCE of NATURE or, HELLO, EINSTEIN! Fantastic story. Ludmila Naumova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ludmila Naumova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449895523
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Maxim replied that there were some ideas that he needed to test, but his method is more original than can imagine – it combines thoughts and ideas from different seemingly unrelated aspects of life. And Green in his dream envied Maxim, his ability to think so original.

      When Green awoke, he tried to make sense of the dream. This dream gave him the idea of the novel is Hesse’s «Glass bead Game».

      The bead game, Hesse wrote in the introduction, resembles «an organ whose keys and pedals cover the entire spiritual cosmos.» By playing it, the castalians could «reproduce all the spiritual content of the world». Each party, the author gave a quite technical definition, was «a sequential combination, grouping and opposition of concentrated ideas from many mental and aesthetic spheres.» The essence of the Game is in its elements, in these «concentrated ideas». Being able to read and use what you read is a game. A skilled reader does not store thoughts, but uses them. But only a master knows the art of stringing. Its goal is not a mechanical connection, but an organic fusion of the taken. He does not read stories and characters, but epochs and cultures, and sees the author as his school. By loading someone else’s text with his associations, he draws the book into a new batch. By entering the world of reading, the game changes its meaning and composition. The best games are played in a mind so rich in internal connections that it no longer needs external reality. Playing with beads is a creative activity for yourself. To squeeze the spirit into the body, Hesse offered (and practiced) a special meditation. Not the one that bypasses consciousness directly connects us to the cosmos, but some mental effort of consciousness that leads deep into the contemplated and connects with it.

      So Professor Green realized that he had had a dream about a game of beads and his party in this game is still ahead. Playing with beads became a method of research for him.

      Playing with densities is like playing with beads

      It was Sunday, a day off, and the Professor didn’t have to go to the Institute. He went to the Park, found a more deserted place, sat down on a bench and buried himself in his thoughts.

      – It is necessary to apply the method of playing beads in my logic. So… Energy can also be considered as a universal set. It can be compressed, dispersed, it can change from one view to another, it can be transferred from one dimension to another. In the physical world, one form of energy is the mass of a body. On the other hand, mass is, and therefore energy, in various aggregate States – for example, in the form of a gas, liquid, or solid. The well-known formula E=mc2 states that free energy must be compressed several thousand times to enter the mass phase. The density formula is m=q * V, hence E= q*V* c2. Hypothetically, for mass-free energy to suddenly acquire the same density as the mass of a body, it must first occupy a volume greater in V* c2 than the mass of that body of a given density before it is compressed. The assumption that superstrings simultaneously reside in all dimensions can shed light on the nature of consciousness. If, at the level of superstring size, consciousness is considered as a set that can concentrate and disperse to the levels of all dimensions and arrive in all dimensions as superstrings, then consciousness can interact with all kinds of energies. It can affect not only light, electromagnetic waves, but also other types of matter, fields, for example, the energy of dark matter, that is, energy from other dimensions. And then our consciousness is something that consciously controls the densities of sets. Thoughts are a certain set and as a certain type of energy, with which consciousness is directly connected. We can say that consciousness plays with the densities of sets like a game of beads through thoughts. Our thoughts can be either embodied or unrealized, that is, they can be in different States, in different dimensions, be visible, realized in some form, and invisible. A thought embodied in reality is a set condensed into a real physical form.

      What Elon Musk didn’t consider

      Back in 2017, engineer-inventor and billionaire Elon Musk created a company that was engaged in secret developments to combine thought commands with commands on computers. Thus, Elon Musk wanted a person to be able to mentally give commands to computers, for example, the simplest commands to turn on and off, and computers could do it. Owned by Elon Musk, the company Neurolink in 2017 began recruiting scientists who were tasked with combining the human brain and computer to prepare for the predicted confrontation between humans and artificial intelligence. Elon Musk used the term «neural lace» to refer to the technology of such communication: a tiny chip installed directly in the brain would allow you to quickly download and download a person’s thoughts to a computer and back.

      Work on the development of such technologies is still classified. But Elon Musk was wrong, he went along the path of neural connections, believing that neurons are what produces thoughts. And there was a mistake. The mind that produces thoughts is consciousness, it exists separately from the brain, and consciousness and the brain are different concepts. The neural connections of the brain associated with electrical impulses did not characterize the emergence of thoughts, which is not associated with electromagnetic interaction. Neurons only played the role of a biological computer, a receiver, a kind of hard drive, interacting with thoughts, executing commands. houghts themselves, like programs that appeared in the mind, did not interact with neurons via electromagnetic communication. Through electromagnetic communication, neurons only mediated what they received directly from consciousness to other cells.

      Neurons received information (thoughts) from the mind through some new type of interaction, and this type of interaction had yet to be determined. Thus, it has long been known that when a person speaks, or even just thinks, his brain shows some electrical activity. By reading the patterns of this activity and comparing them with those already decoded, you can literally read thoughts. Further conversion of this information into synthesized speech is just a matter of technique. The problem of reading thoughts from the brain is almost solved. But thoughts come to the brain from consciousness, and how consciousness produces thoughts is still a mystery.

      Most importantly, if consciousness itself does not want to produce thoughts, then no brain can do it, in spite of consciousness. Thus, in relation to thoughts, consciousness is primary, and the brain is secondary. Elon Musk did not consider this feature.

      Thus, Green, a Professor of physics and Director of research on superstring theory, set himself a specific task-to determine the type of interaction between consciousness, thoughts (ideas) and neurons in the brain. And he decided to solve this problem using the combinatorial method of «playing with beads», inspired by a dream about playing with beads based on Hesse’s novel.

      He called a friend, Eduard, a Professor of mathematics.

      «Hey, Ed. I looked at your formulas and calculation methods. You know, in one word, «great.» This is exactly what I need. I will explain to you what thoughts and information are from the point of view of your Unified mathematics. On the virtual multidimensional Board of imagination, a multidimensional field, images appear in turn, either spontaneously or with the help of volitional efforts. Images can be transformed in every possible way using verbs. Verbs in images play the same role as operation signs in Unified mathematics. More precisely, verbs are signs of operations in your Unified mathematics. The result is a complete symmetry between the Unified mathematics and everything that happens to the images on the virtual imagination Board. Thus, it is possible to fully describe all the thoughts that are produced on the virtual Board of imagination in a Single mathematics. And expressions in Unified mathematics, on the contrary, can be written in images, since there is complete symmetry. You can do anything on this virtual Board with thoughts!!! This is still a field that has not been touched by anyone’s control, except the self-control of the individual. Let’s meet you. I have a lot to tell you.

      And the friends agreed to meet.

      It seems that all this is far from mathematics…

      However, the next morning, mathematics Professor Eduard woke up in great doubt about the correctness of his own research. In academic school, they were not taught to think