The FIFTH FORCE of NATURE or, HELLO, EINSTEIN! Fantastic story. Ludmila Naumova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ludmila Naumova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449895523
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      Fantastic story

      Ludmila Naumova

      © Ludmila Naumova, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-9552-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Dear reader! None of us knows exactly what will happen in thirty or forty years, but it is clear that the world will be different. Even the great thinkers Schelling and R. Penrose spoke about the Fifth force of nature. The author’s new book “The Fifth force of nature or, Hello, Einstein!” continues the story from the previous book “Supersymmetry”. The plot of the book is set in 2056.

      The main character of the story is Professor of physics Green, Director of the Institute for research on M-theory. Like his longtime friend (mathematics Professor), Green is visited by inspiration. He opens a new fifth type of interaction – the fifth force of nature. Unified mathematics, created by his friend Eduard, becomes a tool of the new theory.

      A physics Professor creates a new theory about the fifth force of nature, where Einstein’s theory is radically revised. Just as the famous formula E=mc2 predetermined the development of nuclear physics, this same formula determines the discovery of the fifth force of nature in a new theory. Academic circles are not ready to accept the theory and radically revise physics. But the secret intelligence services are confident in the new theory and are trying to recruit a scientist and make them work for them. The scientist refuses the offer of the special services and secretly with his loyal friends invents a device based on a new theory about the fifth force of nature, which will help thwart the dirty plans of the special services. The new device is fundamentally different from the secret developments of Elon Musk, who since 2018 tried to connect the computer and human thoughts, because the main interaction in the device is the fifth force of nature itself. And more… New Information relativity instead of Einstein’s relativity – as a result of Professor Green’s research. Steve Jobs the founder of Apple, was a Prime example of the practical application of the new information theory of relativity, creative combinatorial thinking that radically changes the world. Not knowing about the information theory of relativity, Steve Jobs became its forerunner, moving humanity along the path of evolution.

      The book is dedicated to theoretical scientists and all researchers of Truth who are on the edge of human knowledge.


      «More and more theorists believe that the key idea leading to the „great unification“ of gravity and quantum theory may be to reformulate views of nature not in terms of matter and energy, but in terms of information.» R. Penrose

      Density and sets. Information as a set

      The Director of the Institute for research on M-theory (the Theory of everything, as the theory was popularly called), Professor Green of physics, woke up early in the morning. A series of thoughts that had come to him in bed that night, before he had fallen asleep, were accumulating in his mind. The day before, he had received a phone call from his friend, math Professor Philip. Philip shared his ideas, telling him everything that he had told their mutual friend, math Professor Edward. Also, the day before, green himself had an extraordinary dream, which he also told Professor Edward about.

      The essence of the dream was as follows:

      He had a dream that he was a king, and everyone came to a ball in his Kingdom. During the ball, he saw a beautiful unknown woman. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. He asked her to dance with him, and he was a joy to waltz with her. He had never danced a waltz in his life, or even knew how to dance. And then he did such a thing! Then he asked her to dance again, and the story was repeated. But soon, from the balcony, he saw her coming down the stairs and leaving, and she looked up, and their eyes met again, and she smiled and that was it. She was gone.

      Professor Green understood the meaning of this extraordinary dream – the very inspiration came to him, the very real one! It was also surprising that all three friends had dreams with a beautiful woman.

      «Gravity is the interaction of masses. Every object that has mass is subject to gravity. Density is the accumulation of mass per unit volume. There are 4 phases of density (density level) of a physical object – its aggregate States – plasma, gas, liquid, solid. An accumulation of mass in a unit of volume is an accumulation of elementary particles in a unit of volume. On the other hand, a set is a collection of information elements based on some attribute. A cluster of elementary particles is a set based on the number of elementary particles. Thus, this set can condense, atomize, go into different phases – that is, into a plasma, a liquid, a gas, a solid, and all this will also be a set. That is, all the same elements of information. Depending on which phase this set is in, the gravity on this set will manifest in different ways. On the third hand, the environment (which can be considered as a level of space, a dimension) in which this set is located is also a set and will affect the first set depending on the phase. Example: Consider a person in 2 environments and phases: – on earth and in water. In the water, its movement will be less rapid, but it will be able to move freely up and down, like a fish (if instead of lungs, there were gills), which cannot be on the ground. It is as if repelling from the medium itself (water) can perform any somersaults (the pushing force is the force of Archimedes). On land, it will not be able to push off the air to do the same somersaults, that is, it cannot fly. Now let’s generalize this conclusion to sets. That is, if two sets are given, where one set is the medium and the other set is the object. The set-object can move freely or not freely depending on the set – environment – water or air. The set-environment can be not only in the types of water or air. For example, a medium can be a vacuum, and a moving object (set) in the medium can be light. If freedom of movement is possible for all sets of objects, depending on the choice of sets of media, then there is such a set – an environment in which our thoughts (if they are considered as a set) float freely, as in water. And it is probably an environment where thoughts float like water – it is a different level of space – that is, another space and dimension that we are not able to detect directly with our instruments and senses. That is, in such a dimension, thoughts would be a solid object, but not so solid that they could not repel on the environment, as a person cannot repel on the air. This means that the ratio of phases and densities between sets of objects and sets of media is important. To achieve when a thought in the air moves like a person in water, that is, its effect on the air and bodies was effective (it is like „SIM – SIM open“ and the door opened), it is necessary that the thought became more dense and so to produce such actions. But since any set can condense and disperse – that is, change its density, and therefore change its gravity-thoughts can change their gravity (now compacting, now dispersing). Crystallization of salt in a saline solution is an example of compaction of a substance. When a substance is compacted, the invisible can crystallize into the visible. There is a change in density, i.e. the mass increases and the gravitational properties of the substance change. If consciousness as an object can be considered as a set at the superquant level, that is, at the level of superstrings, then in order for consciousness to penetrate through thought into all environments, into other dimensions, it must change its density as a set. All this can be mathematically represented in the form of sets of elements that interact – Union, intersection, densification of sets, etc. Any information can be written as sets.»

      The Professor closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair, able to remember and write down all the thoughts that had come to him that night.

      Throughout the day, Professor Green looked forward to the next night, what would he dream this time?

      A dream about the glass bead game as a method

      Night came at last. The Professor began to doze. He had a dream about a childhood friend. Boy Maxim from the past. This boy lived next door, he was kind, but stupid. But his simplicity, sincerity appealed to Green, so Green was friends with him. He helped him at school in math lessons, as Maxim had a hard time learning. And now in a dream, Green meets him in adulthood, he believes