Easy Way to Get And Stay Slim. Mindset For Weight Loss. A. Ovechkin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Ovechkin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449871503
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I came up for a sort of swift kick in the pants. It was so powerful that my whole world flipped upside down. My counselor inspired me. He gave me hope and demonstrated how attractive my life could be if I were slim.

      Obesity is a psychosomatic disease

      Obesity is a psychosomatic disorder. At first, your ‘psyche’ suffers, and the body is next. “Psyche” means soul, ‘soma’ means body. Psychosomatic disorder.

      Oh, here is our man!

      Hello, come up here. Take your seat. Here, Mila shows you the empty chair. Ok. So, I prepared everyone for your arrival. I told them you are a sort of mascot of our group! You know, men are rare here. But their presence contributes a lot to a weight loss of the women.

      – ☺

      – There are a lot of men with excess weight, but just a few are seeking the assistance of experts. They should. It’s the easiest way to get slim.

      N.B.! Obesity is a psychosomatic disorder, a chronic disease that tends to relapse. “Tending to relapse” means that if you return to former eating behavior, you start gaining weight again.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Only humans have self-consciousness. Therefore, we can affect the disease caused by the impaired performance of self-consciousness through the self-exploration.

      Remember: psychosomatic diseases are unique to humans!

      This type of diseases include bronchial asthma, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, idiopathic hypertension, neurodermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, coronary artery disease, psychosomatic thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus type II, obesity and neurocirculatory asthenia.

      According to our theory, any psychosomatic disorder is a result of a malfunction of hemispheric asymmetry (N. I. Kosenkov, 1997). Psychosomatic disease occurs due to the increased activity of the left hemisphere. We believe that some other diseases, such as radiculitis, hemicephalalgia, intestinal colic, irritable bowel syndrome, dyskinesia of bile ducts, chronic pancreatitis, and infecundity, may have a psychosomatic nature as well.

      The physiological adaptation mechanism (for compensation of functional brain asymmetry) is the impairment of an adequate response from body organs or functional systems with temporary functional asymmetry to biological or social stimuli. As a result, these body organs or functional systems are damaged due to trophic disturbances, primarily related to microcirculation disorders, which leads to pain. The pain, in turn, activates the right hemisphere, and the asymmetry of the brain leaves the critical zone.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – I bet your former eating behavior is based on taking long breaks between meals. For example, you satisfy your hunger with sweets and desserts instead of eating healthy food. Have you ever done it?

      – Yes.

      – So, you ‘feed’ your hunger with desserts, depriving yourself of healthy food. Pauses between meals can last for eight or even ten hours. You eat once or twice a day. Then a woman with this type of eating behavior comes to me and says: “I guess someone put a curse on me. I eat once a day, but I’m still gaining weight!”

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Increase in the volume of the stomach due to the abundant meal changes the reflex activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract and can lead to obesity, since the sensation of satiety occurs much later. That’s why if you are suffering from obesity, you need to cut down the amount of food eaten and increase meal frequency. It helps to ease you hunger and induces early feeling of satiety.

      The formation of new fat cells occurs: during the last trimester of pregnancy; in the first six or twelve months after birth; at the age of three, six, and during puberty (at the age of twelve-fifteen). After the age of fifteen, the number of fat cells doesn’t change; it stays the same. But a cell size can change. When you gain weight, fat cells increase in size. When an obese or overweight person loses weight, the fat cells shrink. Severe obesity also causes serious mental changes.

      Andrey Vasilyevich Trenogov, psychologist, psychiatrist: For a long time, fat cells were considered to be storage depot. It was believed that they accumulated fat and then got rid of it, just as if they were storage tanks. Now we understand that it works a different way. Fat cells are “alive”. They need nutrition just like all other cells of our body. If you do long breaks between meals, the fat cells tend to accumulate energy intensively instead of spending it.

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – I tell her: “Curses have nothing to do with it.” Since ancient time, at certain moments of life metabolism of a human has been tending to slow down, activating fat storage mechanism… Imagine an ancient human. He spends lots of time without eating. For example, he can’t find any food. What will be his body response? Any ideas?

      – Accumulation.

      – Snezhana, an experienced accountant, is right! His body slows down metabolism and triggers economy mode.

      Prolonged starvation is a signal for the body that it is necessary to stock up on the in-taking nutrition just in case if there is no food for a long time again.

      When a person spends ten hours without food, his/her metabolism slows down and gets disturbed. During the next meal, some nutrition will be kept “in store”. Imagine that you act like this day by day, for many months. You stay hungry for the whole day, and then, in the evening, you gorge yourself with foods. As a result, your body accumulates unwanted tummy fat.

      Nikolay Ivanovich Kosenkov, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ph. D. of medical science

      Functions of adipose tissue are as follows:

      – accumulation of energy reserves (one kilogram of fat contains 8,750 kilocalories);

      – insulation of internal organs and gastrointestinal tract, their protection against mechanical impact and injuries;

      – heat protection (maintaining the proper body temperature);

      – accumulation of lipid-soluble vitamins (А, D, Е, К);

      – endocrine function..

      Group session of psychologist

      Artyom Andreyevich Ovechkin:

      – Obesity is a chronic disease. It means that you are ‘under threat’ for the rest of life. Progressive obesity means that if you start to gain excess weight, it’s difficult to stop the process.

      Nevertheless, sometimes people get “mixed” results.

      Tayisia lost ten pounds, and then…

      – …gained twenty pounds.

      – Precisely. Then she lost twenty pounds and gained twenty-four pounds. And so on.

      We have to restore metabolism after a long-term eating disorder. Most of you never face such a problem when you were young. During a certain period of time, when you were two, five, or seven, you didn’t have any excess weight. Am I right?

      – Yes.

      – You started gaining weight later.

      Change your eating behavior to drop excess weight

      When you didn’t have excess weight, you regularly